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263 lines (225 loc) · 24.3 KB

File metadata and controls

263 lines (225 loc) · 24.3 KB


Model Type Info

Input Type Accessed Type Description Notes
dict, frozendict.frozendict, frozendict.frozendict,

Dictionary Keys

Key Input Type Accessed Type Description Notes
id decimal.Decimal, int, decimal.Decimal, [optional]
url str, str, [optional]
download_url str, str, [optional]
owner decimal.Decimal, int, decimal.Decimal, [optional]
contributors str, str, [optional]
owner_name str, str, [optional]
number_of_images decimal.Decimal, int, decimal.Decimal, [optional]
name str, str, [optional]
DOI None, str, NoneClass, str, Required if you want your maps to be archived in Stanford Digital Repository [optional]
authors None, str, NoneClass, str, [optional]
paper_url None, str, NoneClass, str, [optional]
journal_name None, str, NoneClass, str, [optional]
description None, str, NoneClass, str, [optional]
full_dataset_url None, str, NoneClass, str, Link to an external dataset the maps in this collection have been generated from (for example: "\" or "\") [optional]
private dict, frozendict.frozendict, str, date, datetime, uuid.UUID, int, float, decimal.Decimal, bool, None, list, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO, io.BufferedReader, frozendict.frozendict, str, decimal.Decimal, BoolClass, NoneClass, tuple, bytes, FileIO [optional]
add_date str, datetime, str, [optional] value must conform to RFC-3339 date-time
modify_date str, datetime, str, [optional] value must conform to RFC-3339 date-time
doi_add_date None, str, datetime, NoneClass, str, [optional] value must conform to RFC-3339 date-time
type_of_design dict, frozendict.frozendict, str, date, datetime, uuid.UUID, int, float, decimal.Decimal, bool, None, list, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO, io.BufferedReader, frozendict.frozendict, str, decimal.Decimal, BoolClass, NoneClass, tuple, bytes, FileIO Blocked, event-related, hybrid, or other [optional]
number_of_imaging_runs None, decimal.Decimal, int, NoneClass, decimal.Decimal, Number of imaging runs acquired [optional]
number_of_experimental_units None, decimal.Decimal, int, NoneClass, decimal.Decimal, Number of blocks, trials or experimental units per imaging run [optional]
length_of_runs None, decimal.Decimal, int, float, NoneClass, decimal.Decimal, Length of each imaging run in seconds [optional] value must be a 64 bit float
length_of_blocks None, decimal.Decimal, int, float, NoneClass, decimal.Decimal, For blocked designs, length of blocks in seconds [optional] value must be a 64 bit float
length_of_trials None, str, NoneClass, str, Length of individual trials in seconds. If length varies across trials, enter 'variable'. [optional]
optimization None, bool, NoneClass, BoolClass, Was the design optimized for efficiency [optional]
optimization_method None, str, NoneClass, str, What method was used for optimization? [optional]
subject_age_mean None, decimal.Decimal, int, float, NoneClass, decimal.Decimal, Mean age of subjects [optional] value must be a 64 bit float
subject_age_min None, decimal.Decimal, int, float, NoneClass, decimal.Decimal, Minimum age of subjects [optional] value must be a 64 bit float
subject_age_max None, decimal.Decimal, int, float, NoneClass, decimal.Decimal, Maximum age of subjects [optional] value must be a 64 bit float
handedness dict, frozendict.frozendict, str, date, datetime, uuid.UUID, int, float, decimal.Decimal, bool, None, list, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO, io.BufferedReader, frozendict.frozendict, str, decimal.Decimal, BoolClass, NoneClass, tuple, bytes, FileIO Handedness of subjects [optional]
proportion_male_subjects None, decimal.Decimal, int, float, NoneClass, decimal.Decimal, The proportion (not percentage) of subjects who were male [optional] value must be a 64 bit float
inclusion_exclusion_criteria None, str, NoneClass, str, Additional inclusion/exclusion criteria, if any (including specific sampling strategies that limit inclusion to a specific group, such as laboratory members) [optional]
number_of_rejected_subjects None, decimal.Decimal, int, NoneClass, decimal.Decimal, Number of subjects scanned but rejected from analysis [optional]
group_comparison None, bool, NoneClass, BoolClass, Was this study a comparison between subject groups? [optional]
group_description None, str, NoneClass, str, A description of the groups being compared [optional]
scanner_make None, str, NoneClass, str, Manufacturer of MRI scanner [optional]
scanner_model None, str, NoneClass, str, Model of MRI scanner [optional]
field_strength None, decimal.Decimal, int, float, NoneClass, decimal.Decimal, Field strength of MRI scanner (in Tesla) [optional] value must be a 64 bit float
pulse_sequence None, str, NoneClass, str, Description of pulse sequence used for fMRI [optional]
parallel_imaging None, str, NoneClass, str, Description of parallel imaging method and parameters [optional]
field_of_view None, decimal.Decimal, int, float, NoneClass, decimal.Decimal, Imaging field of view in millimeters [optional] value must be a 64 bit float
matrix_size None, decimal.Decimal, int, NoneClass, decimal.Decimal, Matrix size for MRI acquisition [optional]
slice_thickness None, decimal.Decimal, int, float, NoneClass, decimal.Decimal, Distance between slices (includes skip or distance factor) in millimeters [optional] value must be a 64 bit float
skip_distance None, decimal.Decimal, int, float, NoneClass, decimal.Decimal, The size of the skipped area between slices in millimeters [optional] value must be a 64 bit float
acquisition_orientation None, str, NoneClass, str, The orientation of slices [optional]
order_of_acquisition dict, frozendict.frozendict, str, date, datetime, uuid.UUID, int, float, decimal.Decimal, bool, None, list, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO, io.BufferedReader, frozendict.frozendict, str, decimal.Decimal, BoolClass, NoneClass, tuple, bytes, FileIO Order of acquisition of slices (ascending, descending, or interleaved) [optional]
repetition_time None, decimal.Decimal, int, float, NoneClass, decimal.Decimal, Repetition time (TR) in milliseconds [optional] value must be a 64 bit float
echo_time None, decimal.Decimal, int, float, NoneClass, decimal.Decimal, Echo time (TE) in milliseconds [optional] value must be a 64 bit float
flip_angle None, decimal.Decimal, int, float, NoneClass, decimal.Decimal, Flip angle in degrees [optional] value must be a 64 bit float
software_package None, str, NoneClass, str, If a single software package was used for all analyses, specify that here [optional]
software_version None, str, NoneClass, str, Version of software package used [optional]
order_of_preprocessing_operations None, str, NoneClass, str, Specify order of preprocessing operations [optional]
quality_control None, str, NoneClass, str, Describe quality control measures [optional]
used_b0_unwarping None, bool, NoneClass, BoolClass, Was B0 distortion correction used? [optional]
b0_unwarping_software None, str, NoneClass, str, Specify software used for distortion correction if different from the main package [optional]
used_slice_timing_correction None, bool, NoneClass, BoolClass, Was slice timing correction used? [optional]
slice_timing_correction_software None, str, NoneClass, str, Specify software used for slice timing correction if different from the main package [optional]
used_motion_correction None, bool, NoneClass, BoolClass, Was motion correction used? [optional]
motion_correction_software None, str, NoneClass, str, Specify software used for motion correction if different from the main package [optional]
motion_correction_reference None, str, NoneClass, str, Reference scan used for motion correction [optional]
motion_correction_metric None, str, NoneClass, str, Similarity metric used for motion correction [optional]
motion_correction_interpolation None, str, NoneClass, str, Interpolation method used for motion correction [optional]
used_motion_susceptibiity_correction None, bool, NoneClass, BoolClass, Was motion-susceptibility correction used? [optional]
used_intersubject_registration None, bool, NoneClass, BoolClass, Were subjects registered to a common stereotactic space? [optional]
intersubject_registration_software None, str, NoneClass, str, Specify software used for intersubject registration if different from main package [optional]
intersubject_transformation_type dict, frozendict.frozendict, str, date, datetime, uuid.UUID, int, float, decimal.Decimal, bool, None, list, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO, io.BufferedReader, frozendict.frozendict, str, decimal.Decimal, BoolClass, NoneClass, tuple, bytes, FileIO Was linear or nonlinear registration used? [optional]
nonlinear_transform_type None, str, NoneClass, str, If nonlinear registration was used, describe transform method [optional]
transform_similarity_metric None, str, NoneClass, str, Similarity metric used for intersubject registration [optional]
interpolation_method None, str, NoneClass, str, Interpolation method used for intersubject registration [optional]
object_image_type None, str, NoneClass, str, What type of image was used to determine the transformation to the atlas? (e.g. T1, T2, EPI) [optional]
functional_coregistered_to_structural None, bool, NoneClass, BoolClass, Were the functional images coregistered to the subject's structural image? [optional]
functional_coregistration_method None, str, NoneClass, str, Method used to coregister functional to structural images [optional]
coordinate_space dict, frozendict.frozendict, str, date, datetime, uuid.UUID, int, float, decimal.Decimal, bool, None, list, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO, io.BufferedReader, frozendict.frozendict, str, decimal.Decimal, BoolClass, NoneClass, tuple, bytes, FileIO Name of coordinate space for registration target [optional]
target_template_image None, str, NoneClass, str, Name of target template image [optional]
target_resolution None, decimal.Decimal, int, float, NoneClass, decimal.Decimal, Voxel size of target template in millimeters [optional] value must be a 64 bit float
used_smoothing None, bool, NoneClass, BoolClass, Was spatial smoothing applied? [optional]
smoothing_type None, str, NoneClass, str, Describe the type of smoothing applied [optional]
smoothing_fwhm None, decimal.Decimal, int, float, NoneClass, decimal.Decimal, The full-width at half-maximum of the smoothing kernel in millimeters [optional] value must be a 64 bit float
resampled_voxel_size None, decimal.Decimal, int, float, NoneClass, decimal.Decimal, Voxel size in mm of the resampled, atlas-space images [optional] value must be a 64 bit float
intrasubject_model_type None, str, NoneClass, str, Type of model used (e.g., regression) [optional]
intrasubject_estimation_type None, str, NoneClass, str, Estimation method used for model (e.g., OLS, generalized least squares) [optional]
intrasubject_modeling_software None, str, NoneClass, str, Software used for intrasubject modeling if different from overall package [optional]
hemodynamic_response_function None, str, NoneClass, str, Nature of HRF model [optional]
used_temporal_derivatives None, bool, NoneClass, BoolClass, Were temporal derivatives included? [optional]
used_dispersion_derivatives None, bool, NoneClass, BoolClass, Were dispersion derivatives included? [optional]
used_motion_regressors None, bool, NoneClass, BoolClass, Were motion regressors included? [optional]
used_reaction_time_regressor None, bool, NoneClass, BoolClass, Was a reaction time regressor included? [optional]
used_orthogonalization None, bool, NoneClass, BoolClass, Were any regressors specifically orthogonalized with respect to others? [optional]
orthogonalization_description None, str, NoneClass, str, If orthogonalization was used, describe here [optional]
used_high_pass_filter None, bool, NoneClass, BoolClass, Was high pass filtering applied? [optional]
high_pass_filter_method None, str, NoneClass, str, Describe method used for high pass filtering [optional]
autocorrelation_model None, str, NoneClass, str, What autocorrelation model was used (or 'none' of none was used) [optional]
group_model_type None, str, NoneClass, str, Type of group model used (e.g., regression) [optional]
group_estimation_type None, str, NoneClass, str, Estimation method used for group model (e.g., OLS, generalized least squares) [optional]
group_modeling_software None, str, NoneClass, str, Software used for group modeling if different from overall package [optional]
group_inference_type dict, frozendict.frozendict, str, date, datetime, uuid.UUID, int, float, decimal.Decimal, bool, None, list, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO, io.BufferedReader, frozendict.frozendict, str, decimal.Decimal, BoolClass, NoneClass, tuple, bytes, FileIO Type of inference for group model [optional]
group_model_multilevel None, str, NoneClass, str, If more than 2-levels, describe the levels and assumptions of the model (e.g. are variances assumed equal between groups) [optional]
group_repeated_measures None, bool, NoneClass, BoolClass, Was this a repeated measures design at the group level? [optional]
group_repeated_measures_method None, str, NoneClass, str, If multiple measurements per subject, list method to account for within subject correlation, exact assumptions made about correlation/variance [optional]
nutbrain_hunger_state dict, frozendict.frozendict, str, date, datetime, uuid.UUID, int, float, decimal.Decimal, bool, None, list, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO, io.BufferedReader, frozendict.frozendict, str, decimal.Decimal, BoolClass, NoneClass, tuple, bytes, FileIO [optional]
nutbrain_food_viewing_conditions None, str, NoneClass, str, Image categories [optional]
nutbrain_food_choice_type None, str, NoneClass, str, Choice conditions/image types [optional]
nutbrain_taste_conditions None, str, NoneClass, str, [optional]
nutbrain_odor_conditions None, str, NoneClass, str, [optional]
communities list, tuple, tuple, Is this collection part of any special Community? [optional]
any_string_name dict, frozendict.frozendict, str, date, datetime, int, float, bool, decimal.Decimal, None, list, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO, io.BufferedReader frozendict.frozendict, str, BoolClass, decimal.Decimal, NoneClass, tuple, bytes, FileIO any string name can be used but the value must be the correct type [optional]


Model Type Info

Input Type Accessed Type Description Notes
dict, frozendict.frozendict, str, date, datetime, uuid.UUID, int, float, decimal.Decimal, bool, None, list, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO, io.BufferedReader, frozendict.frozendict, str, decimal.Decimal, BoolClass, NoneClass, tuple, bytes, FileIO

Composed Schemas (allOf/anyOf/oneOf/not)


Class Name Input Type Accessed Type Description Notes
PrivateEnum PrivateEnum PrivateEnum


Blocked, event-related, hybrid, or other

Model Type Info

Input Type Accessed Type Description Notes
dict, frozendict.frozendict, str, date, datetime, uuid.UUID, int, float, decimal.Decimal, bool, None, list, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO, io.BufferedReader, frozendict.frozendict, str, decimal.Decimal, BoolClass, NoneClass, tuple, bytes, FileIO Blocked, event-related, hybrid, or other

Composed Schemas (allOf/anyOf/oneOf/not)


Class Name Input Type Accessed Type Description Notes
TypeOfDesignEnum TypeOfDesignEnum TypeOfDesignEnum
BlankEnum BlankEnum BlankEnum
NullEnum NullEnum NullEnum


Handedness of subjects

Model Type Info

Input Type Accessed Type Description Notes
dict, frozendict.frozendict, str, date, datetime, uuid.UUID, int, float, decimal.Decimal, bool, None, list, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO, io.BufferedReader, frozendict.frozendict, str, decimal.Decimal, BoolClass, NoneClass, tuple, bytes, FileIO Handedness of subjects

Composed Schemas (allOf/anyOf/oneOf/not)


Class Name Input Type Accessed Type Description Notes
CollectionHandednessEnum CollectionHandednessEnum CollectionHandednessEnum
BlankEnum BlankEnum BlankEnum
NullEnum NullEnum NullEnum


Order of acquisition of slices (ascending, descending, or interleaved)

Model Type Info

Input Type Accessed Type Description Notes
dict, frozendict.frozendict, str, date, datetime, uuid.UUID, int, float, decimal.Decimal, bool, None, list, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO, io.BufferedReader, frozendict.frozendict, str, decimal.Decimal, BoolClass, NoneClass, tuple, bytes, FileIO Order of acquisition of slices (ascending, descending, or interleaved)

Composed Schemas (allOf/anyOf/oneOf/not)


Class Name Input Type Accessed Type Description Notes
OrderOfAcquisitionEnum OrderOfAcquisitionEnum OrderOfAcquisitionEnum
BlankEnum BlankEnum BlankEnum
NullEnum NullEnum NullEnum


Was linear or nonlinear registration used?

Model Type Info

Input Type Accessed Type Description Notes
dict, frozendict.frozendict, str, date, datetime, uuid.UUID, int, float, decimal.Decimal, bool, None, list, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO, io.BufferedReader, frozendict.frozendict, str, decimal.Decimal, BoolClass, NoneClass, tuple, bytes, FileIO Was linear or nonlinear registration used?

Composed Schemas (allOf/anyOf/oneOf/not)


Class Name Input Type Accessed Type Description Notes
IntersubjectTransformationTypeEnum IntersubjectTransformationTypeEnum IntersubjectTransformationTypeEnum
BlankEnum BlankEnum BlankEnum
NullEnum NullEnum NullEnum


Name of coordinate space for registration target

Model Type Info

Input Type Accessed Type Description Notes
dict, frozendict.frozendict, str, date, datetime, uuid.UUID, int, float, decimal.Decimal, bool, None, list, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO, io.BufferedReader, frozendict.frozendict, str, decimal.Decimal, BoolClass, NoneClass, tuple, bytes, FileIO Name of coordinate space for registration target

Composed Schemas (allOf/anyOf/oneOf/not)


Class Name Input Type Accessed Type Description Notes
CoordinateSpaceEnum CoordinateSpaceEnum CoordinateSpaceEnum
BlankEnum BlankEnum BlankEnum
NullEnum NullEnum NullEnum


Type of inference for group model

Model Type Info

Input Type Accessed Type Description Notes
dict, frozendict.frozendict, str, date, datetime, uuid.UUID, int, float, decimal.Decimal, bool, None, list, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO, io.BufferedReader, frozendict.frozendict, str, decimal.Decimal, BoolClass, NoneClass, tuple, bytes, FileIO Type of inference for group model

Composed Schemas (allOf/anyOf/oneOf/not)


Class Name Input Type Accessed Type Description Notes
GroupInferenceTypeEnum GroupInferenceTypeEnum GroupInferenceTypeEnum
BlankEnum BlankEnum BlankEnum
NullEnum NullEnum NullEnum


Model Type Info

Input Type Accessed Type Description Notes
dict, frozendict.frozendict, str, date, datetime, uuid.UUID, int, float, decimal.Decimal, bool, None, list, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO, io.BufferedReader, frozendict.frozendict, str, decimal.Decimal, BoolClass, NoneClass, tuple, bytes, FileIO

Composed Schemas (allOf/anyOf/oneOf/not)


Class Name Input Type Accessed Type Description Notes
NutbrainHungerStateEnum NutbrainHungerStateEnum NutbrainHungerStateEnum
BlankEnum BlankEnum BlankEnum
NullEnum NullEnum NullEnum


Is this collection part of any special Community?

Model Type Info

Input Type Accessed Type Description Notes
list, tuple, tuple, Is this collection part of any special Community?

Tuple Items

Class Name Input Type Accessed Type Description Notes
items decimal.Decimal, int, decimal.Decimal,

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