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SYCL Intel extension: Online Compilation


This document describes an interface for online compilation from high-level languages, such as OpenCL, to a binary format, such as SPIR-V, loadable by SYCL backends. Unlike SYCL 2020 provisional’s OpenCL backend online compilation interface, this interface is not bound to any particular backend and does not require available SYCL context for online compilation.

This gives a flexibility to "cross-compile" to SPIR-V or other supported formats without any SYCL device or context available. The online compilation API uses the online_compiler class to access compilation services. Instances of the class are constructed based on a specification of the desired compilation target passed to the constructors - such as compiled code format, target architecture, etc. All the settings are optional, and by default the target is generic SPIR-V.

This API is an Intel SYCL extension.

Online compilation API

All online compilation API elements reside in the sycl::INTEL namespace.

Source language specification

Elements of the enum designate the source language:

enum class source_language {
  opencl_c, // OpenCL C language
  cm        // Intel's C-for-Media language

APIs to express compilation target characteristics

The desired format of the compiled code:

enum class compiled_code_format {

Target device architecture:

class device_arch {
  static constexpr int any = 0; // designates an unspecified architecture
  device_arch(int Val);

  // GPU architecture IDs
  enum gpu { gpu_any = 1, ... };
  // CPU architecture IDs
  enum cpu { cpu_any = 1, ... };
  // FPGA architecture IDs
  enum fpga { fpga_any = 1, ... };

  // Converts this architecture representation to an integer.
  operator int();

Compiler API

To compile a source, a user program must first construct an instance of the sycl::ext::intel::online_compiler class. Then pass the source as an std::string object to online compiler’s compile function along with other relevant parameters. The online_compiler is templated by the source language, and the compile function is a variadic template function. Instantiations of the online_compiler::compile for different languages may have different sets of formal parameters. The compile function returns a binary blob - an std::vector<unsigned char> - with the device code compiled according to the compilation target specification provided at online compiler construction time.

Online compiler

template <source_language Lang> class online_compiler;

Compilation target specification elements.

Element name and type Description

compiled_code_format OutputFormat

Compiled code format.

std::pair<int, int> OutputFormatVersion

Compiled code format version - a pair of "major" and "minor" components.

sycl::info::device_type DeviceType

Target device type.

device_arch DeviceArch

Target device architecture.

bool Is64Bit

Whether the target device architecture is 64-bit.

std::string DeviceStepping

Target device stepping (implementation defined).

Online compiler construction or source compilation may be unsuccessful, in which case an instance of sycl::ext::intel::online_compile_error is thrown. For example, when some of the compilation target specification elements are not supported by the implementation, or there is a syntax error in the source program.

sycl::ext::intel::online_compiler constructors.

Constructor Description

online_compiler(compiled_code_format fmt = compiled_code_format::spir_v)

Constructs online compiler which can target any device and produces given compiled code format. Produced device code is 64-bit. OutputFormatVersion is implementation defined. The created compiler is "optimistic" - it assumes all applicable SYCL device capabilities are supported by the target device(s).

online_compiler( sycl::info::device_type dev_type, device_arch arch, compiled_code_format fmt = compiled_code_format::spir_v)

Constructor version which allows to specify target device type and architecture.

online_compiler(const sycl::device &dev)

Constructs online compiler for the target specified by given SYCL device.

The compilation function - online_compiler::compile

It compiles given in-memory source to a binary blob. Blob format, other parameters are set in the constructor. Specialization for each language will provide exact signatures, which can be different for different languages.Throws online_compile_error if compilation is not successful.

template <typename... Tys>
  std::vector<byte> compile(const std::string &src, const Tys&... args);

Instantiations of the compilation function:

/// Compiles given OpenCL source. May throw \c online_compile_error.
/// @param src - contents of the source
/// @param options - compilation options (implementation defined); standard
///   OpenCL JIT compiler options must be supported
template <>
template <>
std::vector<byte> online_compiler<source_language::opencl_c>::compile(
    const std::string &src, const std::vector<std::string> &options);

/// Compiles given CM source.
template <>
template <>
std::vector<byte> online_compiler<source_language::cm>::compile(
    const std::string &src);

/// Compiles given CM source.
/// @param options - compilation options (implementation defined)
template <>
template <>
std::vector<byte> online_compiler<source_language::cm>::compile(
    const std::string &src, const std::vector<std::string> &options);

API usage example

This example compiles an OpenCL source to a generic SPIR-V.

#include "sycl/ext/intel/online_compiler.hpp"

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

static const char *kernelSource = R"===(
__kernel void my_kernel(__global int *in, __global int *out) {
  size_t i = get_global_id(0);
  out[i] = in[i] + 1;

using namespace sycl::INTEL;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  online_compiler<source_language::opencl_c> compiler;
  std::vector<byte> blob;

  try {
    blob = compiler.compile(
      std::vector<std::string> {
  catch (online_compile_error &e) {
    std::cout << "compilation failed\n";
    return 1;
  return 0;