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♬♪ ᕕ(⌐■_■)ᕗ ♪♬

ndndn (NDN Docker Net) is a set of tools and Docker images aimed at easing the process of testing NDN software as close to the real hardware as possible.

ndndn utilizes Docker Compose tool - a tool for defining and running multi-container applications. For NDN developers, it allows to quickly deploy a network topology defined graphically in a .dot and run it using multiple Docker containers.

Running an experiment using ndndn is a three-step process:

  • First, one prepares a .dot file describing experiment topology and a folder with Dockerfile and supporting files for the Docker image of an application being tested.
  • Then, ndndn generate is used to generate an experiment folder with docker-compose.yml configuration file which describes experiment setup in “Docker compose” terms.
  • Finally, ndndn run is used to run the experiment.

example binary tree topology

A .dot file describes network topology graph a user wish to run, by defining three types of nodes (hub, producer, consumer), links between these nodes and links’ properties (latency, loss, bandwidth). Each node of the topology graph will eventually become a Docker container when running experiment. These containers are based off of Docker images defined by Dockerfiles prepared during first step. There are no limits on how many containers one can run, though there is a limit (right now) on how many network-shaped links each node can have (no more than 7 right now).

If you are rich in hardware resources or financially, you may be interested in setting up Docker swarm in order to run very serious experiments with tens of containers. There was a time, I’ve tried swarming on Amazon EC2 instances, it was exciting.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ノ⌐■-■

build ( ´◔ ω◔`) ノシ

brew install multitail libgraphviz-dev graphviz
  • ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install -y multitail libgraphviz-dev graphviz
  • platform-independent:
cd ndndn
pip install pypandoc virtualenv
virtualenv env && source env/bin/activate
pip install .

examples ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

ndnping (☞゚∀゚)☞

The simplest and quickiest (in terms of Docker image build times) example would be ndnping example. For the topology shown above:

ndndn generate -t topologies/ \
               -a hub \
               -c examples/ping/consumer.env \
               -p examples/ping/producer.env \
               -o ping-bintree4

Here's what happened:

  • -t passed topology file;
  • -a passed path to application description folder; since we are running ndnping and it's included in hub image, we provide path to hub description here;
  • -c provides consumer environment file; examples/ping/consumer.env defines just one variable - ENTRYPOINT which is a ndnping client command;
  • -p provides producer environment file; examples/ping/producer.env defines ENTRYPOINT for ndnpingserver app;
  • -o tells ndndn to write generated setup into directotry called ping-bintree4.

You can examine the contents of ping-bintree4 folder: it has docked-compose.yml configuration file, topology.pdf of the topology being tested and symlinks to hub, producer and consumer image description folders.

cd ping-bintree4 && ndndn run .

Will launch docker-compose in ping-bintree4 folder. According to the bintree4 topology, this will create 8 containers: p1, h1, h2, h3, c1, c2, c3, c4 and run them.

You can examine results being generated for each of the container in generated folder. To see ndnping output in real-time, run this:

multitail -s 4 generated/c*/entrypoint.log

To stop experiment, type:

docker-compose down

ndnrtc (⌐■_■)

!!! building ndnrtc image will take some time and space.

This is a quick example of how one can run ndnrtc-client application on bintree4 topology (shown above) and collect results from this experiment:

ndndn generate -t topologies/ \
               -a examples/ndnrtc/ \
               -c examples/ndnrtc/consumer.env \
               -p examples/ndnrtc/producer.env \
               -o ndnrtc-bintree4
cd ndnrtc-bintree4 && ndndn run .
sleep 30 # run for 30 seconds
docker-compose down

Generated files can be found in ndnrtc-bintree4/generated folder after experiment.

TBD: add post-processing step for ndnrtc results to make it visual and easy to digest

use ndndn ƪ(ړײ)‎ƪ​​

This is a general description of how one should use ndndn.

  • Prepare app description

    • app description is a folder that contains Dockerfile and supporting files for your application Docker image;
    • see more here on what to consider when creating an app image;
    • it is implied that your app can work in consumer/producer mode OR that you provide two executables in your app Docker image;
    • environment variables files consumer.env and producer.env should be used in order to define app's behavior as either consumer or producer.
  • Generate experiment

ndndn generate \
               --app=`pwd`/app \
               --consumer-env=`pwd`/app/consumer.env \

the command above will generate a folder (most likely called experiment1) with the following:

  • docker-compose.yml — Docker Compose yml file describing your setup
  • topology.pdf
  • h — symlink or folder to the hub folder
  • c — symlink or folder to the app folder
  • p — symlink or folder to the app folder

whether it is a symlink or folder - can be altered by passing option --copy to ndn generate command.

  • Run experiment

    • change to the newly generated folder and type:
ndndn run .

ndndn run is just a wrapper around docker-compose up -d —build command.
It has not been tested against different versions of docker-compose vs docker, so if you get any errors, please report an issue or contact author.

collecting results ᕙ(`▽´)ᕗ

By default, docker will mount /generated folder from each container into a separate subfolder under generated folder on the host machine (like, generated/p1, generated/c1, generated/c2 and so on). If you want to collect any results from your nodes, you should have your image configured to write to files in this directory.

creating app image ☉ ‿ ⚆

Few things should be considered when creating an app image:

  • create a separate folder for app description - put Dockerfile and all supporting files in it;

  • app image must be derived from peetonn/ndn-docker:ndndn-hub image: it provides neccessary bootstrapping scripts and environment for launching apps. This means your Dockerfile should start with:

     FROM peetonn/ndn-docker:ndndn-hub
  • container entry point must be defined through ENTRYPOINT environmental variable:

     ENV ENTRYPOINT=<path to your executable>
  • run-time envrionment can be configured using .env files for consumer and producer separately - for that, use -c and -p arguments for ndndn generate;

  • use -a argument with path to the app image description folder for ndndn generate.

See ndnrtc image for an example of how app image can be configured.

hub image (◕ᴥ◕ʋ)

Hub image is used by ndndn generate by default (can be altered by providing -h argument). It contains latest NFD version (defined by peetonn/ndn-docker:latest image), ndntools, additional assisting tools (like network shaping tc) and bootstrapping script

Bootrapping performs these functions:

  • starts NFD;
  • registers prefixes towards other containers (defined by REGISTER variable created by ndndn generate);
  • applies network-shaping to each link (defined by NETWORK_SHAPE variable created by ndndn generate);
  • executes ENTRYPOINT variable and redirects its' output into /generated/entrypoint.log;
  • if ENTRYPOINT is empty and NFD_BACKGROUND==no then runs NFD in foreground.

describing topologies (҂◡_◡) ᕤ