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Object Detection with SSD in Python

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This sample, uff_ssd, implements a full UFF-based pipeline for performing inference with an SSD (InceptionV2 feature extractor) network.

This sample is based on the SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector paper. The SSD network, built on the VGG-16 network, performs the task of object detection and localization in a single forward pass of the network. This approach discretizes the output space of bounding boxes into a set of default boxes over different aspect ratios and scales per feature map location. At prediction time, the network generates scores for the presence of each object category in each default box and produces adjustments to the box to better match the object shape. Additionally, the network combines predictions from multiple features with different resolutions to naturally handle objects of various sizes.

This sample is based on the TensorFlow implementation of SSD. For more information, download ssd_inception_v2_coco. Unlike the paper, the TensorFlow SSD network was trained on the InceptionV2 architecture using the MSCOCO dataset which has 91 classes (including the background class). The config details of the network can be found here.

How does this sample work?

The sample uses a pretrained ssd_inception_v2_coco_2017_11_17 model to perform inference. Additionally, it superimposes bounding boxes on the input image as a post-processing step.

The SSD network performs the task of object detection and localization in a single forward pass of the network. The TensorFlow SSD network was trained on the InceptionV2 architecture using the MSCOCO dataset.

The sample makes use of TensorRT plugins to run the SSD network. To use these plugins the TensorFlow graph needs to be preprocessed.

When picking an object detection model for our application the usual trade-off is between model accuracy and inference time. In this sample we show how inference time of pretrained network can be greatly improved, without any decrease in accuracy, using TensorRT. In order to do that, we take a pretrained Tensorflow model, and use TensorRT’s UffParser to build a TensorRT inference engine.

The main components of this network are the Preprocessor, FeatureExtractor, BoxPredictor, GridAnchorGenerator and Postprocessor.

Preprocessor The preprocessor step of the graph is responsible for resizing the image. The image is resized to a 300x300x3 size tensor. The preprocessor step also performs normalization of the image so all pixel values lie between the range [-1, 1].

FeatureExtractor The FeatureExtractor portion of the graph runs the InceptionV2 network on the preprocessed image. The feature maps generated are used by the anchor generation step to generate default bounding boxes for each feature map.

In this network, the size of feature maps that are used for anchor generation are [(19x19), (10x10), (5x5), (3x3), (2x2), (1x1)].

BoxPredictor The BoxPredictor step takes in a high level feature map as input and produces a list of box encodings (x-y coordinates) and a list of class scores for each of these encodings per feature map. This information is passed to the postprocessor.

GridAnchorGenerator The goal of this step is to generate a set of default bounding boxes (given the scale and aspect ratios mentioned in the config) for each feature map cell. This is implemented as a plugin layer in TensorRT called the gridAnchorGenerator plugin. The registered plugin name is GridAnchor_TRT.

Postprocessor The postprocessor step performs the final steps to generate the network output. The bounding box data and confidence scores for all feature maps are fed to the step along with the pre-computed default bounding boxes (generated in the GridAnchorGenerator namespace). It then performs NMS (non-maximum suppression) which prunes away most of the bounding boxes based on a confidence threshold and IoU (Intersection over Union) overlap, thus storing only the top N boxes per class. This is implemented as a plugin layer in TensorRT called the NMS plugin. The registered plugin name is NMS_TRT.

FlattenConcat The FlattenConcat plugin is used to flatten each input and then concatenate the results. This is applied to the location and confidence data before it is fed to the post processor step since the NMS plugin requires the data to be in this format.

Specifically, this sample:

Processing the input graph

The TensorFlow SSD graph has some operations that are currently not supported in TensorRT. Using GraphSurgeon, we can combine multiple operations in the graph into a single custom operation which can be implemented using a plugin layer in TensorRT. Currently, GraphSurgeon provides the ability to stitch all nodes within a namespace into one custom node.

To use GraphSurgeon, the convert-to-uff utility should be called with a -p flag and a config file. The config script should also include attributes for all custom plugins which will be embedded in the generated .uff file. Current sample scripts for SSD is located in /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/sampleUffSSD/

Using GraphSurgeon, we were able to remove the preprocessor namespace from the graph, stitch the GridAnchorGenerator namespace to create the GridAnchorGenerator plugin, stitch the postprocessor namespace to the NMS plugin and mark the concat operations in the BoxPredictor as FlattenConcat plugins.

The TensorFlow graph has some operations like Assert and Identity which can be removed for inferencing. Operations like Assert are removed and leftover nodes (with no outputs once assert is deleted) are then recursively removed.

Identity operations are deleted and the input is forwarded to all the connected outputs. Additional documentation on the graph preprocessor can be found in the TensorRT API.

uff_ssd plugins

Details about how to create TensorRT plugins can be found in Extending TensorRT with Custom Layers.

GridAnchorGeneration plugin This plugin layer implements the grid anchor generation step in the TensorFlow SSD network. For each feature map we calculate the bounding boxes for each grid cell. In this network, there are 6 feature maps and the number of boxes per grid cell are as follows:

  • [19x19] feature map: 3 boxes (19x19x3x4(co-ordinates/box))
  • [10x10] feature map: 6 boxes (10x10x6x4)
  • [5x5] feature map: 6 boxes (5x5x6x4)
  • [3x3] feature map: 6 boxes (3x3x6x4)
  • [2x2] feature map: 6 boxes (2x2x6x4)
  • [1x1] feature map: 6 boxes (1x1x6x4)

NMS plugin The NMS plugin generates the detection output based on location and confidence predictions generated by the BoxPredictor. This layer has three input tensors corresponding to location data (locData), confidence data (confData) and priorbox data (priorData).

The inputs to detection output plugin have to be flattened and concatenated across all the feature maps. We use the FlattenConcat plugin implemented in the sample to achieve this. The location data generated from the box predictor has the following dimensions:

19x19x12 -> Reshape -> 1083x4 -> Flatten -> 4332x1
10x10x24 -> Reshape -> 600x4 -> Flatten -> 2400x1

and so on for the remaining feature maps.

After concatenating, the input dimensions for locData input are of the order of 7668x1.

The confidence data generated from the box predictor has the following dimensions:

19x19x273 -> Reshape -> 1083x91 -> Flatten -> 98553x1
10x10x546 -> Reshape -> 600x91 -> Flatten -> 54600x1

and so on for the remaining feature maps.

After concatenating, the input dimensions for confData input are of the order of 174447x1.

The prior data generated from the grid anchor generator plugin has the following dimensions, for example 19x19 feature map has 2x4332x1 (there are two channels here because one channel is used to store variance of each coordinate that is used in the NMS step). After concatenating, the input dimensions for priorData input are of the order of 2x7668x1.

struct DetectionOutputParameters
	bool shareLocation, varianceEncodedInTarget;
	int backgroundLabelId, numClasses, topK, keepTopK;
	float confidenceThreshold, nmsThreshold;
	CodeTypeSSD codeType;
	int inputOrder[3];
	bool confSigmoid;
	bool isNormalized;

shareLocation and varianceEncodedInTarget are used for the Caffe implementation, so for the TensorFlow network they should be set to true and false respectively. The confSigmoid and isNormalized parameters are necessary for the TensorFlow implementation. If confSigmoid is set to true, it calculates the sigmoid values of all the confidence scores. The isNormalized flag specifies if the data is normalized and is set to true for the TensorFlow graph.

Verifying the output

After the builder is created (see Building an Engine in Python) and the engine is serialized (see Serializing a Model in Python), we can perform inference. Steps for deserialization and running inference are outlined in Performing Inference In Python.

The outputs of the SSD network are human interpretable. The post-processing work, such as the final NMS, is done in the NMS plugin. The results are organized as tuples of 7. In each tuple, the 7 elements are respectively image ID, object label, confidence score, (x,y) coordinates of the lower left corner of the bounding box, and (x,y) coordinates of the upper right corner of the bounding box. This information can be drawn in the output PPM image using the writePPMFileWithBBox function. The visualizeThreshold parameter can be used to control the visualization of objects in the image. It is currently set to 0.5 so the output will display all objects with confidence score of 50% and above.


  1. Launch the NVIDIA tf1 (Tensorflow 1.x) container.

    docker run --rm -it --gpus all -v `pwd`:/workspace /bin/bash

    Alternatively, install Tensorflow 1.15 pip3 install tensorflow>=1.15.5,<2.0


    • On PowerPC systems, you will need to manually install TensorFlow using IBM's PowerAI.
    • On Jetson boards, you will need to manually install TensorFlow by following the documentation for Xavier or TX2.
  2. Install the dependencies for Python.

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

    On Jetson Nano, you will need nvcc in the PATH for installing pycuda:

    export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/cuda/bin/
  3. Download the Tensorflow SSD model with inception backbone.

  4. Convert Tensorflow model to UFF.

    python3 -d $PWD

Optional: To evaluate the accuracy of the trained model using the VOC dataset, perform the following steps.

  1. Download the VOC 2007 dataset. Run the following command from the sample root directory.

The first command downloads the VOC dataset from the Oxford servers, and the second command unpacks the dataset.

NOTE: If the download link is broken, try alternate source If you don’t want to save VOC in the sample root directory, you'll need to adjust the --voc_dir argument to script before running it. The default value of this argument is $PWD/VOCdevkit/VOC2007.

  1. Run the VOC evaluation script for tensorflow.
python3 tensorflow -d $PWD

Running the sample

Both the and scripts support separate advanced features, for example, lower precision inference, changing workspace directory and changing batch size.

  1. Return to the test container, install prerequisites and run the TensorRT inference script:

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
    python3 <IMAGE_PATH>

    Where <IMAGE_PATH> contains the image you want to run inference on using the SSD network. The script should work for all popular image formats, like PNG, JPEG, and BMP. Since the model is trained for images of size 300 x 300, the input image will be resized to this size (using bilinear interpolation), if needed.

    Example #1:

    python3 images/image1.jpg

    Expected output:

    TensorRT inference engine settings:
      * Inference precision - DataType.FLOAT
      * Max batch size - 1
    Loading cached TensorRT engine from workspace/engines/FLOAT/engine_bs_1.buf
    TensorRT inference time: 309 ms
    Detected dog with confidence 98%
    Detected dog with confidence 93%
    Detected person with confidence 75%
    Total time taken for one image: 338 ms
    Saved output image to: image_inferred.jpg

    Example #2:

    wget -nc -O test.jpg
    python3 test.jpg

    When the inference script is run for the first time, the script builds a TensorRT inference engine and saves it to a file. During this step, all TensorRT optimizations will be applied to frozen graph. This is a time consuming operation and it can take a few minutes.

    After the workspace is ready, the script launches inference on the input image and saves the results to a location that will be printed on standard output. You can then open the saved image file and visually confirm that the bounding boxes are correct.

Optional: To evaluate the accuracy of the trained model using the VOC dataset, perform the following steps.

  1. Run the VOC evaluation script for TensorRT.
    python3 -d $PWD

NOTE: Running the script using TensorFlow will much slower than the TensorRT evaluation.

  1. AP and mAP metrics are displayed at the end of the script execution. The metrics for the TensorRT engine should match those of the original TensorFlow model.

Sample --help options

To see the full list of available options and their descriptions, use the -h or --help command line option.

Additional resources

The following resources provide a deeper understanding about the SSD model and object detection:





For terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution, see the TensorRT Software License Agreement documentation.


March 2019 This file was recreated, updated and reviewed.

Known issues

There are no known issues in this sample.