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63 lines (36 loc) · 1.94 KB

File metadata and controls

63 lines (36 loc) · 1.94 KB

starting a Python job on the compute nodes:

Suppose you want to run a python program from directory /nethome/my/run/directory/
on 1 core of Lorenz and you think the job will take at most 10 hours to complete.

Say this python program needs one of your conda environments which you called 'envname'

In this directory then make a file: (or whatever you want to call it) with contents:

#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -J PYTEST           # the name of your job   
#SBATCH -p normal           # request normal partition, job takes > 1 hour (this line can also be left out because 'normal' is the default)  
#SBATCH -t 10:00:00         # time in hh:mm:ss you want to reserve for the job
#SBATCH -n 1                # the number of cores you want to use for the job, SLURM automatically determines how many nodes are needed
#SBATCH -o log_pytest.%j.o  # the name of the file where the standard output will be written to. %j will be the jobid determined by SLURM
#SBATCH -e log_pytest.%j.e  # the name of the file where potential errors will be written to. %j will be the jobid determined by SLURM

module load miniconda
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"  # this makes sure that conda works in the batch environment 

cd /nethome/my/run/directory/
conda activate envname      # this passes your conda environment to all the compute nodes
srun python3

After that type on the commandline:


to check if your job is running type:


If you want to kill the job with e.g. jobid 123456 type:

scancel 123456

to check more information about the job, for instance where it was submitted from (WorkDir) type:


followed by:

show job 123456   

Currently there are 3 versions of python installed on Lorenz. Typing:


will start python 3.9.5


will start python 3.8.13


will start python 3.6.8