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Copyright © 2021-2023 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Khronos® is a registered trademark and SYCL™ and SPIR™ are trademarks of The Khronos Group Inc. OpenCL™ is a trademark of Apple Inc. used by permission by Khronos.


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This extension is written against the SYCL 2020 revision 5 specification. All references below to the "core SYCL specification" or to section numbers in the SYCL specification refer to that revision.


This is a proposed extension specification, intended to gather community feedback. Interfaces defined in this specification may not be implemented yet or may be in a preliminary state. The specification itself may also change in incompatible ways before it is finalized. Shipping software products should not rely on APIs defined in this specification.


This extension provides a way for device code to query the device on which it is running in order to conditionally use features that may not be supported on all devices. This is different from the existing device::has() function because the extension can be called from device code while device::has() can only be called from host code.

The motivating use case for this extension is for developers who provide device side libraries. To illustrate, consider an application developer (i.e. someone who is not developing a device-side library) who wants to code a kernel that conditionally uses a feature that is not available on all devices. This developer can write two versions of the kernel, one which uses the features and one that does not. Then the developer can use device::has() to test whether the device supports the feature and submit one kernel or the other according to the device’s capabilities. (To avoid code duplication, the developer could write the kernel as a template using if constexpr and then instantiate the template according to the device capabilities.)

This technique, however, is not available to a developer writing a device-side library because such a developer does not have control over the host code that launches the kernel. The developer could expose the library function as a template with a template parameter that controls the use of the conditional feature. For example, consider a library function "frob" that wants to conditionally use the sycl::half type (which is associated with aspect::fp16):

template<bool UseFp16>
void frob() { /*...*/ }

The caller of the library function would be responsible for calling device::has(aspect::fp16) to check if the device supports sycl::half, and then submit a kernel that calls the appropriately instantiated version of the frob() template function. However, this has the serious downside that the library developer must expose all device features which the library wants to conditionally use.

This extension solves the problem by providing a way for the library developer to check for device features from within the library without exposing this to its callers. For example:

void frob() {
  sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental::if_device_has<sycl::aspect::fp16>([]() {
    // code that uses "sycl::half"

The structure of the extension has been designed such that the overhead of the condition check can be entirely eliminated by the device compiler.


Feature test macro

This extension provides a feature-test macro as described in the core SYCL specification. An implementation supporting this extension must predefine the macro SYCL_EXT_ONEAPI_DEVICE_IF to one of the values defined in the table below. Applications can test for the existence of this macro to determine if the implementation supports this feature, or applications can test the macro’s value to determine which of the extension’s features the implementation supports.

Value Description


The APIs of this experimental extension are not versioned, so the feature-test macro always has this value.

New if_device_has free function

This extension adds one new free function which may be called from device code. This function is not available in host code.

namespace sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental {

template<aspect ...Aspects, typename T>
/* unspecified */ if_device_has(T fn);

} // namespace sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental

The parameter fn must be a C++ Callable object which is invocable with an empty parameter list. Normal SYCL restrictions apply, so fn must not be a function pointer or a pointer to a member function. (The expectation is that most applications will pass a lambda expression for this parameter.)

The Aspects parameter pack identifies the condition that gates execution of the callable object fn. This condition is true only if the device which executes the if_device_has function has all of the aspects listed in this pack. If the condition is true, the implementation calls fn. Otherwise, the function fn is potentially discarded as described below.

Fallback code

The value returned by if_device_has is an object F of an unspecified type, which provides the following member functions:

class /* unspecified */ {
  template<aspect ...Aspects, typename T>
  /* unspecified */ else_if_device_has(T fn);

  template<typename T>
  void otherwise(T fn);

The parameter fn must be a C++ Callable object with the same restrictions listed above.

The otherwise function has an associated condition that gates execution of the callable object fn. This condition is true only if the object F comes from a previous call to if_device_has or else_if_device_has whose condition is false. Otherwise, the function fn is potentially discarded.

The else_if_device_has also has an associated condition that gates execution of the callable object fn. This condition is true only if the object F comes from a previous call to if_device_has or else_if_device_has whose condition is false and if the device calling else_if_device_has has all of the aspects in the Aspects parameter pack. If the condition is true, the implementation calls fn. Otherwise, the function fn is potentially discarded.

The value returned by else_if_device_has is an object of an unspecified type, which provides the same member functions listed above. This allows applications to chain calls to if_device_has, else_if_device_has, and otherwise to form "if, elseif, elseif, …​ else" sequences as demonstrated in the following example:

using sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental;
using sycl;

void frob() {
  if_device_has<aspect::foo>([] {
    // code that uses features tied to "foo" aspect
  }).else_if_device_has<aspect::bar>([] {
    // code that uses features tied to "bar" aspect
  }).otherwise([] {
    // fallback code that works on all devices

Discarded functions

As specified above, the function fn may be discarded if the condition associated with the call to if_device_has, else_if_device_has, or otherwise is false. More formally, this means that fn is potentially discarded (if fn is a function) or operator()() of fn is potentially discarded (if fn is a callable object). In addition, any other functions they call (and functions called by those functions etc.) are potentially discarded.

These functions are discarded if all calls to them are reachable only from if_device_has, else_if_device_has, or otherwise whose associated condition is false for the calling device.

Statements in the discarded functions may use optional kernel features, as defined in the core SYCL specification section 5.7, even if the device executing this kernel does not support them.


It is not sufficient to guard the use of optional kernel features with a regular if statement. Even if the condition of the if is false, the code may fail to compile for a device that does not support the feature.