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cpritcha edited this page Aug 22, 2016 · 4 revisions

Test that the Assigned Curator Workflow is Working

  1. In your test data set be sure to have some untagged publications without a curator (in ./ shell_plus ensure run Publication.objects.filter(assigned_curator__isnull=True, status='UNTAGGED').count() is greater than zero.
  2. Assign untagged publications a curator with the Django management command (for example you could run ./ assign_curators --N 100 --users bob frank --verbose to assign at most 100 publications evenly between the users with usernames 'bob' and 'frank'.
  3. Test the Home, Login, Dashboard, Curate, Search, All Publication and Publication Edit pages to ensure the required functionality for each page works.

Feature Test for Home Page

  • Ensure that the links one on the footer and header link to their appropriate places.

Feature Test for Login Page

  • Ensure that logging in with a nonexistent user or password does not work
  • Ensure that logging in with a correct user and password combination works

Feature Test for Dashboard Page

  • Ensure that the publication assigned to you count matches the count of publications actually assigned to you
  • Ensure summary counts in the top header match actual counts
  • Ensure that if a publication has been updated recently then the logging appears in the Recently Updated Publications pane
  • Ensure that if an author has been updated recently then the logging appears in the Recently Updated Authors pane

Feature Test for Curate Page

  • In the curate page in the Status pane you should see counts of all your assigned publications broken down by status.
  • In the Assigned Publications for pane you should see a list of all your assigned publications. Clicking on the one of the assigned publications should bring you to its Publication Edit page.

Feature Test for Search Page

  • Ensure that a search for a particular publication returns relevant results

Feature Test for All Publications Page

  • Ensure that pagination is working properly (the Next Page and Previous Page work)
  • Ensure that the create publication goes to the Publication Create page
  • Ensure that clicking on a title directs you to the Publication Edit page for that publication

Feature Test for Publication Edit Page

  • Ensure that fields display the appropriate content
  • Ensure that if a field is changed and then the save button is pressed that the changes are still there when the field values are updated

Feature Test for Publication Related Edit Page

  • Ensure that adding or removing platforms, sponsors, authors or model documentation results and saving results in presistent changes and corresponding insert log messages for the through tables and related tables
  • Ensure that editing publication specific fields results and saving results auditlog UPDATE record being create and shown as well as the changes made have been saved.
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