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SWITCH GUI Light Dev Documentation

General overview

This version of the SWITCH GUI is at its core a ReactJS application which is meant to be run on the web but can easily be wrapped in an Electron desktop app.

An objective for fast development includes having as few dependencies as possible.

At the time of writing the application really only has the following dependencies:

  • React Router v4
  • Recharts (React + D3 charts)
  • Sass (CSS preprocessor)

An explicit decision was made not to add any more dependencies and great thought should be given when adding a new dependency.

Code Organization

Under the src/ folder you will find 3 different types of files: jsx, scss, and css. The directory structure groups the components in their own folder. Every file pertaining to a particular component will go in a folder of the component's name.

Ignore the css files. These are the compiled versions of the scss (SASS) versions. They are automatically generated and must not be modified by you.

The jsx files contain the React components.

 |-- App.css
 |-- App.jsx
 |-- App.scss
 |-- App.test.js
 |-- components
 |   |-- Capacity/
 |   |-- Charts/
 |   |-- MainContent.jsx
 |   |-- PeriodSlider/
 |   |-- Sidebar.css
 |   |-- Sidebar.jsx
 |   |-- Sidebar.scss
 |   `-- TD/
 |-- data
 |   |-- loadZones.json
 |-- index.css
 |-- index.js
 `-- sass
     `-- _vars.scss

data folder

Use this folder to store static data files that change with relative infrequency. Right now this is being used to store the map for the load zones in Mexico.

Store data in JSON formats only. Use GeoJSON for geographical data.

Main components

Name Description
Capacity Capacity view inputs
Charts All charts will go in here We are aiming to make these as logic-independent as possible so as to make them as reusable as possible
Sidebar The sidebar menu
MainContent The main container for the Router
TD (Transmission & Distribution) Transmission & distrubition input view
CapacityMap Map for Capacity inputs view
TransmissionMap Map containing current transmission lines for Transmission view

Utility components

Name Description
PeriodSlider Slider for the periods that will be reused multiple times to slice the data
DashboardWidget Element to show a static or computed value on dashboard (card)

Adding components

  1. Create a new .jsx file under the components/ directory. If this is a large component, create a subdirectory with the component name under components/
  2. export default the React class.

A typical React class will look like this:

import React from 'react';

export default class MyNewComponent extends React.Component {
	render() {
				This is my new component. Content goes here

Be mindful and try to follow the general React patterns of Presentational + Container components. You can read more about this design pattern in React here.

  1. Add the component to the router in MainContent.jsx as a new route or embed it in the correct component.
    • If you need to create a subroute, use the <Switch> component in React Router and add it at the corresponding sub-level.
  2. Optionally create a styles .scss file with the same name as the component. This will automatically be picked up by the SASS preprocessor when running yarn (npm) run start

Supporting a new module

There is no predefined workflow for adding support for a new module from the original SWITCH model. This is a very ad-hoc process because there really is no underlying logic to the modules that SWITCH supports. Therefore it is up to the client and developer to decide where and when it makes sense to add a feature to support a new module.

For the most part, you will want to add a new menu item to the <Sidebar> component.

If you follow the existing structure in that file it should be pretty straightforward to add a new link. Once you have added a new link in the Sidebar, you should a its corresponding <Route> in the MainContent.jsx file.


The current app was created using create-react-app. As such, most of the components are abstracted away. You can read the section on ejecting and deployment if you want to get all the components and customize them (or for deployment). It is strongly encouraged to remain unejected while developing unless you have a very compelling reason to eject. Note that this is not a reversible operation.