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A universal supervisor controller and Evolutionary Robotics suite for Webots ( ) that can be adapted to any wheeled robot morphology with ease. This is also an Evolutionary Robotics suite that allows for easy experimentation and controller synthesis with the popular CMA-ES evolutionary algorithm, a novelty search augmented CMA-ES, and MAP-Elites, as well as both a fixed and recurrent neural network.

This suite allows the user to pick a desired configuration of Neural Network and Evolutionary Algorithm to carry out learning tasks with a robot of their choice.

This is a work in progress and will continued to be refined, streamlined and expanded.

Coding Standards

All code code has been designed for ease of use and educational purposes. Variables are as close to plain English as possible, and in cases speed and space efficiency has been sacrificed to make each step of the coding involved as clear as possible to the user.

This suite is designed to be used by non-technical as well as technical users and it is asked that the above coding standards are kept in mind during any future merge/pull requests.


  1. Install Webots
  2. Install Python 3.7 (make sure supplementary libraries: NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, pickle are also installed) - pip command for bulk download of official python libraries: python -m pip install --user numpy scipy matplotlib ipython jupyter pandas sympy nose (then add to PATH)
  3. Install the Deap library:
  4. Place the entire 'UniversalController' folder inside of your 'Controllers' folder in your Webots projects directory (WebotsProjects>YourProject>controllers>UniversalController)
  5. Basic understanding of how to set up a Webots Environment and change robot controllers

Set up

  1. Once you have place the 'UniversalController' folder inside your controller folder, you can now select 'UniversalController' as a controller option for your robot
  2. Open up the module in either the Webots editor or an IDE of your choice
  3. The only information you need access to is the names of the distance sensors built into your robot - this can be found via the Webots documentation on the available robots
  4. Follow the instructions below or the step by step comments in the file itself to begin experimentation with just a few lines of code, or simply edit the existing code or example code provided in the comments
  5. Additional points: ensure the 'Supervisor' field in your robot node is set to TRUE to enable compatibility with a supervisor controller, ensure you are naming your robot and target location in their DEF fields in line with the instructions or passing your custom names to the UniversalController instance in line with the below steps

Universal Controller

(Set up instructions can also be found as comments in each relevant module.) Features

  • Default configuration is for a two wheeled robotic agent but can be easily expanded - instructions inside module next to relevant methods
  • Within a few lines of code a non-technical user can carry out complete Evolutionary Robotics expeirmentation with a robotic agent and environment of their choice
  • Controller automatically:
    • Enables and registers all desired distance sensors and motors
    • Registers robot and target starting position, and resets all robot physics and translation in-between runs
    • Tracks and evaluates robot's position and fitness during every time step and will break when a solution has been found
    • Reads in distance sensor values and passes through Neural Network every time step
    • Computes/updates all motor values via Neural Network output every time step

Example set up code from

'''STEP 1: Create an array for your robot's distance sensors (can be found in documentation or robot window) '''
distanceSensors = ['cs0', 'cs1', 'cs2', 'cs3']
#Another example distance sensor array:
#distanceSensors = ['ds0', 'ds1', 'ds2', 'ds3', 'ds4', 'ds5', 'ds6', 'ds7']
'''STEP 2: Create your Neural Network instance '''
network = FixedNeuralNetwork(inputs = len(distanceSensors))
#network = RecurrentNeuralNetwork(inputs = len(distanceSensors))

'''STEP 3: Create your controller instance (pass in the network) '''
myController = UniversalController(network = network)
#optional - default is set to 90 seconds
myController.evalRuntime = 100

'''STEP 4: Pass your distance sensor array to your controller '''
#optional - set size of your environment, default is 1m x 1m
#myController.setDimensions([0.75, 0.75])

'''STEP 5: Create your algorithm instance '''
myEA = CMAES(individualSize = network.solutionSize, evalFunction = myController.evaluateRobot, popSize = 50)
#myEA = NCMAES(individualSize = network.solutionSize, evalFunction = myController.evaluateRobot, popSize = 50)
#myEA = MAPElites(network.solutionSize, myController.evaluateRobot)

'''STEP 6: You can now run an algorithm test with your chosen set up'''
myEA.runAlgorithm(generations = 40)

Available Configurations:

Neural Networks

  • Fixed Neural Network - standard feed forward NN
  • Recurrent Neural Network - Elman Neural Network


  • CMA-ES - Deap Library Implementation
  • NCMA-ES - Novelty Search Augmented version of CMA-ES
  • MAP-Elites - Popular Quality Diversity Algorithm


  • Currently usable with any wheeled robot - default configuration is two wheels and can be manually edited via instructions in

Data Reporting

  • Dedicated DataReporting module with instructions that allows for:
    • Saving and loading of all run and hyperparameter testing data
    • Visualisation of run data via box plots
    • Student's T Testing and P-value testing for Sigma(HyperParameter) testing data

Example DataReporting set up code from

'''OPTIONAL Data reporting 1: Create an instance of the DataReporting class with your desired filename '''
myData = DataReporting("Sigma Test - MultiMaze")

'''OPTIONAL Data reporting 2: Pass your DataReporting instance to your controller '''
myController.dataReporting = myData

'''OPTIONAL Data reporting 3: You can now run an algorithm test '''
#myController.algorithmTest(myEA, generations = 5, totalRuns = 50)

''' ****************************************************************** '''
'''OPTIONAL Sigma DataVisualisationandTesting (compatible with CMA-ES and NCMA-ES: You can also run Sigma testing with your chosen set up'''
myData.sigmaGenerations = 6
myData.sigmaRuns = 25
myController.sigmaTest(myEA, upperLimit=2.0, lowerLimit= 0.1)

Example data visualisation code from

'''BOXPLOT Exmaple from Algorithm Test Data'''
myData = DataReporting("Algorithm Testing Data/CMA-ES/CMA-ES TEST - MiddleWall - 150ME, 25PS, 20TR, 07-21-2020, 00-28-46.txt")
myData.totalRuns = 20
myData.maxEvals = 150
myData.displayAlgorithmBoxPlots("CMA-ES", "NCMA-ES")

A formal user guide will be put together in the future.

Known Deap Library Issue

Deap library throws an exception that does not interrupt the running program but displays in the console window when the CMA-ES algorithm resets itself in-between completed runs. You can simply comment out the few lines of code it refers to if you wish to avoid it clogging up the window.