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File metadata and controls

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Various Windows stuff..

Stuff I've found useful while working with Windows systems.

Get Windows version

  • GUI window:
  • Within cmd:
  • Using systeminfo (Powershell and cmd):
systeminfo |findstr OS

Command Line Equivalents from Linux to Windows

Purpose Linux Windows
Directory list ls dir
Display file's contents cat type
Display file with a pager less file type file | more
Copy file cp copy
Delete file rm del
Rename file mv ren
Show network interfaces ifconfig -a ipconfig /all
Show running processes ps tasklist
Search for strings grep findstr | find
Terminate a process kill taskkill
Change file attributes chmod attrib
Clear screen clear cls
Compare files diff fc
Show disk usage df freedisk
Show memory usage free mem
System information uname -a systeminfo

Further reading on Windows command line nonsense:

Windows Platform Tokens

These strings are found in user agent strings in browsers amongst other places and can be used to identify a machine's operating system:

Platform Token Description
Windows NT 10.0 Windows 10
Windows NT 6.3 Windows 8.1
Windows NT 6.2 Windows 8
Windows NT 6.1 Windows 7
Windows NT 6.0 Windows Vista
Windows NT 5.2 Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP x64 Edition
Windows NT 5.1 Windows XP
Windows NT 5.01 Windows 2000 SP1
Windows NT 5.0 Windows 2000
Windows NT 4.0 Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
Windows 98 Windows ME (Millennium Edition)
Win 9x 4.90 Windows ME
Windows 98 Windows 98
Windows 95 Windows 95
Windows CE Windows CE

Further reading:

Get password lockout threshold/duration.

net accounts

This will give you output similar to this:

Force user logoff how long after time expires?:       Never
Minimum password age (days):                          1
Maximum password age (days):                          90
Minimum password length:                              7
Length of password history maintained:                24
Lockout threshold:                                    9
Lockout duration (minutes):                           30
Lockout observation window (minutes):                 30
Computer role:                                        WORKSTATION
The command completed successfully.

This is very useful information to have when password spraying or launching brute force attacks. Basically, configure your tool to send Lockout threshold - 1 attempts every Lockout observation window minutes. This will avoid accounts being locked out, which would reveal your attack.

Reset a Windows 10 machine

  1. Start your PC and select the Power icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the lock screen.
  2. While holding down the Shift key, select Restart.
  3. On the Boot options menu, select Troubleshoot > Reset this PC > Remove everything.
  4. Your PC will restart and will reset itself.


Make ^D and other Emacs-like keybindings work in Powershell

This drove me nuts. Hitting ^D to exit, ^L to clear screen, etc did not work. Luckily, Powershell has a profile file similar to bash/zsh:

"Set-PSReadlineOption -EditMode Emacs" | Add-Content $Profile

Disable bell

The bell is also annoying. Disable it:

"Set-PSReadlineOption -BellStyle None" | Add-Content $Profile

Get Powershell version


Check NTP server

w32tm /query /peers

nbtstat stuff

  • Resolve IP address to NetBIOS name:
nbtstat -A
  • Show local name table:
nbtstat -n
  • Show local name cache:
nbtstat -c
  • Show NetBIOS statistics:
nbtstat -S

Install Linux Subsystem

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux

AD user/group enumeration

  • Get all users or groups:
net users /domain
net groups /domain
  • Get specific user or group:
net users USERNAME_HERE /domain
net groups GROUP_HERE /domain

Check for Meltdown/Spectre

As Administrator:

Install-Module SpeculationControl

Install chocolately

Like apt/brew/pkg/yum/..., but for Windows!

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

Select copy/middle click paste

I frequently swap back and forth between X11-based window managers and Windows. The functionality of select copies and middle click pastes is very handy for me; Control-C doesnt kill programs in Linux and I always forget to Control-C to copy in Windows. This has been one of the most annoying things about using different types of systems.

Luckily, I was able to achieve some of this functionality in Windows using AutoHotKey, but this is still not perfect because some applications such as putty and powershell don't honor Control-C and Control-V:

choco install autohotkey

I used this script that I copied from but removed the annoying tooltip:


mousedrag_treshold := 20 ; pixels
middleclick_available := 15 ; seconds

Hotkey mbutton, paste_selection
Hotkey mbutton, off
Hotkey rbutton, cancel_paste
Hotkey rbutton, off
#IfWinNotActive ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass
  MouseGetPos, mousedrag_x, mousedrag_y
  keywait lbutton
  mousegetpos, mousedrag_x2, mousedrag_y2
  if (abs(mousedrag_x2 - mousedrag_x) > mousedrag_treshold
    or abs(mousedrag_y2 - mousedrag_y) > mousedrag_treshold)
    wingetclass class, A
    if (class == "Emacs")
      sendinput !w
      sendinput ^c
    settimer cleanup, % middleclick_available * 1000
    hotkey mbutton, on
    hotkey rbutton, on
  sendinput {lbutton}
  WinGetClass class, A
  if (class == "Emacs")
    SendInput ^y
    SendInput ^v
  gosub cleanup
  sendinput {rbutton}
  gosub cleanup
  Hotkey mbutton, off
  Hotkey rbutton, off
  SetTimer cleanup, off
;; clipx
  sendinput ^+{insert}

Enable RDP remotely

  • Using psexec
psexec \\host reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
  • Using remote registry
reg add "\\host\HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

netsh packet captures

  1. Perform netsh trace
netsh trace start capture=yes
... do what you need to do for network traffic ...
netsh trace stop
  1. Open this with Microsoft Message Analyzer
  2. Export as pcap (File -> Save As -> Export)