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Gerry edited this page Jul 11, 2017 · 11 revisions


  • Android NDK r12+ for Android Studio + cmake/ndkbuild support
  • For NDK r11 and earlier, gradle-experimental works, or other tools like ant. Branch android-mk keeps command-line / eclipse samples

Generic Build Instructions

  • Android Studio: use "Import project (Eclipse ADT, Gradle, etc)", or "File" > "Import Project", file will be created. Double check sdk and ndk directories are setting correctly in that file.
  • Command Line: set up two environment variables ANDROID_HOME (for sdk dir) and ANDROID_NDK_HOME(for ndk dir), then "gradlew assembleDebug"

Q and A

How to trace code in native lib?

  • In app/build.gradle, add compile dependency for debug and release builds with:
    debugCompile project(path: ':your-lib', configuration: 'debug')
    releaseCompile project(path: ':your-lib', configuration: 'release')
  • in lib(s)/build.gradle, enable publishNonDefault:
android {
    publishNonDefault  true

How to Pack standard stl shared libs:

Please check the workaround

How to build target other than shared lib in CMakeList.txt?

defaultConfig.externalNativeBuild.cmake.targets "target1", "target2"
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