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Releases: day8/re-com


14 Oct 02:18
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Breaking Changes

  • Sorry, but the API for popovers has slightly changed and you will have to tweak your code (double sorry). There's every chance the changes you'll make will be simple and mechanical. Full particulars are given below.
  • re-com.css has changed so please grab this latest version for your code.
    • In fact, please grab this updated one: re-com.css.


  • Popover changes:
    • Popovers now automatically adjust their :position to prevent (as much as possible) them being clipped by the screen edges (thanks to @richiardiandrea and @tomek for inspiration and some of their code from http:/
    • Popovers now fade in when initially showing on screen
    • Added :success status to popover-tooltip
    • In the demo, renamed Popover Args page to Popover Reference and added "The Basics" section which shows sample code and corresponding popover
    • In the demo, added an advanced topic "Component hierarchy of a Popover" to the end of the Popover Reference page
  • Input-text changes:
    • Added :validating and :success status for input-text fields
  • Throbber changes:
    • Added :smaller version - which we then used in input-text for status
  • Addressed #86 - Note about api namespace in docs.
  • Renamed :component-function to :reagent-render in form-3 components (and added :display-name).
  • Promoted popover and typeahead components to Stable.
  • In the demo left navbar, made any line without a panel a little greyer to emphasise Introduction and Layout panels (and turned cursor to a hand for those with panels).
  • The demo right panel now scrolls back to top when you change panels.
  • Removed develop branch. Updated release procedures and
  • Added Dirac support.
  • Added Add CircleCI tests.
  • In the demo, bumped transit-cljs to 0.8.239 to override the version pulled in by storage-atom to prevent compiler warnings about uuid? and boolean? being replaced.
  • In project.clj, renamed various lein aliases:
    • run => dev-once
    • debug => dev-auto
    • run-prod => prod-once
    • debug-prod => prod-auto
    • run-test => test-once
    • debug-test => test-auto


  • Merged #110 - fix missing core.async dependency error.
  • Merged #111 - Bug-fix for new reagent 0.6.0.
  • Fixed a bug where popovers don't move to the correct new position when the position is changed while the popover is showing.

Breaking Popover Changes

In this version, the way popover-anchor-wrapper interacts with its :popover child has changed. This child is typically a popover-content-wrapper.

You will need to search for all occurrences of popover-content-wrapper in your app (the child), and then, depending on the way it is used, make one of the two changes described below.

1. Simple Change

When, popover-content-wrapper is used to directly create the :popover child of popover-anchor-wrapper, like this sketch:

  :popover [popover-content-wrapper 

You need to remove the :showing? and :position parameters given to the inner popover-content-wrapper. That's all.

You see :showing? and :position args are no longer statically supplied to the child popover-content-wrapper because the parent popover-anchor-wrapper now "injects" them at run time.

Supplying :showing? and :position at this inner level was always unnecessary duplication of what was already given in the outer popover-anchor-wrapper, so this is actually a nice simplification.

2. Harder Change

If you provide an alternative to popover-content-wrapper like this:

  :popover [my-content-wrapper    ;;   <--- not popover-content-wrapper
             arg1 arg2 arg3]]          

then we need to talk about how popover-anchor-wrapper will "inject" parameters into the :popover child you have supplied.

In the code sketch above, it looks like only 3 arguments will be supplied to my-content-wrapper: arg1, arg2 and arg3. But, starting with this version, popover-anchor-wrapper (the parent) injects two named arguments into the popup child my-content-wrapper. The two named arguments are :showing-injected? and :position-injected. Both are atoms.

So while it might appear like this in the code:
[my-content-wrapper arg1 arg2 arg3]

at runtime, it will actually be like this:
[my-content-wrapper arg1 arg2 arg3 :showing-injected? showing?:position-injected position ]`

so, just to be clear four args have been added:
:showing-injected? showing?:position-injected position`

So your :popover component (aka my-content-wrapper above) must be re-written to accept these two "injected" named arguments.

Typically, my-content-wrapper will itself use popover-content-wrapper, in which case, the transformation you must make will look like this:


(defn my-content-wrapper
  [showing? position arg3 arg4]
    :showing?  showing?
    :position  position
    :on-cancel #(swap! showing? not)
    :body      [...]]


(defn my-content-wrapper  ;;  <--- remove showing?/position from all calls to this
  [arg3 arg4 & {:keys [showing-injected? position-injected]}]  ;;  <--- remove showing?/position & add injected versions
    :showing-injected? showing-injected?  ;;  <--- new arg name and value for showing?
    :position-injected position-injected  ;;  <--- new arg name and value for position
    :on-cancel         #(swap! showing-injected? not)  ;;  <--- also rename other occurrences
    :body              [...]]


15 Sep 02:04
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  • This release is mostly about pull requests, so thanks to everyone for your helpful contributions.
  • Merged #105 - Added typeahead component. Special thanks to blak3mill3r for such a significant contribution and a lovely new demo page.
  • Merged #44 - Added ability for the current selection of a dropdown list to have a title attribute. See "Dropdown with grouping" demo in the dropdown page (hover over the country dropdown).
  • Merged #108 - Decoupled label from rendering function in dropdown. See "Custom markup" demo in the dropdown page.
  • Merged #89 - Added :start-of-week for datepicker. datepicker page updated.
  • Merged #57 - Added a split between the left navbar and content of the demo. Note that splits are percentage-based and the default percent is optimised for a Full HD display. demo updated.
  • Merged #106 - Added :dev-cider profile with piggieback for cider cljs repl.
  • Bumped:
    • Clojure to 1.8.0
    • ClojureScript to 1.9.14
    • cljsbuild to 1.1.3
    • reagent to 0.6.0-rc
    • storage-atom to 2.0.1
    • figwheel to 0.5.4-7
    • lein-ancient to 0.6.10
  • Turned ClojureScript repl off


  • Prevent React 15 error messages about "unitless numbers".


02 May 08:15
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Switched back to Reagent 0.6.0-alpha as Leiningen will not release with dependencies on -SNAPSHOT versions.

Please note that the re-com library has been successfully tested against 0.6.0-SNAPSHOT. Only the demo needed changes as explained in the previous release.


02 May 07:16
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  • Bumped dependencies:
    • [reagent "0.6.0-SNAPSHOT"]


  • Make the demo app compatible with the new Reagent:
    • Fix <ul> cannot appear as a descendant of <p> error message by moving [:ul] (and [:ol] and [:div]) tags out of [:p] and [p] in various demo pages
    • The way the h-box demo was writing to a reaction is no longer allowed (not very idiomatic anyway). Fixed this (with another hack that works)


18 Apr 01:42
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  • Bumped dependencies:
    • [lein-cljsbuild "1.1.2"]
    • [figwheel "0.5.2"]
    • [lein-ancient "0.6.7"]
    • [com.andrewmcveigh/cljs-time "0.4.0"]


  • Fixed single-dropdown bug. When you press home/end keys in filtered lists and the filtered list was empty, an unhandled exception occurrs
  • Correct :closure-defines to "goog.DEBUG"
  • Fixed #96 [figwheel "0.5.2"] Causes figwheel configuration error


16 Dec 03:04
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Breaking Changes

  • Updated re-com.css, please update your copies. Removed Segoe UI Semilight from re-com.css as this doesn't render correctly in Chrome for Windows/Mac and well, we prefer the look of Roboto for our title fonts anyway.


  • Added the two unique datepicker-dropdown argument to the datepicker demo page


  • Merged #78 - Fix clickable area for month navigation chevron buttons in datepicker
  • Merged #71 - hide the tooltip when a button is disabled
  • Merged #54 - Added the event to on-click callbacks (previously callback functions
  • Merged #80 - Fix for #79 Validation fails when attempting to register a capture phase event handler
  • Re-fixed popover bug where :no-clip? popovers would be repositioned incorrectly if they were within scrolled scrollbars
  • Added :no-clip? to popover-tooltip (defaults to true, unlike normal popovers) so it doesn't suffer clipping issues
  • Also added :no-clip? to datepicker-dropdown for the same reason
  • Added a feature to most buttons to prevent the tooltip from still showing after a button is included in a drag/drop
  • single-dropdown no longer fires an on-change if the currently selected item is selected


01 Dec 23:31
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No additional changes since alpha2. Combined list of changes and fixes...


  • Added two new popover-content-wrapper arguments:
    • :position-offset - px offset of the arrow from its default :position along the popover border. Is ignored when :position is one of the :xxx-center variants. Positive numbers slide the popover toward its center.
    • :arrow-gap - px gap between the anchor and the arrow tip. Positive numbers push the popover away from the anchor.
  • Bumped the following:
    • clojurescript ("1.7.48" ==> "1.7.145")
    • reagent ("0.5.1-rc3" ==> "0.5.1")
    • cljs-time ("0.3.10" ==> "0.3.14")
    • And some dev dependencies
    • Remember, it is the deps in your app's project.clj which determines which version of these libs are ultimately used.


  • In popover-content-wrapper, the :arrow-length argument never worked. Although it drew an arrow of the correct size, it positioned the arrow 11px away from the popover no matter what number was specified.
  • id-fn and label-fn fixes and fixes and improvements:
    • In tab components:
      • Fixed validate-fn (fn? => ifn?) for :id-fn and :label-fn to allow keywords
      • Improved types and descriptions
    • In selection-list:
      • Fixed default for :label-fn from 'str to :label
      • Improved types and descriptions
    • In dropdown:
      • Fixed validate-fn (vector? => vector-of-maps?) for :choices
  • Fixed #59 - Components in splitter panels not updating
  • Fixed #61 - datepicker-dropdown should deref-or-value model
  • Fixed a popover bug where, if you have an element with relative or absolute positioning, then any child popovers with :no-clip? set to true will not be positioned correctly. e.g., if there was a :no-clip? popover within another :no-clip? popover, the position of the nested one would be wrong
  • Fixed inline styles in alert-box demos


19 Nov 03:45
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0.7.0-alpha2 Pre-release


  • Bumped the following:
    • clojurescript ("1.7.48" ==> "1.7.145")
    • reagent ("0.5.1-rc3" ==> "0.5.1")
    • cljs-time ("0.3.10" ==> "0.3.14")
    • And some dev dependencies
    • Remember, your app will determine which version of these libs are used by re-com.


  • Fixed #59 - Components in splitter panels not updating
  • Fixed #61 - datepicker-dropdown should deref-or-value model
  • Fixed a popover bug where, if you have an element with relative or absolute positioning, then any child popovers with :no-clip? set to true will not be positioned correctly. e.g., if there was a :no-clip? popover within another :no-clip? popover, the position of the nested one would be wrong
  • Fixed inline styles in alert-box demos


15 Oct 05:10
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0.7.0-alpha1 Pre-release


  • Added two new popover-content-wrapper arguments:
    • :position-offset - px offset of the arrow from its default :position along the popover border. Is ignored when :position is one of the :xxx-center variants. Positive numbers slide the popover toward its center.
    • :arrow-gap - px gap between the anchor and the arrow tip. Positive numbers push the popover away from the anchor.


  • In popover-content-wrapper, the :arrow-length argument never worked. Although it drew an arrow of the correct size, it positioned the arrow 11px away from the popover no matter what number was specified.
  • id-fn and label-fn fixes and fixes and improvements:
    • In tab components:
      • Fixed validate-fn (fn? => ifn?) for :id-fn and :label-fn to allow keywords
      • Improved types and descriptions
    • In selection-list:
      • Fixed default for :label-fn from 'str to :label
      • Improved types and descriptions
    • In dropdown:
      • Fixed validate-fn (vector? => vector-of-maps?) for :choices


08 Sep 00:47
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  • Bumped Reagent to 0.5.1-rc3.
  • Now displays component-path in validation errors and warnings (requires Reagent 0.5.1-rc2 or above).
  • Removed the following classes from re-com.css as they were only meant for the demo, which now uses inline styles:
    • alert-success-modern
    • alert-warning-modern
    • alert-danger-modern