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File metadata and controls

205 lines (148 loc) · 10.5 KB

Required Software & Setup

Using DDEV

DDEV Setup

  1. From command line, run command git clone
  2. cd IntraCMS -- Navigate into the cloned git repo
  3. ddev config --project-type=drupal9 --docroot=docroot --create-docroot
  4. ddev start
  5. If necesary, fix any port conflicts. See Fix port conflicts by configuring your project to use different ports:
  6. If not already installed, run ddev composer require "drush/drush"
  7. Update the config.yaml file located in the .ddev directory:
    1. Make sure the docroot is set correctly: docroot: docroot
    2. Update to the appropriate php version - currently 7.3: php_version: "7.3"
    3. Set the correct composer version - currently 1: composer_version: "1"
  8. ddev composer site-install Until the project installation profile transitions to minimal from standard, there will always be errors related to the shortcut menu. The install script removes existing shortcuts, sets the site UUID, enables config_split, and runs a drush-cim. The post install script removes web.config and install.php.
  9. ddev launch'



  • Download PHP 7 (v7.4.24) -

  • Add the PHP directory to the system environment PATH variable.

  • If using CMD to add PHP to PATH, enter set PATH=%PATH%;C:\path\to\php\.

  • Enter php -v in the command line (cmd) to confirm PHP is properly installed.

  • Open the php.ini file in the PHP directory using a text editor and make the following changes:

    Resource Limits

    • Set memory_limit = 2048M.

    Dynamic Extensions

    • Enable (remove leading semi-colon) extension=gd2.
    • Enable extension=pdo_mysql.

    Paths and Directories

    • Add zend_extension = php_opcache.dll.

    Module Settings

    • Enable (remove leading semi-colon) opcache.enable=1.
    • Enable opcache.enable_cli=0.
    • Enable opcache.memory_consumption=128.
    • Enable opcache.interned_strings_buffer=8.
    • Enable opcache.max_accelerated_files=4000.
    • Enable opcache.revalidate_freq=60.
    • Enable opcache.file_cache_only=0.
    • Add opcache.fast_shutdown=1.


  • Download and install Composer (v1.10.13) -
  • Add the Composer directory to the system environment PATH variable (occurs during install).
  • If using CMD to add Composer to PATH, enter set PATH=%PATH%;C:\path\to\composer\.
  • Enter composer -V in the command line (cmd) to confirm Composer is properly installed.
  • Enter composer self-update 1.10.13 in the command line (cmd) to update Composer to a specific version.

Git / Git Bash

  • Download and install Git (v2.33.0) -
  • Add the Git directory to the system environment PATH variable (occurs during install).
  • If using CMD to add Git to PATH, enter set PATH=%PATH%;C:\path\to\git\.
  • Enter git --version in the command line (cmd) to confirm Git is properly installed.


  • Download and install Drush (v9.7.1)
  • Using Git Bash, enter git clone to clone Drush into your current directory.
  • Enter cd drush to navigate in to the cloned drush repo/folder.
  • Enter composer site-install to install/update the project dependencies.
  • Add the Drush directory to the system environment PATH variable.
  • If using CMD to add Drush to PATH, enter set PATH=%PATH%;C:\path\to\drush\.
  • Enter drush status in the command line (cmd) to confirm Drush is properly installed.


  • Download and install MySQL (v5.7) -
  • During installation, use the default settings and make sure to install MySQL Workbench.
  • Open MySQL Workbench and create a new connection to a database server.
  • Create a new schema/database in the connected server.

IIS Express

  • Download and install IIS Express (v10.0) -
  • Add the IIS Express directory to the system environment PATH variable.
  • If using CMD to add IIS Express to PATH, enter set PATH=%PATH%;C:\path\to\IISexpress\.
  • Enter iisexpress /? in the command line (cmd) to confirm IIS Express is properly installed.


  • Download and install SASS (v1.38.2) -
  • Add the SASS directory to the system environment PATH variable.
  • If using CMD to add SASS to PATH, enter set PATH=%PATH%;C:\path\to\sass\.

Cloning Repository & Installing Dependencies

  • Using Git Bash, enter git clone to clone the IntraCMS project into your current directory.
  • If required, enter you Git username/email and password when prompted.
  • Enter cd IntraCMS to navigate in to the cloned IntraCMS repo/folder.
  • Enter git checkout -b origin/development to checkout the development branch.
  • Enter composer site-install to install/update the project dependencies.

Configuring & Starting Web-Server

  • Open the applicationhost.config file in the C:\Users\[USER]\Documents\IISExpress\config directory using a text editor and make the following changes:


    <site name="[site_name]" id="1" serverAutoStart="true">
       <application path="/" >
           <virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="[path to project directory]\docroot" />
           <binding protocol="http" bindingInformation=":8080:localhost" />

    Fast CGI

            <application fullPath="[path to PHP directory]\php-cgi.exe" stderrMode="ReturnStdErrIn500" activityTimeout="370">		
                    <environmentVariable name="PHPRC" value="[path to PHP directory]" />		


    <add name="FastCGI" path="*.php" verb="GET,HEAD,POST,OPTIONS,PUT,DELETE,PATCH" modules="FastCgiModule" scriptProcessor="[path to PHP directory]\php-cgi.exe" resourceType="File" requireAccess="Script" />
  • To start the web server, run iisexpress in the command line. If you are managing multiple sites within the applicationhost.config file, run iisexpress /site:[site_name] or iisexpress /site:[site_id]

  • Navigate to <http://localhost:8080/>.

Installing Drupal

  • Select the English language when prompted.
  • Select the Standard installation profile when prompted.
  • Select the SQLite database when prompted.
  • Enter the site name, email address, username & password when prompted.

Importing Drupal Configurations

Update Sync & Temp Folder Locations

  • Open the settings.php file in the IntraCMS\docroot\sites\default directory using a text editor and make the following change:
    • Set $settings['config_sync_directory'] = '../config/sync';.
    • Set $settings['file_temp_path'] = 'sites/default/files/temp';.
  • Create a folder called temp in the IntraCMS\docroot\sites\default\files directory.

Set Site UUID & Import Configurations

  • These steps should now be automated when running composer site-install
  • Using Git Bash, navigate to the IntraCMS cloned repo/folder.
  • Enter drush config-set "" uuid "a20f8b2d-8c57-4965-bb1c-d142c5b66431" to set the site UUID.
  • Enter drush config:import or drush cim to import the site configurations.
  • Enter yes to confirm the configuration import.


Site UUID in Source Storage Does Not Match the Target Storage (when running drush cim)

  • Visit this issue and apply the following Patch.
  • Typically occurs when the uuid of the current site does not match the uuid in the configuration you are attempting to import (see file).
  • Enter drush cget to see the current site information.
  • Enter drush config-set "" uuid "a20f8b2d-8c57-4965-bb1c-d142c5b66431" to set the site UUID. This should already be set when running composer site-install.

Temporary File "XYZ" Could Not Be Created

  • This error occurs when the Temp folder is not writeable. To resolve this issue, update the write permissions for the Temp directory, or move it to a writeable location.
  • Open the settings.php file in the IntraCMS\docroot\sites\default directory using a text editor and make the following change:
    • Set $settings['file_temp_path'] = 'sites/default/files/temp';.
  • Create a folder called temp in the IntraCMS\docroot\sites\default\files directory.

Unexpected Error During Import With Operation Delete

  • Attempt to create a field body that does not exist on entity type node.
  • Attempt to creat a field field_xyz that does not exist on entity type z.
  • This issue typically occurs when a yml file is deleted and re-created within the same import (avoid doing this).
  • To resolve the issue of config files being deleted and re-created within the same import, export your configuration files to a new folder right after the fresh Drupal install. Next, copy the files that were mentioned in the error from the new folder and paste them in the sync folder from the repo (folder you want to import). When prompoted, select to overwrite the existing files in the sync folder with the copied files from the new folder. Confirm that the next time you run drush cim, that the files that were previously throwing errors are not listed in the import statment (since they are exactly the same between the new folder and the sync).

General Error: 1 Near "XYZ": Syntax Error

  • This error is indicative of a syntax error within one or more of the SQL statments made during the config import process. The erroneous query is typically shown next to the error.
  • To resolve this issue, copy the erroneous query, open your DBMS and manually enter/execute the query. If the error continues, edit the SQL statement to remove any unsupported functions or characters.