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43 lines (27 loc) · 1.54 KB

File metadata and controls

43 lines (27 loc) · 1.54 KB

starting a Matlab job on the compute nodes:

Suppose you want to run a matlab program mymat.m from directory /nethome/my/run/directory/
on 1 core of Lorenz and you think the job will take at most 10 hours to complete.

In this directory then make a file: (or whatever you want to call it) with contents:

#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -J MYMAT             # the name of your job   
#SBATCH -p normal            # request normal partition, job takes > 1 hour (this line can also be left out because 'normal' is the default)  
#SBATCH -t 10:00:00          # time in hh:mm:ss you want to reserve for the job
#SBATCH -n 1                 # the number of cores you want to use for the job, SLURM automatically determines how many nodes are needed
#SBATCH -o log_mymat.%j.o    # the name of the file where the standard output will be written to. %j will be the jobid determined by SLURM
#SBATCH -e log_mymat.%j.e    # the name of the file where potential errors will be written to. %j will be the jobid determined by SLURM

module load matlab
unset DISPLAY                # this avoids showing matlab graphics
cd /nethome/my/run/directory/

matlab -nodisplay < mymat.m

After that type on the commandline:


to check if your job is running type:


If you want to kill the job with e.g. jobid 123456 type:

scancel 123456

to check more information about the job, for instance where it was submitted from (WorkDir) type:


followed by:

show job 123456