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Rabin Karp Algorithm

  • Rabin karp algorithm is a pattern searching algorithm.


  • In this algo we check for every window of length M(pattern length) and slide the M length window on given text.

  • we first calculate hash value of pattern and hash value of M - length text.

  • for getting Hash value , we create a hash Function which gives us hash value for a given string.

  • Now one by one we slide the pattern on text and

    • if (Hahs_value_pattern == Hash_value_textWindow) , then we check every character of pattern and cuurent text and if they all match we retuen True.

    • if(patterns not match then compute Hash value for Hash_value_text[i+1] using Hash_value_text[i]).

  • after loop termination we are sure that pattern is not present in the given text. So return False.



  • Lets Given text be ...

  • text = "ABCCDDAEFG"


  • pattern ="CDD"

  • Pattern


  • Pattern is present in the text.


C++ #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define d 256 const int m = 201;

int hashFun(string s, int n) { int val = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { val = (val * d + s[i]) % m; } return val; }

bool Rk_Search(string text, string pat) { int N = text.length(), M = pat.length(); // calculating (d^(M-1)) % m int h = 1; for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) { h = (h * d) % m; }

int hash_pat = hashFun(pat, M);
int hash_text = hashFun(text, M);

for (int i = 0; i <= (N - M); i++)
    if (hash_pat == hash_text)
        bool flag = true;
        // checking every character when we face spurious hit
        for (int j = 0; j < M; j++)
            if (text[i + j] != pat[j])
                flag = false;
        if (flag)
            return true;

    //Compute hash_text(i+1) using hash_text(i)
    if (i < N - M)
        hash_text = ((d * (hash_text - text[i] * h)) + text[i + M]) % m;

        // this corner case is for condition when hash_text become -ve.
        if (hash_text < 0)
            hash_text = hash_text + m;

return false;


int main() { string text, pat;

cout << "Enter text : ";
cin >> text;

cout << "Eneter pattern to be searched : ";
cin >> pat;

if (Rk_Search(text, pat))
    cout << "Pattern is present in the text." << endl;
    cout << "Pattern is not present in the text." << endl;
return 0;


Complexity Analysis

  • Time
    • Worst Case : O((N-M+1)*M) , worst case of this algorithm occurs when we get spusrious hit.
    • Best Case : O(M+N) and better than Brute force Solution.
  • Space
    • O(1)

Limitations of Rabin-Karp Algorithm

Spurious Hit

  • When the hash value of the pattern matches with the hash value of a window of the text but the window is not the actual pattern then it is called a spurious hit.

  • Spurious hit increases the time complexity of the algorithm. In order to minimize spurious hit, we use modulus. It greatly reduces the spurious hit.

Uses Of Rabin-Karp Algorithm

  • For pattern searching.
  • For searching string in a large text.