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119 lines (87 loc) · 4.71 KB

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XHGUI Collector

This is a small standalone module which you can use to collect and store XHProf performance data for later usage in XHGUI.


  • Compatibility with PHP >= 5.3.0
  • No dependencies aside from the relevant extensions
  • Customizable and configurable so you can build your own logic on top of it

XHGUI Compatibility

This project was originally forked from perftools/xhgui@133051f, which was after the tag 0.7.1.

This should ensure compatibility for most tags up to 0.7.1 (included).

The only change that would break compatibility would be a schema change on the XHGUI side.

This table represents current known information about compatibility between this project and XHGUI data schema.

XHGUI Collector version XHGUI Version Compatibility
1.0.0 - 1.x 0.2.0 - 0.9.0 presumed compatible - no schema changes


Profile an Application or Site

The simplest way to profile an application is to use external/header.php. external/header.php is designed to be combined with PHP's auto_prepend_file directive. You can enable auto_prepend_file system-wide through php.ini. Alternatively, you can enable auto_prepend_file per virtual host.

With apache this would look like:

<VirtualHost *:80>
  php_admin_value auto_prepend_file "/Users/markstory/Sites/xhgui/external/header.php"
  DocumentRoot "/Users/markstory/Sites/awesome-thing/app/webroot/"
  ServerName site.localhost

With Nginx in fastcgi mode you could use:

server {
  listen 80;
  server_name site.localhost;
  root /Users/markstory/Sites/awesome-thing/app/webroot/;
  fastcgi_param PHP_VALUE "auto_prepend_file=/Users/markstory/Sites/xhgui/external/header.php";

Profile a CLI Script

The simplest way to profile a CLI is to use external/header.php. external/header.php is designed to be combined with PHP's auto_prepend_file directive. You can enable auto_prepend_file system-wide through php.ini. Alternatively, you can enable include the header.php at the top of your script:

require '/path/to/xhgui/external/header.php';
// Rest of script.

You can alternatively use the -d flag when running php:

php -d auto_prepend_file=/path/to/xhgui/external/header.php do_work.php

Use with environment variables

  • run composer require perftools/xhgui-collector
  • include these lines into your bootstrap file (e.g. index.php)
require_once PATH_TO_YOUR_VENDOR . '/perftools/xhgui-collector/external/header.php';
  • set environment variables to configure the mongodb host, database name and more
env description example default
XHGUI_MONGO_URI the host and port to the mongo db XHGUI_MONGO_URI=mongo:27017
XHGUI_MONGO_DB the database name for the profiling data XHGUI_MONGO_DB=xhprof xhprof
XHGUI_PROFILING_RATIO the ratio of profiled requests XHGUI_PROFILING_RATIO=50 which profiles 50% of all requests XHGUI_PROFILING_RATIO=100
XHGUI_PROFILING if this env var is set with any value the profiling is enabled XHGUI_PROFILING=enabled it is not set per default, so no profiling will be triggered

System Requirements

For using the data collection classes you will need the following:

  • PHP version 5.3 or later.
  • XHProf, Uprofiler or Tideways to actually profile the data.
  • Some way to access a MongoDB server. Choose either:
    • MongoDB Extension>=1.3.0 (MongoDB PHP driver from pecl)
    • alcaeus/mongo-php-adapter composer dependency.
  • a MongoDB server. XHGUI requires version 2.2.0 or later.

When in doubt, refer to XHGUI repository's composer.json or this repository's composer.json suggests section.