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Backend verification of In App Subscriptions


subinapp is a Python package to provide useful helper classes for verification of subscriptions as type of IAP (In App Purchases) and retrieving most important data for using it further in the application.

Verification process itself is based on inapppy package.

Available providers of IAP

  • Google (Google Play)
  • Apple (App Store)


There are some secrets that are required for verifying receipts both from Google and Apple.

The container classes for them are placed in subinapp.interface.entities. For Google it is GoogleVerifierConfig and for Apple it is AppleVerifierConfig with extra class AppleExtraArgs (is used for configuring requests).

Both classes are properties of SubscriptionManagerConfig and if you want to initialize only on provider, set another to None

Google settings
  • bundle_id - is the name of Android package (e.g.
  • private_key_path - is the path to json service key that you should get in Google Play console by creating service account with rights to check your financial operations or something like that
Apple settings
  • bundle_id - is the same as in case with Android bundle id
  • auto_retry_wrong_env_request - option that makes inapppy to request another environment (Sandbox or Production) if verification on another failed
  • sandbox - option to check sandbox environment first or not
  • extra - is extra options that are not used during verifier initialization
    • shared_secret - generally you'll need it for subscriptions (if you have auto-renewable ones, as I understand), so you can generate it for all your subscriptions (it is short string)
    • exclude_old_transactions - option for reducing size of Apple response by excluding some of operations, but there still be story of IAP in inapp field of validation response

Code Structure

At the time there are two main blocks: core and interface.

interface is about describing how to use this package, so it contains

  • api for describing main action classes for verification and parsing of a receipt. Each provider has all of classes placed in here implemented.
  • entities contains dataclasses for communication with API from inside and outside. Settings classes is also placed here.
  • exceptions file has common exceptions that could occur during verification and are specific for this package exactly.
  • utils for now contains only a decorator for handling parsing exceptions

core has the implementation of api.BaseVerifier and api.BaseParser classes in providers directory

!Note that both classes should be implemented and the file in providers should be named after provider's settings property in SubscriptionManagerConfig

core.controllers provides a high level API for verification and validation that could be used as base for use as a controller at API Endpoint.

# basic usage of controller

from subinapp.core.controllers import SubscriptionsBasicController
from subinapp.interface.entities import SubscriptionManagerConfig, ProcessedReceipt

# get settings from your settings manager and set it instead of None
providers_settings = SubscriptionManagerConfig(apple=None, google=None)


# then handle some HTTP call on your endpoint
# smt like
def register_receipt(request):
    receipt = request.get('receipt')
    provider = request.get('provider')
    if receipt and provider:
        result: ProcessedReceipt = SubscriptionsBasicController.verify_receipt(receipt=receipt, provider=provider)
        # here better to validate receipt as unused
        # and then you can save it in your db

For tests use pytest.

Unfortunately it's difficult to test full cycle from getting real receipt to get parsed version of it, so tests is currently written for checking basic concepts of subinapp.