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File metadata and controls

139 lines (110 loc) · 7.52 KB


License: MIT MSVC Win32/x64 Linux gcc/clang min-Linux gcc/clang

Several Files in One

CompoundFs is a fully fledged file-system organized in a single Operating-System file. It consists of a user defined directory structure alongside potentially multiple user-supplied data files. The whole compound file structure can easily be moved or send around as it exists as a single OS file.

Transactional Write-Operations

Write-operations either succeed entirely or appear as if they never have happend at all. Application crashes, power-failures or file-system exceptions can not cripple existing file-data as file meta data is only manipulated by successfull transactions. Incomplete transactions are ignored and eventually rolled back.

Two Phase Write-Operations

A write-operation consists of a first phase where any number of directory manipulations and file creation/append/delete or bulk-write operations can take place. Gigabytes of data can be written during this phase.
The writer's changes are at first only visible to the writer itself while multiple readers still see the state of the file before the write-operation.
The end of the write-operation employs a short commit-phase which makes the entire write-operation visible in one go. During the commit-phase the writer has exclusive access to the file and readers have to wait for the writer to complete.

High Performance Directory Structure

The internal file structure is organized as a B+Tree to ensure short access times. Key-value pairs have dynamic size to pack the maximum amount of data into the tree's nodes.

General Organization

  • File meta data is organized in pages of 4096 bytes which is expected to be the atomic size for hardware write-operations to external storage.
  • Pages can be in one of three states: Read, New, Dirty.
    • Read pages are cached to avoid reading them again.
    • New pages did not exist before. They are cached because they might change more than once.
    • Dirty pages were first brought into memory as Read pages but subsequently changed by the current write operation. They are cached for the same reason as the New pages.
  • The CacheManager manages the pages and keeps track of the memory consumption.
  • At any time at most one write-operation can be active in parallel with an arbitrary number of read-operations.
  • No data is ever changed on existing pages except at the very end of the write-operation the so called commit phase.
  • New pages are allocated either by extending the file at the end or by reusing pages that were previously in-use but subsequently marked as deleted.
  • Deleted pages are organized as one big list of free pages in the FreeStore.
  • A file can only grow if the FreeStore has no free pages left (or during the commit-phase).
  • If a write-operation exceeds a predefined maximum memory limit the CacheManager attemps to free previously cached pages according to the following cache eviction strategy:

Cache Eviction Strategy

Memory occupied by pages can be reused if the page is currently not directly referenced (which is determined by a reference counting scheme).
Pages are prioretized according to the costs they incure when they are needed again at a later point in time. This is why the CacheManager first tries to free pages with the lowest priority. The more memory the CacheManager has at its disposal the better its performance. Avoiding page-evictions altogether results therefore in best performance.

Page State Priority Eviction Strategy Future Cost
Read 0 Just release the memory. Needs to be read-in again if ever requested at a later stage.
New 1 Write the page to disk before releasing it. Needs to be read-in and potentially written again if it will be updated later on.
Dirty 2 Write to disk to a previously unused location. Same cost as for New pages but incures two more write-operation during the commit-phase when it needs to update the original page

The Locking Protocol

Several processes might access the file at the same time. To garantie data integrity a file locking scheme is employed:

[R]: Reader lock.
[W]: Writer lock.
[X]: eXclusive commit state lock.

[] [R] locked [W] locked [X] locked
[R] request X X -
[W] request X - -
[X] request - X -

Or in words: There is any number of [R] locks, maximum 1 [W] lock during the first phase of a write-operation which is then elevated to an [X] lock during the commit-phase. The [X] lock allows access to no other locks.

The Commit Protocol

The Log File

  • During the commit phase log records are written to the file.
  • It consistes of LogPage pages which store a list of pairs { OriginalPageIndex, CopyPageIndex }.
  • LogPage pages are at the very end of the file.
  • LogPagepages can be savely identified.

The Commit Phase

Here is the general idea behind the commit-phase:

  • Before we change any existing meta-data we make a copy of the original information to allow rollback if anything goes wrong.
  • This copy must be temporarily documented somewhere. This is why we write the log file.
  • Now we overwrite existing meta-data with new contents.
  • To mark successful completion of the commit-phase (and to tidy up) we remove the log file.


  • A write operation always creates Dirty pages.
  • During the commit-phase the file grows temporarily (see below).
  • FSize is an attribute written to the file meta-data. It reflects the file size after a successful write-operation.

Here is the commit-phase in greater detail. For the baseline we consider a more complex situation: CacheManager evicted some Dirty pages to temporary new locations. These pages are not needed anymore after commit.

  1. Collect all free pages including the evicted Dirty pages from CacheManager and mark them as free in FreeStore.
  2. Close the FreeStore. From now on new pages are allocated by growing the file.
  3. FSize = current file size.
  4. Write all New pages.
  5. Copy contents of original Dirty pages to new location (by growing the file).
  6. Flush all pages.
  7. Write LogPage pages by growing the file.
  8. Flush all pages.
  9. Aquire eXclusive File Lock.
  10. Copy new Dirty contents over original pages.
  11. Flush all pages.
  12. Cut the file size to FSize (throw away Dirty copies and LogPage pages).
  13. Release eXclusive File Lock.

The Rollback Procedure

If a write-operation gets interrupted before the commit-phase just cut the file to FSize and be done with it.
Up to point 9. in the commit-phase no meta-data page was changed. Again just cut the file.
After point 10. we use the LogPage information to restore the original Dirty pages (which might have been partly overwritten) and then cut the file.

if (last page is not LogPage)
  retrieve FSize
  cut file to FSize; 
foreach pair {origIdx, copyIdx} in LogPage
  copyPage from copyIdx to origIdx
retrieve FSize
cut file to FSize; 