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167 lines (128 loc) · 9.11 KB

1.2. Implement task checkoff

Next, we'll add the ability to mark and unmark tasks as done.

New API route: PUT /api/task/:id


Updates an existing Task by replacing all of its fields with the data from the request body, then returns the updated Task. If no Task exists with the ID in the URL, returns a 404 error. If the ID in the request body doesn't match the ID in the URL or the request body is not a valid Task, returns a 400 error. These errors can be checked in any order.

Example Task in database:

  "_id": "64ebc766fa1e11e2d987a8e9",
  "title": "Part 1.2 backend",
  "description": "Implement the PUT /api/task/:id route",
  "isChecked": false,
  "dateCreated": "2023-09-02T01:49:32.621Z"

Example request:

PUT /api/task/64ebc766fa1e11e2d987a8e9

  "_id": "64ebc766fa1e11e2d987a8e9",
  "title": "Part 1.2 backend update",
  "description": "Implement the PUT /api/task/:id route update",
  "isChecked": true,
  "dateCreated": "2023-09-02T01:49:32.621Z"

Example response:


  "_id": "64ebc766fa1e11e2d987a8e9",
  "title": "Part 1.2 backend update",
  "description": "Implement the PUT /api/task/:id route update",
  "isChecked": true,
  "dateCreated": "2023-09-02T01:49:32.621Z"
🤔 For new developers: POST and PUT

Note that we use POST requests to create Tasks and PUT requests to update them. This isn't strictly necessary (we could, say, use POST for everything), but it's a standard industry practice because it follows the original HTTP specification more closely. The main difference between the two methods is "idempotence"—PUT actions are expected to be idempotent, while POST actions are not.

✅ Good practice: Limit user-modifiable fields

Here we just replace the entire Task object with the provided data, even the dateCreated field. We do this for simplicity, but in a real project, it might be advisable to limit which fields can be modified by a user request.


  1. Copy the skeleton code below into backend/src/controllers/task.ts.
    export const updateTask: RequestHandler = async (req, res, next) => {
      // your code here
      try {
        // your code here
      } catch (error) {
  2. Use the validationResult and validationErrorParser functions to validate the request body. See the createTask function in the same file for an example. validationErrorParser will stop the request and generate a 400 response by itself if the request body doesn't contain valid Task data.
  3. Compare the :id from the request URL (; see getTask for an example) with the _id in the request body (req.body._id). If they're not equal, return a 400 response (just call res.status(400);).
  4. Use the Model.findByIdAndUpdate() Mongoose function to update the Task in the database with the given ID. (Actually, there are several functions you can use; any approach that works is valid.)
    1. Remember to await the returned Query.
    2. If the returned Query gives us null, then there was no object in the database with that ID. In that case, return a 404 response.
    3. Otherwise, return a 200 response containing the updated Task. The result of findByIdAndUpdate is the original Task, so you should execute a new query like in getTask.
  5. Add the new route to src/routes/task.ts. Similar to createTask, use the updateTask validation chain provided in src/validators/task.ts.
  6. Test your implementation. Make sure your backend is running locally, then call the new route through Postman or run the following command with your own values filled in:
    curl -X "PUT"<paste a Task ID from your database here> \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{"_id":"<the same ID>","title":"<Your title>","description":"<Your description>","isChecked":false,"dateCreated":"2023-10-01T00:00Z"}'
    You should see the Task updated with its new data when you list all Tasks in mongosh and when you view the frontend Home page.
  7. Copy the skeleton code below into frontend/src/api/tasks.ts:
    export async function updateTask(task: UpdateTaskRequest): Promise<APIResult<Task>> {
      try {
        // your code here
      } catch (error) {
        return handleAPIError(error);
  8. Using the existing functions as guides, complete the implementation of updateTask.

Update to component: TaskItem


  • When the user presses the CheckButton, call the updateTask function to flip the value of isChecked for this TaskItem's Task object.
  • Re-render the TaskItem when updateTask resolves to the updated Task.
    • If an error occurs, then just alert() the user.
  • Prevent the user from pressing the CheckButton again until updateTask has resolved (this will require at least one additional state variable).


  1. In frontend/src/components/TaskItem.tsx, add new state variables task and isLoading and a helper function handleToggleCheck:

    import React, { useState } from "react"; // update this line
    // ...
    export function TaskItem({ task: initialTask }: TaskItemProps) {
      // update the previous line and add the following
      const [task, setTask] = useState<Task>(initialTask);
      const [isLoading, setLoading] = useState<boolean>(false);
      const handleToggleCheck = () => {
        // your code here
      // ...
  2. Within handleToggleCheck, set isLoading to true (by calling setLoading—never assign directly to a state variable, because React will ignore it), then call the updateTask function (be sure to import it from src/api/tasks). Pass in the task state variable, with the value of isChecked flipped.

    🤔 For new developers: Spread syntax

    An easy way to do this is to use JavaScript's spread syntax. You can write something like { ...task, isChecked: !task.isChecked }. This is preferable because it's concise and it creates a (shallow) copy of task; we shouldn't modify task or any other props directly because that might cause unintended side effects.

  3. When updateTask resolves, call setTask with the new task from the response (or alert() the user again if it failed) and set isLoading back to false. See the handleSubmit function in components/TaskForm.tsx for an example of how to handle the result of a request (the request is createTask in that case).

    🤔 For new developers: await or async

    If you make handleToggleCheck an async function, you can use await syntax instead of then(). There's no real difference here, so it's up to preference. Just stay consistent and don't mix the two syntaxes together.

    ❓ Hint: Where to call setLoading

    Make sure you call setLoading(false) inside the .then() block. If it's outside, then it will run immediately instead of after the response-handling code finishes.

  4. Pass two props to the CheckButton: onPress and disabled. We want handleToggleCheck to be called when the CheckButton is pressed, and we want the CheckButton to be disabled when isLoading is true.

    ✅ Good practice: Organize helper functions together

    We could write the onPress handler function directly inside the JSX instead of storing it in a named variable. However, we'd recommend only doing that for super simple, one-line functions. Otherwise, it's generally a good practice to organize nontrivial helper functions like handleToggleCheck separately from our rendering code, to make them easier to find.

  5. Test your changes by checking and unchecking some tasks on the Home page. Make sure that each TaskItem updates its text color correctly and that after clicking the CheckButton, you can't click it again until the TaskItem has updated. To be extra sure, you can verify that the value of isChecked changes in mongosh. Also make sure it works as expected when you shut down your local backend (to simulate network unavailability).

Commit to Git

Follow the same process as in Part 1.1: stage your changes using git add, commit them using git commit with a descriptive message, and push them using git push.

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1.1. Implement the task list Part 1 1.3. Make a pull request