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ROS2 Application - Instructions

Minimal instructions to compile and run a CORC application as a ROS2 node able to publish the robot state.

This page assumes you have an Ubuntu system with ROS2 Humble installed (may work with other ROS2 versions but not tested). See here for ROS2 installation instructions. Testing the application also assumes you have an ExoMotus X2 Exoskeleton.

Note : these instructions are for ROS2. See here for a ROS1 example.


$ source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash

In CORC root directory, rename ros2 package configuration file

$ mv package.ros2.xml package.xml

Edit the CMAKEFileList.txt to select a ROS2 state machine:

#include(../myStateMachineApp/app.cmake) ## example only, need to be defined

# Comment to use actual hardware, uncomment for a nor robot (virtual) app


In the state machine folder, open the app.cmake and ensure it is configured to use ROS2:

################################## USER FLAGS ##################################

## Which platform (robot) is the state machine using?
## this is the correspondig folder name in src/hardware/platform to use

## Compile for ROS 2
set(ROS 2)


From the CANOpenController parent folder, compile the package:

$ colcon build
$ source install/setup.bash

Run the node

$ ros2 run CORC X2ROS2DemoMachine_APP

Here CORC is the package name and the CORC app name is the executable name.

See the content of the src/apps/X2ROS2DemoMachine folder to see how to interact with ROS2 from within CORC.