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File metadata and controls

427 lines (386 loc) · 17.5 KB

How write a configuration file for dashboard-creator


The dashboards are created by the sdmx-dashboard-components application out of a JSON configuration file. This application is a helper to manage the JSON configuration files. The user can import a JSON configuration file and the application validates them against a JSON schema. The application does not provide a form to create the JSON configuration file. The user has to create the JSON configuration file by hand or using a form generator. This could be included in a next version of the application.

JSON configuration file


The configuration file follows a JSON format with specific keys and values. Each key represents a specific aspect of the dashboard, and its value defines its configuration.

The full schema can be found here. For more readibility, the schema has been splitted in multiple files:

How to guide

This guide will help you create a JSON configuration file to build your own personalized dashboard.

The first level contains the following keys:

  • id: the id of the dashboard expressed as a string. It is used to identify the dashboard in the application. (required)
  • rows: the rows of the dashboard as an array. (required). Each row are detailed in the Row section.
  • languages: the available languages of the dashboard. (optional). If not provided, the dashboard will be monolingual using English (en) as default language. More about language.
  • colCount: the number of columns of the dashboard. (optional). If not provided, the dashboard will have 3 columns.
  • header and footer: the header/footer of the dashboard (optional). More about header/footer.
  "id": "dashboard-id",
  "rows": [
  "languages": [
  "colCount": 6,
  "header": {
  "footer": {

Language section

The language section is an array of languages. Each language is defined by a key and a value. The key is the language code, and the value is the language name.

  "languages": [
      "en": "English"
      "fr": "French"

Row section

The rows section is an array of rows. Each row contains an array of columns. Each column contains an array of components.

  "rows": [
      "columns": [

In the column section, the cells of our dashboard are defined with the following attributes:

  • colSize: the number of the column the cell takes. (optional). If not provided, the column will have a size of 1.
  • type: the type of the cell. (required). type is an enum that can have the following values: [line, bar, pie, column, value, drilldown, note, map]. Note that for note type, only the note attribute is used (and colSize obviously), all the other following are related to chart types.
  • colorScheme: the available color scheme only used for map chart types. Can be any of the following values: [Blues, BrBg, Greens, Greys, Oranges, PRGn, PiYG, PuOr, Purples, RdGy, RdYlBu, RdYlGn, Reds, Spectral, Turbo, Viridis]
  • title: the title of the cell. (optional). If not provided, the cell will not have a title. The title is of type text.
  • subtitle: the subtitle of the cell. (optional). If not provided, the cell will not have a subtitle. The subtitle is of type text.
  • note: the note of the cell. (optional). Used only when cell is of type note. The note is of type text.
  • frame: indicates whether or not he cell has a border. Default value is false (optional).
  • unit: unit displayed alongside values in charts. (optional). Default value is null meaning that no unit will be displayed if not specified. The unit is an object with the following attributes:
    • text: the unit text which is of type text.
    • location: the location of the unit in the chart (optional). location is an enum that can have the following values: [prefix, suffix, under]. If not provided, the unit will be located as a suffix.
  • decimals: the number of decimals displayed in charts. (optional). Can be either an integer or a string pointing to a concept (eg. DECIMALS). If not provided, the values will be displayed the way they are rendered in the SDMX-JSON.
  • displayLabels: whether or not to display labels in charts. (optional). Default value is false. If set to true, charts labels will be displayed.
  • legend: the legend associated to the chart. (required). legend is an object with the following attributes:
    • concept: indicates the concept (dimension) that defines multiple series to be displayed in the visualization. For line, its values identify each of the lines; for bar or column, the values of this concept define each of the clusters. The legend is composed of its value labels i.e., {$<dimension item id>}. If several queries are included in data node, it should specify MULTI. In case of drilldown chart type, we have a multi-dimensional datasets and the concept value here stores the dimension used on the main chart.
    • location: the location of the legend in the chart (optional). location is an enum that can have the following values: [top, bottom, left, right, none]. If not provided, the legend will be located at the bottom.
  • xAxisConcept: indicates the concept to be allocated to the “x” axis, usually TIME_PERIOD for line. For bar or column it indicates the dimension that define the bars. (required for all chart types except value). When used with pie chart type, it indicates the dimension that defines the sectors of the pie.
  • drilldown: provides some details on how the drilled down chart should be configured, it reuses the notions of legend and xAxisConcept. In case of drilldown.xAxisConcept is TIME_PERIOD, the main chart will display for each category (drilldown.legend.concept) the latest value available, while the value Total (_T) will be used for other kind of dimension.
  • yAxisConcept: indicates the concept to be allocated to the “y” axis, usually the observation value representing the MEASURE. (Not applicable for pie and value chart types). Normally it is the OBS_VALUE concept.
  • download: indicates whether or not to display the download button. (optional). Default value is false. If set to true, a download button will be displayed.
  • dataLink: An URL of an application or file containing related data. It is actionable by clicking on the chart to open in a new browser tab. (optional). If not provided, no link will be displayed.
  • metadataLink: An URL of an application or file containing reference metadata. metadata. If present, a "Blue 'i'" icon is displayed besides the title, and by clicking on it the link opens in a new browser tab. (optional). If not provided, no link will be displayed.
  • adaptiveTextSize: indicates whether or not to adapt the text size to the cell size for value chart type. Default value is false (optional).
  • colorPalette: the color palette used in the charts. The dict should specify for each dimension the color associated to each dimension value (using the id as keys). The dimension is the concept that is defined as a legend concept. The colors are defined as hex values. (optional).
  "GEO_PICT": {
    "CK": "#E16A86",
    "FJ": "#D7765B",
    "FM": "#C7821C",
    "KI": "#AF8E00",
    "MH": "#909800",
    "NC": "#65A100",
    "NR": "#00A846",
    "NU": "#00AC74",
    "PF": "#00AD9A",
    "PG": "#00AABA",
    "PW": "#00A2D3",
    "SB": "#4495E2",
    "TO": "#9183E6",
    "TV": "#BD72DD",
    "VU": "#D766C9",
    "WF": "#E264AB"
  • data: data object to describe the data displayed by the chart. Can be a string of an array of string and is required in all cases but chart type note. The syntax to specify the data for the chart is the following:
    "Dataflow query <operator> Dataflow query, <alternate label>",
    "Dataflow query <operator> Dataflow query, <alternate label>"


  • Dataflow query is a valid SDMX query used to get the data to display, containing the appropriated filtering string and time period selection (using the SDMX query parameters startPeriod=, endPeriod= and lastNObservations=) for the purpose of the visualization.
  • <alternate label> is optional and is enclosed in curly brackets ({}). It overrides the default label and can include references to {$<concept_Id>}.
  • Optionally, it might be possible to compute values to be represented using the operators + - * / between the values obtained from the data queries, e.g., multiplying a result by the unit multiplier value, or computing a rate as the quotient between two levels.
  • data section can include a list of URLs (values or series), according to the chart characteristics.
  • in case of a map type chart the field data will have a specific syntax: SDMX_URL, {GEO_DIMENSION_ID} | GEOJSON_URL, EPSG_CODE, {GEO_ATTRIBUTE} with:
    • SDMX_URL : the URL to the SDMX dataset
    • GEO_DIMENSION_ID: id of the dimension holding reference to the area of application
    • GEOJSON_URL: a URL to a GeoJSON file holding the geometries
    • EPSG_CODE: the projection code (eg. 'EPSG:4326')
    • GEO_ATTRIBUTE: name of the attribute holding a reference to the geometry (value of this attribute must be equal to the SDMX dimension id value).
  • in case of a pie type chart the expression within data can use the hist operator to count every occurrence of a value in the dataset. The syntax is hist(SDMX_URL).
  • in case of a value chart, the expression within data can use the count operator to count the number of observations in the dataset that match the expression. The syntax is count(Dataflow query <operator> Value) with operator available: ===, !===.
Simple example of a cell definition
  "id": "labour_force_participation",
  "colSize": 2,
  "type": "line",
  "title": {
    "text": {
      "en": "Labour Force participation rates",
      "es": "Tasas de participación en la fuerza laboral"
    "size": "20px",
    "weight": "bold",
    "align": "center"
  "decimals": 0,
  "labels": false,
  "legend": {
    "concept": "SEX",
    "location": "bottom"
  "xAxisConcept": "TIME_PERIOD",
  "yAxisConcept": "OBS_VALUE",
  "data": ",DF_EAP_DWAP_SEX_AGE_RT,1.0/CHL.A..SEX_O+SEX_F+SEX_M+SEX_T.AGE_YTHADULT_YGE15?startPeriod=2010&endPeriod=2022"
Examples with data expression

Value component using an expression with a multiplication operator:

  "id": "multiple_jobs",
  "type": "value",
  "title": {
    "text": {
      "en": "Number of persons with multiple jobs",
      "es": "Número de personas con múltiples trabajos"
    "size": "20",
    "weight": "bold",
    "align": "center"
  "subtitle": {
    "text": "{$TIME_PERIOD}",
    "size": "13px",
    "weight": "normal",
    "style": "italic",
    "align": "center"
  "labels": false,
  "data": ",DF_EES_TEES_SEX_MJH_NB,1.0/CHL.A..SEX_T.MJH_AGGREGATE_MULTI?endPeriod=2022&lastNObservations=1 * {UNIT_MULT}"

Value component with a count operator:

  "id": "SH_STA_MALR",
  "type": "value",
  "xAxisConcept": "GEO_PICT",
  "data": ["count( !== 0)"],
  "unit": {
    "text": "countries",
    "location": "under"
  "adaptiveTextSize": true,
  "subtitle": {
    "text": "<a href=''>Source PDH.stat</a>",
    "weight": "light",
    "size": "16px"

Half-donut chart using a hist operator:

  "data": ["hist("],
  "subtitle": {
    "text": "<a href='[ds]=SPC2&df[id]=DF_BP50&df[ag]=SPC&df[vs]=1.0&av=true&pd=2013%2C2023&lo=1&lom=LASTNOBSERVATIONS&dq=A.DC_TRF_TOTL.._T._T._T._T._T._T._Z._T&to[TIME_PERIOD]=false&ly[rs]=INDICATOR&ly[rw]=GEO_PICT%2CTIME_PERIOD'>Source PDH.stat</a>",
  "id": "SG_REG_BRTHDETH",
  "type": "pie",
  "xAxisConcept": "GEO_PICT",
  "legend": {
    "concept": "INDICATOR",
    "location": "bottom"
  "yAxisConcept": "OBS_VALUE",
  "extraOptions": {
    "plotOptions": {
      "pie": {
        "dataLabels": {
          "enabled": false
        "startAngle": -90,
        "endAngle": 90,
        "center": ["50%", "65%"],
        "size": "140%",
        "innerSize": "50%"
    "tooltip": {
      "pointFormatter": "function(point) {
        return `${this.binValue === 1 ? 'Yes' : 'No'}`
Example using colorPalette

A line chart with a defined colorPalette

  "data": [""],
  "id": "DC_TRF_TOTL",
  "type": "line",
  "xAxisConcept": "TIME_PERIOD",
  "legend": {
    "concept": "GEO_PICT",
    "location": "right"
  "yAxisConcept": "OBS_VALUE",
  "colorPalette": {
    "GEO_PICT": {
      "CK": "#E16A86",
      "FJ": "#D7765B",
      "FM": "#C7821C",
      "KI": "#AF8E00",
      "MH": "#909800",
      "NC": "#65A100",
      "NR": "#00A846",
      "NU": "#00AC74",
      "PF": "#00AD9A",
      "PG": "#00AABA",
      "PW": "#00A2D3",
      "SB": "#4495E2",
      "TO": "#9183E6",
      "TV": "#BD72DD",
      "VU": "#D766C9",
      "WF": "#E264AB"

Column chart using a colorPalette:

  "data": [""],
  "id": "SE_ACC_HNDWSH",
  "type": "column",
  "xAxisConcept": "GEO_PICT",
  "legend": {
    "concept": "COMPOSITE_BREAKDOWN",
    "location": "bottom"
  "yAxisConcept": "OBS_VALUE",
  "colorPalette": {
      "SECONDARY_LOWER": "#E16A86",
      "PRIMARY_ALL": "#50A315",
      "SECONDARY_UPPER": "#009ADE"
Example of a drilldown definition
  "id": "household_expenditure",
  "type": "drilldown",
  "title": "Household Expenditure",
  "subtitle": "{$TIME_PERIOD}",
  "decimals": "{$DECIMALS}",
  "drilldown": {
    "legend": {
      "concept": "GEO_PICT"
    "xAxisConcept": "TIME_PERIOD"
  "legend": {
    "concept": "INDICATOR",
    "location": "none"
  "xAxisConcept": "COMMODITY",
  "data": ",DF_HHEXP,1.0/A..HHEXP._T._T.10+11+12+01+02+03+04+05+06+07+08+09+_T.USD?startPeriod=2013&endPeriod=2021&lastNObservations=1&dimensionAtObservation=AllDimensions"
Example of a map definition
  "id": "inflation_rate",
  "colSize": 2,
  "colorScheme": "Greens",
  "type": "map",
  "title": "Inflation rate",
  "subtitle": "{$TIME_PERIOD}",
  "decimals": "{$DECIMALS}",
  "legend": {
    "concept": "INDICATOR",
  "yAxisConcept": "OBS_VALUE",
  "data": ",DF_CPI,3.0/A..INF.?startPeriod=2011&lastNObservations=1&dimensionAtObservation=AllDimensions, {GEO_PICT} |, EPSG:3832, {id}"

Header and Footer section

Both sections have the same characteristics. They can be defined as a string or as object with both title and subtitle as text objects. Few examples shown below.

  "header": "Header title",
  "footer": {
    "title": "Footer title",
    "subtitle": "Footer subtitle"


  "header": {
    "title": {
      "en": "Header title",
      "fr": "Titre de l'entête"
    "subtitle": "Header subtitle"
  "footer": "Footer title"

Text section

Text sections describe both text content and style. The content can either be a string or an object with language keys and values. The style is defined by the following attributes. All attributes are optional and if not provided, the text will have the default style used on the page.

  • size: the size of the text as in font-size CSS property. (optional).
  • weight: the weight of the text as in font-weight CSS property. (optional).
  • align: the alignment of the text. (optional). align is an enum that can have the following values: [left, center, right]
  • color: the color of the text. (optional).
  • font: the font of the text. (optional)
  • style: the style of the text as in font-style CSS property. (optional).

The text attribute can be a string or an object with language keys and values.

  "text": {
    "en": "Text content",
    "fr": "Contenu du texte"
  "size": "1.5em",
  "style": "italic",
  "weight": "bold",
  "align": "center"