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This directory contains SYCL-related tests distributed in subdirectories based on testing scope. They follow the same style as other LIT tests but have a minor but crucial difference in the behavior of certain directives.

First, some background. SYCL end-to-end tests take much longer to compile than they spend executing on a device. As such, we want to be able to structure the test in such a way that we compile it once and then execute multiple times on different devices (via ONEAPI_DEVICE_SELECTOR) to get required test coverage. The issue here is that the standard approach to RUN directives and substitutions doesn't allow us to expand a line into only dynamically known number of commands.

To overcome that, we introduce %{run} expansion that generates multiple commands from a single RUN directive - one per device in sycl_devices parameter (more on the parameter below). There is a small number of tests that either need multiple devices or target the device selector itself. For such tests we have a regular %{run-unfiltered-devices} substitution that doesn't set a ONEAPI_DEVICE_SELECTOR filter nor does it create multiple commands. Technically, this change is implemented by creating a custom LIT test format that inherits from lit.formats.ShTest.

This custom LIT test format also overrides the meaning of REQUIRES/UNSUPPORTED/XFAIL directives, although in a natural way that suits the %{run} expansion described above. First, "features" are split into device independent (e.g. "linux" or "cuda_dev_kit") and device dependent ("cpu/gpu/accelerator", "opencl/cuda/hip/level_zero" and multiple "aspect-*"). Second, for each device in sycl_devices LIT parameter, we check if it satisfies the conditions in UNSUPPORTED/REQUIRES rules. If none of the devices do, the entire test is skipped as UNSUPPORTED. Otherwise, if multiple such devices are supported we do an additional filtering treating any XFAIL directives same way as UNSUPPORTED. If only one device is matched by UNSUPPORTED/REQUIRES filtering, then XFAIL behaves as an actual "expected to fail" marking.

For any device left after the filtering above we expand each RUN directive (including multi-line ones) containing %{run} expansion into one command per device, replacing %{run} with

env ONEAPI_DEVICE_SELECTOR=<device_matching_requirements> [Optional run_launcher if that is configured]

while at the same time properly handling %if conditions, meaning that the following works as one would expect it to behave:

// RUN: %run %t.out %if cpu %{ 1 %} %else %{ 2 %}`. `%{run-unfiltered-devices}

is substituted with just [Optional run_launcher if that is configured].

Another little nuance is %{sycl_triple} substitution. It is constructed by concatenating triples for all the devices from sycl_devices supported by a given test. After that there is also a convenient %{build} substitution that is equivalent to %clangxx -fsycl -fsycl-targets=%{sycl_triple} %s.


  • Target runtime(s) to execute tests on devices. See installation instructions
  • DPC++ compiler. Can be built following these instructions or taken prebuilt from releases.
  • LIT tools (llvm-lit, llvm-size). They are not available at prebuilts above, but can be built in compiler project (e.g. with "ninja check").

Last two bullets are only needed for a standalone configuration. During a normal development workflow the tests are integrated into a normal project build/configuration.

Developers workflow

Just build the project according to Getting Started Guide and setup your environment per Run simple DPC++ application Instructions. Then use

# Either absolute or relative path will work.
llvm-lit <repo_path>/sycl/test-e2e

to run SYCL End-to-End tests on all devices configured in the system. Use

llvm-lit --param sycl_devices="backend0:device0[;backendN:deviceN]*" <repo_path>/sycl/test-e2e

to limit execution to particular devices, where backend is one of opencl, ext_oneapi_hip, ext_oneapi_cuda, ext_oneapi_level_zero, ext_intel_esimd_emulator and device is one of cpu, gpu or acc.

To run individual test use the path to it instead of the top level test-e2e directory.

Standalone configuration

This is supposed to be used for CI/automatic testing and isn't recommended for a local development setup.

Get sources

git clone
cd llvm/sycl/test-e2e
mkdir build
cd build

With compiler tools available in the PATH:

# Configure
cmake \
 -DSYCL_TEST_E2E_TARGETS="opencl:cpu" \

# Build and Run
make check-sycl-e2e

To use ninja build run as:

# Configure
cmake -G Ninja ...

# Build and Run
ninja check-sycl-e2e

Cmake parameters

These parameters can be used to configure tests:

CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER - path to DPCPP compiler

TEST_SUITE_LLVM_SIZE - path to llvm-size tool, required for code size collection

TEST_SUITE_COLLECT_COMPILE_TIME=OFF - can be used to turn off compile time collection

TEST_SUITE_COLLECT_CODE_SIZE=OFF - can be used to turn off code size collection

LLVM_LIT - path to llvm-lit tool

SYCL_TEST_E2E_TARGETS - defines selection of multiple SYCL backends with set of target devices per each to be tested iteratively. Value is semicolon-separated list of configurations. Each configuration includes backend separated from comma-separated list of target devices with colon. Example:


OpenCL_LIBRARY - path to OpenCL ICD loader library. OpenCL interoperability tests require OpenCL ICD loader to be linked with. For such tests OpenCL ICD loader library should be installed in the system or available at the full path specified by this variable.

LEVEL_ZERO_INCLUDE - path to Level Zero headers.

LEVEL_ZERO_LIBS_DIR - path to Level Zero libraries.

CUDA_INCLUDE - path to CUDA headers.

CUDA_LIBS_DIR - path to CUDA libraries.

HIP_PLATFORM - platform selection for HIP targeted devices. Defaults to AMD if no value is given. Supported values are:

  • AMD - for HIP to target AMD GPUs
  • NVIDIA - for HIP to target NVIDIA GPUs

AMD_ARCH - flag must be set for when using HIP AMD triple. For example it may be set to "gfx906".

GPU_AOT_TARGET_OPTS - defines additional options which are passed to AOT compilation command line for GPU device. If not specified "-device *" value is used.

Special test categories

There are two special directories for extended testing. See documentation at:

Creating or modifying tests

LIT feature checks

Following features can be checked in tests to limit test execution to the specific environment via REQUIRES, UNSUPPORTED, etc. filters. For example if REQUIRES:sycl-ls specified, test will run only if sycl-ls tool is available. If UNSUPPORTED:sycl-ls specified, test will run only if sycl-ls tool is unavailable.

  • windows, linux - host OS;
  • cpu, gpu, accelerator - target device;
  • cuda, hip, opencl, level_zero, esimd_emulator - target backend;
  • sycl-ls - sycl-ls tool availability;
  • cm-compiler - C for Metal compiler availability;
  • cl_options - CL command line options recognized (or not) by compiler;
  • opencl_icd - OpenCL ICD loader availability;
  • aot_tool - Ahead-of-time compilation tools availability;
  • ocloc, opencl-aot - Specific AOT tool availability;
  • level_zero_dev_kit - Level_Zero headers and libraries availability;
  • cuda_dev_kit - CUDA SDK headers and libraries availability;
  • gpu-intel-gen9 - Intel GPU Gen9 availability;
  • gpu-intel-gen11 - Intel GPU Gen11 availability;
  • gpu-intel-gen12 - Intel GPU Gen12 availability;
  • gpu-intel-dg1 - Intel GPU DG1 availability;
  • gpu-intel-dg2 - Intel GPU DG2 availability;
  • gpu-intel-pvc - Intel GPU PVC availability;
  • dump_ir: - compiler can / cannot dump IR;
  • llvm-spirv - llvm-spirv tool availability;
  • llvm-link - llvm-link tool availability;
  • fusion: - Runtime supports kernel fusion;
  • aspect-<name>: - SYCL aspects supported by a device;

llvm-lit parameters

Following options can be passed to llvm-lit tool through --param option to configure specific single test execution in the command line:

  • dpcpp_compiler - full path to dpcpp compiler;
  • sycl_devices - "backend0:device0[;backendN:deviceN]*" where backend is one of opencl, ext_oneapi_hip, ext_oneapi_cuda, ext_oneapi_level_zero, ext_intel_esimd_emulator and device is one of cpu, gpu or acc.
  • dump_ir - if IR dumping is supported for compiler (True, False);
  • compatibility_testing - forces LIT infra to skip the tests compilation to support compatibility testing (a SYCL application is built with one version of SYCL compiler and then run with different SYCL RT version);
  • gpu_aot_target_opts - defines additional options which are passed to AOT compilation command line for GPU device. It can be also set by CMake variable GPU_AOT_TARGET_OPTS. If not specified "-device *" value is used.
  • gpu-intel-dg1 - tells LIT infra that Intel GPU DG1 is present in the system. It is developer / CI infra responsibility to make sure that the device is available in the system. Tests requiring DG1 to run must use proper device selector to ensure that. Use SYCL_DEVICE_ALLOWLIST or SYCL_DEVICE_FILTER to get proper configuration (see;
  • gpu-intel-dg2 - tells LIT infra that Intel GPU DG2 is present in the system. It is developer / CI infra responsibility to make sure that the device is available in the system.
  • gpu-intel-pvc - tells LIT infra that Intel GPU PVC is present in the system. It is developer / CI infra responsibility to make sure that the device is available in the system.
  • extra_environment - comma-separated list of variables with values to be added to test environment. Can be also set by LIT_EXTRA_ENVIRONMENT variable in cmake.
  • level_zero_include - directory containing Level_Zero native headers, can be also set by CMake variable LEVEL_ZERO_INCLUDE.
  • level_zero_libs_dir - directory containing Level_Zero native libraries, can be also set by CMake variable LEVEL_ZERO_LIBS_DIR.
  • cuda_include - directory containing CUDA SDK headers, can be also set by CMake variable CUDA_INCLUDE.
  • cuda_libs_dir - directory containing CUDA SDK libraries, can be also set by CMake variable CUDA_LIBS_DIR.
  • run_launcher - part of %{run*} expansion/substitution to alter execution of the test by, e.g., running it through Valgrind.


llvm-lit --param dpcpp_compiler=path/to/clang++ --param dump_ir=True \