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Update deCONZ manually

Dennis D edited this page May 17, 2022 · 82 revisions

As this question came up recently, this one should come in handy for some people having trouble to update deCONZ and the firmware via Phoscon App.

Warning: It is strongly advised to use a native installation of one of the update methods. Virtual Machines may work but are not supported, using a VM while trying to update firmware is on your own risk.

Supported platforms

  • RaspBee, RaspBee II, ConBee and ConBee II
  • Raspbian Jessie, Stretch Buster and Bullseye
  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64-Bit PC (AMD64)
  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 64-Bit PC (AMD64)
  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 64-Bit PC (AMD64)
  • Debian Jessie, Stretch, Buster and Bullseye
  • Windows 7, 10 and 11

Update in Docker

If you are using deconz-community/deconz-docker deCONZ Docker image the steps in this guide won't work.
Please refer to the following guide, which describes how to update the firmware inside Docker.

This method cannot be used for the Home-Assistant add-on and no current workaround is known. This also includes the button in Phoscon App within the addon.

Update in Raspbian

Important On Raspberry Pi 4B with a RaspBee you need to update the WiringPi package manually to version 2.52, otherwise the update will fail.

cd /tmp
sudo dpkg -i wiringpi-latest.deb
  1. Login to your machine and stop the deCONZ service.

    sudo systemctl stop deconz (Headless version), or
    sudo systemctl stop deconz-gui (GUI version)

  2. Download latest deCONZ firmware. Check for the latest release and replace the filename accordingly.

    RaspBee and ConBee

    ConBee II

    RaspBee II

  3. Flash deCONZ firmware.

    Before starting the update, stop ModemManager: sudo systemctl stop ModemManager.

    Change the filename according to your download in step 2. If you are using multiple USB devices, use ls -la /dev/serial/by-id/ to check for the correct serial port.

    sudo GCFFlasher_internal -t 60 -f deCONZ_Rpi_0x26400500.bin.GCF

    RaspBee II
    sudo GCFFlasher_internal -t 60 -f deCONZ_RaspBeeII_0x26780700.bin.GCF

    sudo GCFFlasher_internal -t 60 -d 0 -f deCONZ_Rpi_0x26400500.bin.GCF

    ConBee II
    sudo GCFFlasher_internal -t 60 -d /dev/ttyACM0 -f deCONZ_ConBeeII_0x26780700.bin.GCF

    You may run GCFFlasher with the additional parameter -x 3 for verbose logging. In case manual flashing ConBee II fails with an error message similar to:
    flashing 160930 bytes: |======error: timeout flashing firmware after 3002 ms

  4. [Optional] Update the deCONZ package as well.

    wget -O deconz-latest-beta.deb (Latest Beat Version), or
    wget -O deconz-latest.deb (Latest Stable Version)
    sudo dpkg -i deconz-latest-beta.deb or sudo dpkg -i deconz-latest.deb

  5. Have deCONZ up and running again.

    sudo systemctl start deconz (Headless version), or
    sudo systemctl start deconz-gui (GUI version)

Update in Ubuntu or Debian

Note: If you have not yet installed deCONZ, you will need to do so in order to use the GCFFlasher_internal command below. You install the utility following the instructions here:

  1. Login to your machine and stop the deCONZ service

    sudo systemctl stop deconz (Headless version), or
    sudo systemctl stop deconz-gui (GUI version)

  2. Download latest deCONZ firmware. Check for the latest release and replace the filename accordingly.


    ConBee II

  3. Flash deCONZ firmware. Change the filename according to your download in step 2. If you are using multiple USB devices, use ls -la /dev/serial/by-id/ to check for the correct serial port.

    Before starting the update, stop ModemManager: sudo systemctl stop ModemManager.

    sudo GCFFlasher_internal -t 60 -d 0 -f deCONZ_Rpi_0x26400500.bin.GCF

    ConBee II
    sudo GCFFlasher_internal -t 60 -d /dev/ttyACM0 -f deCONZ_ConBeeII_0x26780700.bin.GCF

  4. [Optional] Update the deCONZ package as well.

    sudo dpkg -i deconz-2.14.01-qt5.deb

  5. Start deCONZ again.

    sudo systemctl start deconz (Headless version), or
    sudo systemctl start deconz-gui (GUI version)

Update in Windows


Are you performing the update from a system, where you also have the deCONZ software running? Then continue to this chapter.

Update on a system without deCONZ software

  1. Unzip the downloaded GCFFlasher, you will get a folder named GCFFlasher_Vx_x (where x is a version number).

  2. Download latest deCONZ firmware. Check for the latest release and put it in the same folder.

  3. Open a command prompt in the GCFFlasher_Vx_x folder.

    • In Windows Explorer Shift+Right Click in a free area of the folder and select "Open command window here" from the context menu. In new versions of Windows 10, select "Open PowerShell window here" - if using Powershell, you will need to add a .\ before every command. Make sure to run the PowerShell or CMD window as Administrator!
  4. Plug the ConBee or ConBee II in and wait 10 seconds

  5. List all available devices and their COM ports with: GCFFlasher -l

GCFFlasher V3_10 (c) dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh
Path             | Vendor | Product | Serial     | Type
\\.\COM7         | 0x1CF1 | 0x0030  | DE214xxxx  | ConBee II

Do not proceed, if there is no ConBee Stick listed here!

  1. Update the firmware. (Replace X with COM number and Y with firmware filename)
GCFFlasher -d COMX -t 60 -f Y

Example: GCFFlasher -d COM3 -t 60 -f deCONZ_ConBeeII_0x26780700.bin.GCF

  1. Output in Windows if flashing is successful
GCFFlasher V3_17 (c) dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh
Reboot device COM7 (ConBee II)
deCONZ firmware version 266f0700
action: update firmware after 7166 ms
flashing 164373 bytes: |==============================|
verify: .
Wait 10 seconds until application starts

Update on a system where deCONZ is already installed

  1. Close deCONZ if it is running

  2. Download latest deCONZ firmware. Check for the latest release and replace the filename accordingly.

  3. Open the deCONZ installation folder in Windows Explorer

    If deCONZ is installed in your user profile, like C:\Users\bob\AppData\Local\deCONZ, you can quickly open the folder with the command prompt:

    • Windows+R

    • %APPDATA%\..\local\deconz\bin

    • press enter

    If the folder doesn't exist deCONZ is probably installed in: C:\Program Files (x86)\deCONZ\bin, navigate here in Windows Explorer.

  4. Place the files from the GCFFlasher zip file in to the deCONZ\bin folder.

  5. Open a command prompt in the deCONZ\bin folder.

    • In Windows Explorer Shift+Right Click in a free area of the bin folder and select "Open command window here" from the context menu. In new versions of Windows 10, select "Open PowerShell window here" - if using Powershell, you will need to add a .\ before every command. Make sure to run the PowerShell or CMD window as Administrator!
  6. Unplug the ConBee or ConBee II for 10 seconds

  7. Plug the ConBee or ConBee II in again and wait 10 seconds

  8. List all available devices and their COM ports with: GCFFlasher -l

GCFFlasher V3_10 (c) dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh
Path             | Vendor | Product | Serial     | Type
\\.\COM7         | 0x1CF1 | 0x0030  | DE214xxxx  | ConBee II

Do not proceed, if there is no ConBee Stick listed here!

  1. Update the firmware. Use the COM port from the previous step.

    GCFFlasher -d COM7 -t 60 -f ../firmware/deCONZ_Rpi_0x26400500.bin.GCF

    ConBee II
    GCFFlasher -d COM7 -t 60 -f ../firmware/deCONZ_ConBeeII_0x26780700.bin.GCF

  2. Output in Windows if flashing is successful

GCFFlasher V3_17 (c) dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh
Reboot device COM7 (ConBee II)
deCONZ firmware version 266f0700
action: update firmware after 7166 ms
flashing 164373 bytes: |==============================|
verify: .
Wait 10 seconds until application starts


The term './GCFFlasher' is not recognized as the name of ...


You get this message when the files GCFFlasher.exe and GCFFlasherCommandline.bat are missing from the folder where you opened the command prompt. Perform step 4 again to resolve the issue.

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