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805 lines (588 loc) · 38.8 KB

File metadata and controls

805 lines (588 loc) · 38.8 KB

Release notes



  • New: Importing extension members is now suggested via code completion suggestions and error quick fixes. Both C#-style extension methods and F# type augmentations are supported

F# Interactive

  • New: Debugging F# scripts is now supported
  • New: Show line numbers in sent code fragments
  • Fix: 'Send to F# interactive' was unavailable for some files
  • Fix: Syntax highlighting was broken for some outputs

Context actions and Generate overrides

  • New: A new action to convert partial applications to lambda expressions is added
  • New: An action to convert F# 8 short lambdas to normal lambda expressions was added
  • Fix: Wrong keywords could be used for some member overrides

Code completion

  • New: Pattern names are suggested based on values types
  • Improve: More context-aware suggestions filtering was added
  • Improve: Better presentation for union case field suggestions
  • Fix: Some local items were missing in suggestions
  • Fix: Override suggestions were shown in extra cases

Code analysis and Project model

  • New: Type hints are shown for last items in pipe chains
  • Fix: Adding new file could put it into wrong place in solution view
  • Fix: Reordering files and manual fsproj changes might have no effect in code analysis
  • Fix: Fix performance degradation on project changes in big solutions
  • Fix: Fix updating script dependencies could lead to a crash
  • Fix: Escape sequences in string interpolations could be analysed incorrectly
  • Fix: Language injections are now disabled in string interpolations
  • Fix: Stale type providers info could be used in code analysis


  • Fix: Rename could not rename some type usages in type annotations
  • Fix: Introduce variable could fail in some cases


  • Fix: Some editor config overrides could be ignored when reformatting files
  • Improve: Take typing assist settings into account in more cases when typing
  • Improve: Disable inline breakpoints for F#


Find Usages and navigation

  • New: Sticky lines support was implemented for F#
  • New: When searching for a union usages, its union cases are also searched now

Generate overrides

  • New: Generating overrides is now available in object expressions via a new quick fix for missing members, code completion, and Generate refactoring
  • New: A base member call is generated when possible
  • Fix: Generated members could be inserted to a wrong place, by @nojaf (#591)
  • Fix: Some required type annotations could be missing when generating overrides

Code completion

  • New: overriding members has become easier with a new rule that generates the whole member
  • New: New postfix templates:
    • 'new': when invoked on record type, a new instance is created
    • 'new': when invoked on an interface or a object construction, an object expression is created

Context actions and quick fixes

  • New: a quick fix for converting instantiation of an abstract class to an object expression
  • New: a context action to convert named union case field patterns to positional patterns
  • New: a new quick fix for disabling R# inspections is available on diagnostics
  • New: a context action for converting a short lambda into a normal lambda expression
  • Improve: when annotating a function, always add space before the last colon, to match the current guidelines
  • Fix: 'To literal' action was available on some extra bindings
  • New: 'To immutable' context action for record fields
  • Fix: Record field mutability stuck in caches after a change

C# interop

  • Fix: When using in-memory C# references, some F# compiler service requests would not be cancelled and would block other features until ready which could worsen performance
  • Fix: Record properties defined in C# could produce errors in F#
  • Fix: Properties defined in C# could be seen wrong in code completion
  • Fix: F# 8 optional Extension attributes were required when analyzing C# projects

Code analysis:

  • Fix: Files could be sorted wrongly after adding a new file to a project
  • Fix: Projects weren't updated correctly after target framework changes
  • Fix: Fix project file infos and related caches could leak after project unloading, which could increase memory usage and worsen performance
  • Fix: To interpolated string: fix suggestion could be unavailable in computation expressions
  • Fix: To interpolated string: fix suggestion would be shown on unsupported format handlers
  • Fix: To interpolated string: unsafe FSharp.Core version check could break analysis in files outside projects
  • Fix: Lambda analyzer: disable for quotations
  • Fix: Lambda analyzer: fix false positive suggestions
  • Fix: Fix extra errors were reported for braces in F# 8 raw strings


  • Improve: Significantly improved F# Interactive console performance
  • Improve: Better sorting of F# language versions in project options


Code analysis

  • New: This release brings F# 8 support:
    • New: New analyzers and quick fixes suggest using the new syntax for lambda expressions and nested record updates
    • Improve: Existing features like language injections and 'Extend selection' are updated for the new language constructs, including the new raw strings
    • Improve: Analyzers like Extension attribute analyzer were updated for the newer language rules
    • Improve: Analysis and code completion during typing were improved thanks to the newer indentation rules
  • Improve: Rewritten project model fixes various cases where project references could be missing in analysis, or where Rider could freeze after a project update
  • Fix: Many issues in C# project in-memory references, including missing types or references, were fixed
  • Fix: Explicit implementations in VB.NET weren't analyzed correctly when using in-memory project references
  • Improve: Faster startup and update on bigger solutions, thanks to the parallel references analysis option is now turned on by default in F# compiler service
  • New: #nowarn directives are now taken into account during analysis
  • Fix: Some values were considered unused in query computation expressions
  • Fix: StringSyntax attribute could be ignored when optional parameters are used, so language injections didn't work automatically
  • Fix: Language injections didn't work in Literal values
  • Fix: 'To interpolated string' was suggested when using older FSharp.Core package
  • Fix: Inferred type hints could stick to a wrong place during editing
  • Improve: Significantly improved performance of checking used names, which is used in analysis and refactoring features

Code completion

  • Improve: Suggestions sorting was improved. Generate suggestions now also stay on top of the list
  • Fix: Some required qualifiers weren't added automatically, resulting in errors after code completion or generation
  • New: When writing a new language injection comment, available languages are suggested (#564)

Quick fixes

  • Fix: Some missing patterns couldn't be generated for union cases and tuples
  • Improve: Quick fixes now use additional diagnostic data from F# compiler service, which fixes various small issues


  • Improve: Find usages: improved icons help distinguish the ways anon records are accessed
  • Fix: Union cases could be duplicated in Parameter info popup


The biggest changes in this release are improvements to language interop.

We've enabled F# to C# in-memory references, so you don't have to build C# projects to see the changes in the referencing F# code. Together with previously working C# to F# in-memory references, it allows better cross-language refactorings, navigation, and analysis.

We've also added support for IntelliJ language injections, so you can use various frontend languages, access database, open a web or an issue link and so on, see #482, #532, #519.

Context actions and quick fixes

  • New: Convert fields to named patterns, by @nojaf (#493)
  • Improve: Annotate type action is available in more cases, by @nojaf (#541)
  • Fix: 'Generate missing patterns' quick fix uses improved exhaustiveness checks so extra patterns are not generated
  • Improve: 'Generate record fields' quick fix is available in more cases now

Code completion

  • Improve: We've reworked suggestions for union case fields, so the deconstruction popup doesn't prevent you from typing the pattern manually
  • New: There are new suggestions for named field patterns, by @nojaf (#500)


  • New: The new 'Go to File Member' popup is now available for F#, making it easier to see the file structure and to navigate to members from base types
  • Improve: Xml documentation comments highlighting was significantly improved
  • Fix: Fantomas now correctly uses default setting values, previously outdated defaults could be used
  • Fix: 'Parameter info' popup now shows signatures for custom operations available in computation expressions
  • Fix: Previously missing tooltips for some active patterns were fixed, by dawedawe (#503)

Generate overrides

  • Fix: Generated members are now always placed to correct places, by dawedawe (#525)
  • Improve: Type declarations are being reformatted now if needed for member generation, by dawedawe (#512, #507, #530)
  • Improve: The Generate action is now available below the type end, by dawedawe (#505)
  • Fix: Some generic and abstract members were analyzed incorrectly and could get an extra generated copy


Code completion

  • New: When starting a match expression, the new 'Match values' suggestion generates all cases for union, enum, bool and tuple values
  • New: postfix templates:
    • match: rewrites the expressions and adds boilerplate needed to start a match expression
    • for: makes it easier to iterate over a sequence, suggests name for the loop variable, and suggests deconstructing it
    • with: simplifies updating possibly nested record values, with initial implementation by @ieviev (#436)
  • New: automatically insert = when completing record fields
  • New: show completion popup automatically when writing subsequent record fields and starting a new match branch
  • New: deconstruction of KeyValue active pattern is suggested in for and let postfix templates, 'Introduce Variable' refactoring, and 'Deconstruct' context action

Code analysis

  • New: Automatically inject Regex language inside string literals, with initial implementation by @saul (#134)
  • New: support WarningsNotAsWarnings property
  • Fix: Abstract properties with setters could be seen incorrectly by some features
  • Fix: lambda analyzer would suggest simplifying invocations of methods with optional parameters, and active patterns
  • Fix: some xint literals weren't highlighted properly, by @En3Tho (#474)
  • Fix: 'Parameter info' now shows correct signature for delegates
  • Fix: 'Parameter info' could use wrong parameter documentation on extension methods
  • Fix: base wouldn't be highlighted in some cases
  • Fix: syntax highlighting didn't work for F# files included as content
  • Fix: escaping of reserved keywords was considered redundant
  • Fix: using open type could break 'Import type' completion and quick fix
  • Fix: redundant parens analyzer now takes dynamic invocations and more indexer-like expressions into account
  • Fix: better generics analysis is now used in redundant qualifier analyzer
  • Fix: an empty tooltip could be shown when hovering punctuation symbols
  • Fix: tooltips could be unavailable on multi-targeting projects
  • Fix: syntax highlighting could be broken after editing an unfinished escaped name
  • Improve: redundant attribute analysis is updated for upcoming F# 8

Quick fixes

  • New: FS0025: new quick fix for generating missing branches in match expressions
  • New: FS0008: a new quick fix annotates a parameter value with the base type when type checking it inside the function
  • New: FS0725, FS3191: remove unexpected argument patterns, by @edgarfgp (#444)
  • New: FS0810: add a setter to a property
  • Improve: FS0025: Add missing | when generating _ branch in a match expression
  • Improve: FS0001: suggest fixing single tuple list to list of items (e.g. [1,2,3] to [1;2;3]) in more cases
  • Improve: better check if parens are needed when simplifying a lambda expression
  • Fix: FS0365, FS0366: fix broken overrides generation on empty type declaration bodies


  • Improve: keep the cursor on the correct place when reformatting code, thanks to the new Fantomas Cursor API
  • New: auto-detect available Fantomas settings and their defaults
  • Improve: use Server GC in Fantomas process
  • Fix: 'Inline variable' refactoring worked incorrectly when inlining a named literal into a pattern
  • Fix: 'Extend selection' feature wouldn't select closing paren in union case patterns, by @nojaf (#496)


Type providers

  • New: Provided types from generative type providers are properly seen in C# code now
  • Fix: Exception or invalidation inside type provider could break analysis
  • Fix: Host type providers in matching runtime when F# compiler is overridden in a project

Code completion

  • New: Typing < inside a comment will generate a xml documentation template
  • New: Additional rule for record fields emphasizes fields from the inferred record type, hides already used fields, and fixes various cases where no suggestions would be shown
  • Fix: Rule for union cases could add an unneeded union name for types with RequireQualifiedAccess
  • New: Parameter info popup is available in patterns

Code analysis

  • New: A new analyzer for xml documentation highlights syntax and shows additional warnings
  • Fix: Lambda analyzer suggested changes that would change meaning of the code
  • Fix: Redundant parens analyzer suggested removing required parens
  • Fix: Usages of some custom operators, indexers, and range expressions had incorrect highlighting range

Quick fixes

  • New: A new quick fix for updating a parameter name in a signature file, by @nojaf (#416)
  • New: A new quick fix for updating a record field in a signature file, by @nojaf (#418)
  • Fix: Generating missing record fields could break indentation
  • Fix: Adding a match-all clause for enums didn't check if ArgumentOutOfRangeException is in scope
  • Fix: When adding |> ignore, extra parens would be added in various cases
  • Improve: Replace binding type quick fix is available in additional cases

Typing assists

  • New: When pressing Enter inside single-line lambda, the lambda will be reformatted according to fsharp_multi_line_lambda_closing_newline Fantomas setting
  • Fix: When pressing Enter, an extra indentation would be added after = in some cases
  • New: Support 'Start new line before' action

F# 7 support

  • FSharp.Compiler.Service is updated with F# 7 support
  • Support for F# 7 features, like abstract static members, in C# interop
  • New: When using F# 7, Rename refactoring allows using lowercase names for union cases defined in a type with [<RequireQualifierAccess>] attribute
  • Improve: support reading compressed F# metadata produced by newer compilers


  • Update formatting settings to match newer Fantomas defaults
  • Fix: Deconstruct pattern action wouldn't add required parens in some cases
  • Fix: Find usages: references to a constructor could be found when it's used as a method group
  • Fix: Find usage: usages of let values defined inside types could be shown as 'Write' access
  • Fix: Find usages and Rename: types with same name and different type parameters couldn't be distinguished in some cases


Parameter info

The Parameter Info popup was completely rewritten to become available inside curried applications. In addition to that, the following was implemented:

  • Highlight the currently resolved overload
  • Show method/function and parameter descriptions from xml docs
  • Show parameter default values
  • Show info about extension methods
  • Show CanBeNull/NotNull attributes


  • Automatically restore and use Fantomas version specified with dotnet tool


  • Fix: Significantly improved analysis speed for F# scripts
  • Fix: External file changes could be ignored by analysis, e.g. when switching branches in version control system or generating source and output files during build
  • Fix: Types with measure type parameters were seen incorrectly in navigation and C# analysis
  • Fix: WarnAsError could produce errors for disabled warnings
  • Fix: Redundant parens analysis fixes for tuple types, operator usages, and interpolated strings
  • Fix: fsi directive errors weren't reported for scripts
  • Fix: Type providers analysis inside F# scripts
  • New: Analyze redundant sprintf invocations

Generate overrides

  • New: Generate setters and accessor parameters
  • Use better checks for existing member overrides in base types
  • Use better placement of generated overrides

Quick fixes

  • New: Replace return type, by @nojaf (#367)
  • New: Replace interpolated strings with triple-quote ones, by @seclerp (#364)
  • Move caret and select generated code when generating overrides or match branches
  • Fix: Import Type: don't try to import own namespace
  • New: Import Type: enable for F# types with separate compiled and source names

Code completion

  • Fix: Postfix template didn't work inside #if blocks
  • New: Hide more keywords when they aren't available


  • Fix: Find Usages: write usages weren't marked as Write in the new indexer syntax and when used as named arguments in method returns
  • Fix: Navigation might not work for types with same full names in different assemblies
  • Fix: Rename refactoring: renaming file with type produced an error
  • Fix: F# object expressions could be visible inside C# code completion
  • Typing assists: better caret placement after pressing Enter inside binary expressions
  • Fix: Folding of xml doc comments


Project model

  • Fix: race that could lead to Rider freeze during project loading or update
  • Faster loading of solutions that contain F# scripts
  • Fix: script package references and file includes might produce errors
  • Fix: changes to fsproj files might not be reflected in analysis
  • Use unique project stamps for instant project cache lookup in FSharp.Compiler.Service which improves features performance
  • Fix: stack overflow exception when loading very big F# project graphs

C# interop

  • New: Support F#-defined InternalsVisibleTo in C# analysis
  • Fix: F#-defined generic constraints are now properly seen in C# code


  • Inline var: produce cleaner code by preventing adding redundant parens in more cases

Type providers

  • Fix: Multiple instantiations of the same type provider could lead to analysis errors
  • Fix: Performance could be decreased due to eagerly analysing provided namespaces


  • Quick fixes - Generate missing record fields: quick fix uses improved fields order, by @seclerp (#330)
  • Fix: Run gutter icons for running entry point methods weren't shown
  • Fix: Typing assist: typing inside escaped identifiers might not work in some cases
  • Various fixes for redundant parens analysis
  • Fix: Navigation - Go to Everything: performance regression in calculating type presentations


Refactorings: introduce variable

  • Suggest deconstruction of tuples and single-case union types
  • Suggest using computation type in computation expressions
  • Suggest using use and use! keywords when applicable
  • Improved placement of added binding

Code completion

  • Better completion suggestions order
  • Rewrite getting completion context (allows adding new completion rules and better suggestions filtering)
  • New: 'To recursive function' rule, adding rec to containing function
  • When completing union case pattern, deconstructing its fields is suggested
  • Improved Attribute suffix cutting
  • Initial context-based keyword filtering (some keywords no longer show up when aren't applicable)

Find usages

  • New: Icons in Find Usages results help to distinguish invocation, partial application, pattern, and other occurrence kinds

Quick fixes

  • New: Deconstruct union case fields
  • Enable 'Replace with assignment' and 'Replace with _' in more cases

Extend selection

  • New: Extend selection inside interpolated strings (by @seclerp (#316))
  • Improved selection for _ and various brackets kinds


  • Improved performance of redundant parens analyzer and pipe types highlighting
  • Some unused R# analyzers are not run on F# code anymore for improved performance
  • Improved open placement when importing type in quick fixes, refactorings and other actions
  • New: Deconstruct pattern: support struct tuples
  • Fix: WarningsAsErrors property doesn't change warning severity in editor
  • Fix: Surround with braces adds extra } in string interpolations
  • Fix: Navigation to interface implementations might not work for implementations in union and record types
  • Fix: Navigation to active patterns in signature doesn't work
  • Fix: Projects with generative type providers may not be invalidated and use stale results
  • Fix: C# interop: property accessors may show incorrect visibility


Code completion

  • Postfix templates: now available for 'let' template, and more templates coming in future


  • Deconstruct pattern (tuples, union cases)
  • Rearrange code: move elements up/down or left/right: enum/union cases, record/union case fields, match clauses, tuples, function parameters
  • Optimize Imports action is implemented for F#


  • Inline variable: now also works for top level let bindings
  • Introduce variable: better filtering for expression suggestions

Quick fixes

  • New: replace operator with built-in operator
  • New: add missing member self identifier
  • New: replace object instance with type name for static member access
  • New: replace if expression with its condition for simple expressions
  • Introduce variable: enabled for protected members access inside lambda, moves binding outside
  • Import type: fixes for importing module attributes
  • Add parens: now works in more cases (type check expressions, union constructors, etc)
  • Convert module to namespace: enabled for more error cases
  • Specify type: annotate inferred property types, values accessed via accessors


  • Significantly better XML documentation rendering
  • Better highlighting of various compiler errors


  • Language version can be specified in project properties (and is written to fsproj)
  • Enable FCS optimizations for skipping implementation files when signature files are available
  • Hide VCS lenses for simple fields
  • Better extend selection for identifiers



  • New: Inline Variable refactoring for local let bindings
  • Rename: when renaming a type that has an associated module with the same name, the module is also suggested to be renamed (and vice versa)
  • Introduce Variable: redundant parens are removed for some replaced expressions

Language version support

  • New: Allowed language level is calculated based on a project and the compiler used in the build
    • Allows implementing analyzers and other features that use or suggest newer language features


  • To Interpolated string suggestion + quick fix for F# 5.0+, by @saul (#221)
  • Replace __ with _ analyzer + quick fix for F# 4.7+
  • Redundant parens analyzer + quick fix for parens in patterns, types, and simple expressions
  • Various improvements to other analyzers and quick fixes

Quick fixes

  • Specify parameter type when it's inferred below
  • Use ; list separator
  • Replace type abbreviation with abbreviated type in type augmentation

Type providers

  • Host type providers out-of-process
    • Uses the same runtime as the build, fixes various issues previously occurred with the Rider runtime


  • Run icon for main methods
  • Use .NET Core references for scripts by default
  • Fixes in File Structure for interface/extension members
  • Various fixes in C# interop
  • Typing assists for braces in string interpolations


Inspections / analyzers

  • Attributes

    • Add Redundant Attribute suffix analyzer and quick fix (by @reacheight (#109))
    • Add Redundant attribute parens analyzer and quick fix (by @reacheight (#104))
  • Run analyzers in parallel

  • Optimize spell-checker analyzer

  • Fix Spell-checker didn't work on some declarations

  • Improve reported ranges for unused sequential and let expressions

Quick fixes

  • FS0039: Undefined name

    • Better types filtering in Import Type quick fix
    • Escape module names when importing types
    • Fix various cases of incorrect open placement
  • FS0003: Not a function / unexpected argument

  • FS0026: match rule is never matched

  • FS0005: Field not mutable

    • Add Make field mutable
  • FS0027: Value not mutable

    • Add Make value mutable
  • FS1182: Unused let binding

    • Add Rename with _ prefix
  • FS0038: Var bound twice

    • Add Replace with _
  • Add parens to expression when applying quick fixes where needed

Intentions / Context actions

  • Add Elif to If, If to Elif actions
  • Add Negate If expression condition

Code vision

  • Add Copy Inferred Type action
  • Add Don't show parent namespaces for types
  • Fix Nested tuple params could be shown wrong

C# interop

  • Fix Symbols from C# projects could not be seen after first build
  • Fix Support for single case unions that are parsed as type abbreviations
  • Fix Invalid accessibility for some types containing non-public members
  • Fix Attributes containing Attribute wasn't seen properly from C# (e.g. AttributeUsage)

F# Interactive

  • Add Send project references to F# Interactive action
  • Fix Send to F# Interactive is now available during initial file indexing


  • Add More expressions are supported in evaluation on mouse hover:
    • self-reference qualifiers in methods and types (this.Property)
    • indexer expressions ("foo".[1])

Find usages and Rename

  • Fix Types would not be found inside generic constraints, constructor attributes, and measures
  • Fix New Instance Creation wasn't reported for new expressions
  • Better naming style suggestions for literals


Add Highlight more escape sequences in strings Add Settings for F# preprocessor keywords Fix Highlighting for const keyword


  • Add Type file template
  • Select whole () expression in Extend Selection
  • Fix Plugin could not be built on case-sensitive file systems (by @ mcon (#108))


Tools update and internals

  • Update FSharp.Compiler.Service with F# 4.7 support, most notably:
    • _ self identifier in member definitions
    • Implicit yield in computational expressions
    • F# 5.0 features preview when enabled with compiler option
  • Update Fantomas to 3.0 with various fixes
  • Rewritten parse tree nodes for expressions and types
    • Allows significantly simplified code for features like quick fixes, analyzers, and others
    • Better context tracking, optimized references creation, references are now qualifier-aware
    • Improved infrastructure for upcoming refactorings, postfix templates, and other features

Quick fixes

  • FS0039: Undefined name
    • Add Initial Import Type quick fix
    • Add Make outer function recursive fix
  • FS0020: Expression is unused
    • Add Introduce 'let' binding fix for local expressions
    • Update Ignore expression fix
      • Better |> ignore placement for multiline expressions
      • Option to ignore inner expression in match and if expressions
    • Add Remove subsequent expressions fix
  • FS1182: Unused let binding
    • Add Remove unused local binding
  • FS0597: Successive arguments should be separated by spaces, tupled, or parenthesized
    • Add Surround with parens fix
  • FS0001: Unit type expected
    • Add Ignore expression fix for if expressions without else branch
  • FS0066: Unnecessary upcast
    • Add Remove upcast fix
  • FS0588: Expected expression after let
    • Add Replace let with bound expression fix
  • FS0576: and is not allowed for non-recursive let bindings
    • Add To recursive let bindings fix
  • FS0894: Let bindings inside class cannot be inline
    • Add Remove inline fix

Inspections / Problem analyzers

  • Redundant new analyzer
    • Add Remove redundant new fix
  • Redundant identifier escaping
    • Add Remove backticks fix
  • Add Extension attribute usage analyzer:
    • Extension member inside non-extension type
    • Extension type doesn't define extension members
    • Extension type should be static


  • Rename additional symbols:
    • Suggest renaming of a single case union when renaming its case and vice versa
  • Suggest camelCase names for let bindings
  • Add renaming anonymous records fields
  • Fix renaming union case fields when used as named args
  • Fix renaming typed parameters inside lambda functions
  • Better naming suggestions for predefined types

Intentions / Context actions

  • Add To namespace/module action
  • Add To recursive module or namespace action

Extend selection

  • Rewritten from scratch for the parse tree changes
    • Words are selected first when invoked inside comments and strings
    • Better selection for many language constructs, with contributions by @reacheight
    • Fix declaration selection could miss starting keywords and attributes

Find usages

  • Parts of results grouping is rewritten from scratch for the parse tree changes
    • Fix various cases could be reported incorrectly

Typing assistance

  • Significantly improved undo/redo changes workflow
  • Add Complete pair escape identifier backticks assist
  • Add Escape identifier with backticks assist
  • Add Erase trailing semicolon in Enter assist when enabled in Code Style settings
  • Fix Pair quotes assists no longer applied inside comments
  • Update Better indentation in Enter assist


  • Separate highlighting options for F#:
    • Add F#-specific symbols like Unions or Active Patterns can now be highlighted differently
  • Add Highlight byref values as mutable
  • Fix unary operators highlighting


  • Add option to specify language version for scripts and F# Interactive
  • Fix Don't use auto-detected code style settings in Reformat Code action
  • Add helper for Quick Definition
  • Fix record private representations resolve in C#
  • Fix adding new file to a project could fail
  • Update adding open now adds empty line when needed, by @saul (#65)
  • Update Ignore Folders on top option in F# projects
  • Fix getting F# Interactive paths
  • Fix resolve of extension members with specified compiled names
  • Update Don't show inferred type lenses inside object expressions


Code Vision support

  • Inferred types are shown for functions, values and members
  • Version control author is shown for declarations

Code analysis

  • R# spell checker now works for F# symbol declarations, strings and comments
  • Escape sequences are highlighted in strings
  • Better highlighting of never matched rules in match expressions


  • Context-based rename suggestions

Quick Fixes

  • Generate missing record fields
  • Ignore unused expression
  • Remove unused self identifier in types
  • Remove unused as pattern
  • Replace unused pattern with _
  • Replace use with let in modules and types
  • Add missing rec in let ... and bindings

Find Usages and navigation

  • Find Usages and Go to Declaration now work for record construction and copy-and-update expressions
  • New Instance occurrence kind is shown for F# exception creation expressions


  • Allow running F# Interactive from .NET Core SDK 2.2.300+


  • Completion for names starting with _ is fixed
  • Fix resolve for same type defined in different projects or assemblies
  • Fix resolve for members with same signature in a type and interface implementation in it
  • Rename wouldn't work for some local values
  • Lexing of attributes inside type application was fixed by @misonijnik (#51)



  • Rename
    • Cross-language rename for F#-defined symbols
    • Name suggestions based on symbol type

Navigation and cross-language interop

  • Go to next/previous/containing member actions now work for top level let bindings
  • Global navigation and Go to File Member action now work for type-private let bindings
  • F# defined delegates are now supported and are properly seen by code in other languages
  • Intrinsic type extensions are now considered type parts with navigation working for every part
  • Navigation to compiler generated members declarations from usages in other languages now navigates to origin members
  • Navigation to symbols with escaped names now places caret inside escaped identifiers
  • outref and inref types are now properly seen in other languages

Find usages

  • Usages inside let bindings are properly grouped by containing members
  • Separate grouping for new occurrence kinds:
    • Type argument
    • Base type
    • Type checking
    • Type conversions
    • Module or namespace import
    • Write
    • Attribute reference
  • Highlight Usages in File action now highlights Write occurrences differently to other occurrences
  • Find usages of union cases now also searches for compiler generated union members

Code editing and completion

  • An option for out-of-scope completion to place open statements to the top level was added and enabled by default by @saul (#39)
  • Out-of-scope completion can be disabled now
  • New Surround with Parens typing assist

Code analysis

  • FSharp.Compiler.Service updated with anonymous records support
  • Format specifiers are now highlighted, by @vasily-kirichenko (#40)
  • Inferred generic arguments are shown in tooltips, by @vasily-kirichenko (#44)
  • Full member names are shown in tooltips, by @vasily-kirichenko (#45)
  • Debugger now shows local symbols values next to their uses
  • Unused local values analysis is now turned on for all projects and scripts by default
  • Support TreatWarningsAsErrors MSBuild property


  • Notification about F# projects having wrong project type guid in solution file
  • F# Interactive in FSharp.Compiler.Tools is now automatically found in non-SDK projects
  • FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings.dll is now bundled to the plugin (so fsi object is available in scripts)
  • F# breadcrumbs provider was added
  • Add hotkey hint to Send to F# interactive action
  • Provide F# project Azure scope for Azure plugin (#46)


  • Pair paren was not inserted in attributes list
  • Tab left action (Shift+Tab) didn't work
  • Tests defined as let bindings in types were not found
  • Incremental lexers were not reused, by @misonijnik
  • Type hierarchy action icon was shown in wrong places
  • Usages of operators using their compiled names were highlighted incorrectly
  • Find usages didn't work for compiled active patterns and some union cases
  • Local rename didn't work properly for symbols defined in Or patterns
  • Better highlighting of active pattern declarations
  • Extend Selection works better for patterns and match expressions
  • Resolve and navigation didn't work for optional extension members having the same name in a single module
  • Secondary constructors resolve was broken in other languages
  • Some reported errors were duplicated