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C and C++ Standard libraries support

This extension enables a set of functions from the C and C++ standard libraries, and allows to use them in SYCL device code.

Function declarations are taken from the standard headers (e.g. from <assert.h> or <cassert>), and the corresponding header has to be explicitly included in user code.

Implementation requires a special device library to be linked with a SYCL program. The library should match the C or C++ standard library used to compile the program.

List of supported functions from C standard library:
  • assert macro (from <assert.h> or <cassert>)
  • logf, log (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • expf, exp (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • frexpf, frexp (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • ldexpf, ldexp (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • log10f, log10 (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • modff, modf (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • exp2f, exp2 (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • expm1f, expm1 (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • ilogbf, ilogb (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • log1pf, log1p (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • log2f, log2 (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • logbf, logb (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • sqrtf, sqrt (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • cbrtf, cbrt (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • hypotf, hypot (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • erff, erf (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • erfcf, erfc (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • tgammaf, tgamma (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • lgammaf, lgamma (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • fmodf, fmod (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • remainderf, remainder (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • remquof, remquo (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • nextafterf, nextafter (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • fdimf, fdim (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • fmaf, fma (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • sinf, sin (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • cosf, cos (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • tanf, tan (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • powf, pow (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • acosf, acos (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • asinf, asin (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • atanf, atan (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • atan2f, atan2 (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • coshf, cosh (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • sinhf, sinh (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • tanhf, tanh (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • acoshf, acosh (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • asinhf, asinh (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • atanhf, atanh (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • scalbnf, scalbn (from <math.h> or <cmath>)
  • abs, labs, llabs (from <stdlib.h> or <cstdlib>)
  • div, ldiv, lldiv (from <stdlib.h> or <cstdlib>)
  • cimagf, cimag (from <complex.h>)
  • crealf, creal (from <complex.h>)
  • cargf, carg (from <complex.h>)
  • cabsf, cabs (from <complex.h>)
  • cprojf, cproj (from <complex.h>)
  • cexpf, cexp (from <complex.h>)
  • clogf, clog (from <complex.h>)
  • cpowf, cpow (from <complex.h>)
  • cpolarf, cpolar (from <complex.h>)
  • csqrtf, csqrt (from <complex.h>)
  • csinhf, csinh (from <complex.h>)
  • ccoshf, ccosh (from <complex.h>)
  • ctanhf, ctanh (from <complex.h>)
  • csinf, csin (from <complex.h>)
  • ccosf, ccos (from <complex.h>)
  • ctanf, ctan (from <complex.h>)
  • casinhf, casinh (from <complex.h>)
  • cacoshf, cacosh (from <complex.h>)
  • catanhf, catanh (from <complex.h>)
  • casinf, casin (from <complex.h>)
  • cacosf, cacos (from <complex.h>)
  • catanf, catan (from <complex.h>)
  • memcpy (from <string.h>)
  • memset (from <string.h>)
  • memcmp (from <string.h>)

All functions are grouped into different device libraries based on functionalities. C and C++ standard library groups functions and classes by purpose(e.g. <math.h> for mathematical operations and transformations) and device library infrastructure uses this as a baseline. NOTE: Only the GNU glibc, Microsoft C libraries are currently supported. Not all functions from <math.h> are supported right now, following math functions are not supported now:

  • lrintf, lrint
  • nexttowardf, nexttoward
  • nanf, nan

Device libraries can't support both single and double precision as some underlying device may not support double precision. 'ldexpf' and 'frexpf' from MSVC <math.h> are implemented using corresponding double precision version, they can be used only when double precision is supported by underlying device.

All device libraries are linked by default. For example, no options need to be added to use assert or math functions: .. code:

clang++ -fsycl main.cpp -o main.o

For Ahead-Of-Time compilation (AOT), the steps to use device libraries is same, no options need to be added to use assert or math functions: .. code:

clang++ -fsycl -fsycl-targets=spir64_x86_64 main.cpp -o main.o

Example of usage


Once the system header is included, the corresponding functions can be used in SYCL device code. This results in a handful of unresolved functions in LLVM IR after clang:

The C and C++ specifications do not define names and signatures of the functions from libc implementation that are used for a particular function. For example, the assert macro:

  • in Glibc and musl libraries it expands to __assert_fail
  • in MSVC library it expands to _wassert
  • in newlib library it expands to __assert_func

This makes it difficult to handle all possible cases in device compilers. In order to facilitate porting to new platforms, and to avoid imposing a lot of boilerplate code in every device compiler, wrapper libraries are provided with the SYCL compiler that "lower" libc implementation-specific functions into a stable set of functions, that can be later handled by a device compiler.

This libsycl-crt.o is one of these wrapper libraries: it provides definitions for glibc specific library function, and these definitions call the corresponding functions from __devicelib_* set of functions.

For example, __assert_fail from IR above gets transformed into: .. code:

; Function Attrs: noreturn nounwind declare dso_local spir_func void @__devicelib_assert_fail(i8 addrspace(4)*, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32, i8 addrspace(4)*)

; Function Attrs: noreturn nounwind define dso_local spir_func void @__assert_fail(i8 addrspace(4)*, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32, i8 addrspace(4)*) {

call spir_func void @__devicelib_assert_fail([...])


[...] cond.false:

call spir_func void @__assert_fail([...]) unreachable

A single wrapper object provides function wrappers for all supported library functions.


Standard library functions are represented as external (import) functions in SPIR-V:

Device compiler

Device compiler is free to implement these __devicelib_* functions. In order to indicate support for a particular set of functions, underlying runtime have to support the corresponding OpenCL (PI) extension. See ../../design/DeviceLibExtensions.rst for a list of supported functions and corresponding extensions.

Fallback implementation

If a device compiler does not indicate "native" support for a particular function, a fallback library is linked at JIT time by the SYCL Runtime. This library is distributed with the SYCL Runtime and resides in the same directory as the or sycl.dll.

A fallback library is implemented as a device-agnostic SPIR-V program, and it is supposed to work for any device that supports SPIR-V.

Every set of functions is implemented in a separate fallback library. For example, a fallback for cl_intel_devicelib_cassert extension is provided as libsycl-fallback-cassert.spv

For AOT compilation, fallback libraries are provided as object files (e.g. libsycl-fallback-cassert.o) which contain device code in LLVM IR format. Device code in these object files is equivalent to device code in the *.spv files. Those object files are located in compiler package's 'lib/' folder.