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Releases: eclipse-ee4j/jersey


15 Jun 17:25
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  • [Pull 5012] - Bring back Helidon Connector
  • [Pull 5013] - Update MP Config version 3.0
  • [Pull 5022] - Fix localization message for Helidon
  • [Pull 5023] - Spring 6 module introduction
  • [Pull 5033] - Updated Jetty dependency versions
  • [Pull 5043] - Updated API javadoc link with a proper version
  • 2.36

    14 Jun 09:02
    Choose a tag to compare
  • [Issue 4781] - Bug Report: CDI tries to instantiate interface (Jersey 2.30)
  • [Issue 4851] - NettyConnectorProvider (jersey-netty-connector) is throwing an exception with inactive_pooled_connection_handler error
  • [Issue 4897] - Add support for Apache HTTP Client 5.x
  • [Issue 4978] - Netty Connector proxy handler to support JDK's options
  • [Issue 5014] - Redact HTTP headers on LoggingFeature
  • [Issue 5036] - ClassCastException if loaded by different class loaders in OSGi runtime
  • [Issue 5052] - Make JacksonFeature configurable
  • [Pull 4812] - Remove
  • [Pull 4847] - Bug Report: CDI tries to instantiate interface (Jersey 2.30)
  • [Pull 4854] - NettyConnectorProvider (jersey-netty-connector) is throwing an except…
  • [Pull 4886] - Update Directory Maven Plugin to work with maven 3.8.x
  • [Pull 4887] - modulelist maven plugin refactoring
  • [Pull 4918] - Better handling of MicroProfile Rest Client Proxies
  • [Pull 4924] - Refactor processResponseError in ServerRuntime
  • [Pull 4928] - Adopt Jackson 2.13
  • [Pull 4933] - Replace usage of deprecated beanManager.createInjectionTarget
  • [Pull 4939] - Prevent loading Feature/DynamicFeature services multiple times.
  • [Pull 4948] - Add OSGi headers to MP Config module
  • [Pull 4950] - Apache httpclient 5
  • [Pull 4954] - Cache a lazy reference to OSGi registry instance
  • [Pull 4957] - Fix OSGi tests on JDK 17
  • [Pull 4962] - convert Long,long,Integer,int values to Long/Integer types
  • [Pull 4967] - extended condition not to add the content-length header negative
  • [Pull 4968] - Enable percent encoding servlet context path and servlet path
  • [Pull 4969] - Exclude unix protocols from request processing in closing strategy
  • [Pull 4972] - fix broken license url for asm objectweb
  • [Pull 4975] - Fix broken license url for asm objectweb for core-server
  • [Pull 4980] - Remove innate packages from javadoc documentation
  • [Pull 4982] - Allow for passing in additional property files to configure additional configs
  • [Pull 5003] - Fix logging delimiter parameterization
  • [Pull 5007] - Fix regression on LoggingFeature's max entity size
  • [Pull 5010] - honor @Vetoed on a bean
  • [Pull 5018] - Update Xerces to prevent CVEs
  • [Pull 5024] - Fixed NullpointerException when getting methodtree
  • [Pull 5025] - Redact HTTP headers on LoggingFeature
  • [Pull 5028] - Enhancement for docprocessor
  • [Pull 5032] - Adopt spring 5.3.18
  • [Pull 5034] - Update Netty to 4.1.75
  • [Pull 5035] - Blocked thread if WebApplicationException is reused. #4097
  • [Pull 5038] - reduce usage of Guava
  • [Pull 5039] - Release MessageBodyWorkers when Response gets closed.
  • [Pull 5041] - Adopt ASM 9.3
  • [Pull 5044] - Do not trim stacktrace in case of an exception
  • [Pull 5046] - Support null PROXY_USERNAME
  • [Pull 5048] - Netty Connector doesn't support Followredirects
  • [Pull 5051] - For OSGi services lookup use only classes assignable from service class
  • [Pull 5055] - Updated documentation and javadoc for Connectors
  • [Pull 5059] - Add Apache 5 connector to client tests
  • [Pull 5060] - Update hamcrest to the latest
  • [Pull 5068] - Prevent LoggingFeature timeout on context#hasEntity for HEADERS_ONLY
  • [Pull 5070] - Remove Spring 4 from Bom pom
  • [Pull 5071] - Update Netty proxy settings
  • [Pull 5074] - Make JacksonFeature configurable
  • [Pull 5076] - Update Jackson to 2.13.3
  • [Pull 5078] - Dependencies versions update
  • 3.0.4

    09 Feb 15:56
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  • [Pull 4977] - update 3.x branch with actual master
  • 3.0.3

    22 Sep 14:00
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  • [Pull 4740] - GrizzlyHttpServerTest - testing stability with HTTP, HTTPS and HTTP/2
  • [Pull 4782] - maven-javadoc-plugin migrated to 3.2.0 (3.x)
  • [Pull 4793] - 3x.merge
  • [Pull 4808] - Remove helidon connector dependency from BOM
  • [Pull 4853] - merge master into 3.x
  • [Pull 4857] - merge release history into 3.x
  • 2.35

    06 Sep 13:08
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  • [Issue 4742] - Connection timeout the double of what is configured
  • [Issue 4748] - Exception in Jersey Jetty handler's URL parsing bubbles up to the top
  • [Issue 4773] - NullPointerException in HeaderUtils.getPreferredCookie
  • [Pull 4779] - Enable to use @context in constructors of classes instantiated by CDI
  • [Pull 4783] - Support more optionals
  • [Pull 4784] - Bump commons-io from 2.2 to 2.7 in /test-framework/maven/custom-enforcer-rules
  • [Pull 4785] - JDK16 Support
  • [Pull 4789] - Make @singleton to be singleton with CDI integration
  • [Pull 4792] - Update groovy to work with jdk17
  • [Pull 4795] - Fix issue NullPointerException in HeaderUtils.getPreferredCookie #4773
  • [Pull 4799] - Support custom parameter types with `Optional`
  • [Pull 4800] - Helloworld example extendned by GraalVM native-image generation
  • [Pull 4802] - User Guide: GraalVM/native-image chapter
  • [Pull 4803] - GraalVM native-image jersey-client module
  • [Pull 4809] - handle URISyntaxException in JettyHttpContainer
  • [Pull 4811] - Connection timeout the double of what is configured
  • [Pull 4816] - CI env for Jenkins
  • [Pull 4820] - CI env for Jenkins
  • [Pull 4821] - Jdk connector dead lock
  • [Pull 4822] - New CDI based EE injection manager incubating implementation.
  • [Pull 4823] - Issue4810
  • [Pull 4824] - JerseyTest is not compatible with JUnit 5
  • [Pull 4829] - ParamConverters cleanup
  • [Pull 4832] - Bump ant from 1.10.9 to 1.10.11
  • [Pull 4833] - Allow Feature and Dynamic feature as a JDK services
  • [Pull 4835] - Prevent NoSuchMethodError when used MP Rest Client 1.4 API & CDI
  • [Pull 4836] - Updated ASM to 9.2
  • [Pull 4837] - add possibility to use entity with http method Options in requests according to the RFC 7231
  • [Pull 4845] - Cache Application#getSingletons not be called twice
  • [Pull 4846] - Updated versions in 2.x
  • [Pull 4848] - System properties config for TimeWindowStatisticsImplTest
  • 3.0.2

    29 Apr 12:47
    Choose a tag to compare
  • [Pull 4709] - Copy JDK 11 Jetty classes to JDK 8 target
  • [Pull 4726] - test-framework Jetty provider - JDK 11 adjustments
  • [Pull 4747] - Merge of actual master into 3.x branch
  • [Pull 4768] - master merge into 3.x
  • [Pull 4771] - master merge into 3.x
  • [Pull 4772] - jakarta userGuide fixes
  • [Pull 4775] - merge of user guide changes from master to 3.x
  • [Pull 4778] - Technical merge of released branch 2.34-BRANCH into 3.x
  • 2.34

    20 Apr 19:23
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  • [Issue 4646] - Jetty connector client response buffer is hard limited to 2MB
  • [Issue 4649] - SseEventSource cannot see the JAXRS_DEFAULT_SSE_BUILDER in OSGI
  • [Issue 4651] - Add a ParamConverterProvider for java.util.Optional parameters
  • [Issue 4654] - MicroProfile Rest Client 2.0 support
  • [Issue 4665] - Hk2RequestScope.Instance logger is not static
  • [Issue 4678] - JdkConnectorProvider cannot parse Set-cookie header value when expires attribute is present
  • [Issue 4683] - Setting ExecutorService causes connection leak
  • [Issue 4694] - NettyConnector fixups
  • [Issue 4717] - Add tests for newly updated Jersey classes by RestClient
  • [Issue 4722] - Jersey 3.0.1 no longer defaults to */* consumes
  • [Issue 4723] - Jackson module auto-discovery sets Jaxb Annotation Introspector as primary
  • [Issue 4734] - Print request/response logs in a single line
  • [Pull 4618] - Groovy jdk 16
  • [Pull 4639] - Chapter for Expect:100-continue header (client)
  • [Pull 4647] - Add support RFC 5987 for attribute filename* in HTTP header Content-Disposition
  • [Pull 4662] - #4658 Apache HttpComponents upgrade
  • [Pull 4675] - Make logger static into Hk2RequestScope.Instance class
  • [Pull 4677] - Jetty synchronous max buffer size property
  • [Pull 4680] - 2.x apidocs bundle generation fixes
  • [Pull 4681] - JdkConnectorProvider cannot parse Set-cookie header value when expires
  • [Pull 4682] - Public SseEventSourceBuilder implementation
  • [Pull 4684] - Add a ParamConverterProvider for array support
  • [Pull 4690] - Add a ParamConverterProvider for java.util.Optional parameters
  • [Pull 4695] - Allow for having CDI on pure Jersey Client without Jersey Server
  • [Pull 4697] - Stop filling monitoring queues when processor fails
  • [Pull 4699] - MicroProfile Rest Client 2.0 support
  • [Pull 4704] - Updated javadoc maven plugin API link
  • [Pull 4705] - Do not create a connector multiple times for each rx() call
  • [Pull 4707] - Configurable COLLISION_BUFFER_POWER
  • [Pull 4710] - Adjusting Jersey archetypes
  • [Pull 4712] - switching to NIO tmp file creation approach
  • [Pull 4714] - update maven-antrun-plugin to 3.0.0
  • [Pull 4716] - Custom schedulers to execute @PreDestroy methods
  • [Pull 4720] - Updating ant to 1.10.9 for antrun plugin
  • [Pull 4724] - Rest client 2.0 updates
  • [Pull 4728] - Add a wildcard @produces and @consumes...
  • [Pull 4729] - Empty/NULL properties handling
  • [Pull 4731] - processing order for Jackson/Jaxb annotations
  • [Pull 4732] - adjusting examples to be run with optional JAXB
  • [Pull 4745] - Logging delimiter parametrized
  • [Pull 4749] - Allow to use @Inject instead of @context with CDI
  • [Pull 4753] - Proper handling of chunked input streams in LoggingInterceptor
  • [Pull 4754] - Adopt ASM 9.1 to support JDK 17
  • [Pull 4758] - Adopted Jackson 2.12.2. No change in repackaged Jackson.
  • [Pull 4762] - Replace null Configuration in ContainerRequest with an empty instance
  • [Pull 4764] - Lazy synchronized SSL Context initialization in the HttpUrlConnector
  • [Pull 4766] - Add a default Enum MB provider.
  • [Pull 4769] - Updated properties for netty connection pooling
  • [Pull 4770] - Javadoc for non-public classes (cdi-rs-inject)
  • 3.0.1

    27 Jan 08:57
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  • [Issue 4655] - org.glassfish.jersey.containers:jersey-container-jetty-http:3.0.0 Unusable on JDK11+
  • [Pull 4633] - Documentation and example fixes related to jakartification
  • [Pull 4635] - Jakartified OSGi tests
  • [Pull 4653] - Jakartified User Guide - first 10 chapters
  • [Pull 4656] - Jakartified User Guide - second 10 chapters
  • [Pull 4657] - Jakartified User Guide - final 10 chapters with appendix-properties adjusted
  • [Pull 4667] - JakartaEE 9.0 namespaces applied to examples
  • [Pull 4668] - Jakartified heroku archetype
  • [Pull 4674] - Merge of the current master into jakartified branch
  • [Pull 4676] - jakartified modules.xml from User Guide
  • [Pull 4679] - Updated dependecies
  • [Pull 4691] - merge of current master into 3.x
  • [Pull 4696] - merge of actual master into 3.x
  • [Pull 4698] - merge of actual master into 3.x
  • [Pull 4700] - Jetty servlet container multirelease-jar fix
  • [Pull 4702] - Updated notice files
  • 2.33

    18 Dec 18:31
    Choose a tag to compare
  • [Pull 4566] - Fix custom SSLSocketFactory not being set because of an unsafe lazy-initialization in JDK
  • [Pull 4573] - Support for SSL Configuration within JerseyTest
  • [Pull 4593] - Rest client inbound headers provider added
  • [Pull 4605] - Bump junit from 4.12 to 4.13.1
  • [Pull 4611] - Create PropertiesClass for external properties (http.proxyHost, http.proxyPort, http.nonProxyHosts)
  • [Pull 4612] - Adopt Jackson 2.11.3
  • [Pull 4613] - HttpUrlConnector extension
  • [Pull 4614] - NettyConnector connection close
  • [Pull 4615] - Allow for org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer in web.xml
  • [Pull 4623] - full clear of NettyInputStream
  • [Pull 4634] - Make JAX-B API optional
  • [Pull 4641] - Support for new property to ignore responses in exceptions thrown by the Client API
  • [Pull 4643] - Enable CompletionStage unwrap in MBW
  • [Pull 4648] - Keep ordering of classes and instances retrieved from ComponentBag
  • [Pull 4663] - Modify OSGi Jackson requirement to be compatible with GF 5.1
  • 3.0.0

    03 Dec 13:39
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  • [Pull 4389] - Transition Jakarta REST API from javax to jakarta package
  • [Pull 4413] - Sync 3.x with master
  • [Pull 4417] - Remove Jackson1
  • [Pull 4427] - Update the RESTful Web Services API
  • [Pull 4428] - JAXB api/ri, parent pom versions update
  • [Pull 4444] - Additional JAX-RS & JAX-B jakartification for 3.0.0-M1
  • [Pull 4464] - Fix Jersey META-INF/services provider configuration file
  • [Pull 4488] - Prepared branch for Jersey 3.0.0-M3 release
  • [Pull 4494] - Jakartified.m4 master merge
  • [Pull 4495] - jakartification: servlet-api, grizzly
  • [Pull 4496] - Technical merge of released branch 3.0.0-M4-BRANCH
  • [Pull 4497] - Jakartification: arrange properties in the main pom
  • [Pull 4504] - Updated dependencies for M5
  • [Pull 4505] - Technical merge of released branch 3.0.0-M5-BRANCH
  • [Pull 4513] - version bump for JSONP
  • [Pull 4586] - Remove Jersey 3.x incompatible extension modules
  • [Pull 4589] - merge of master (2.32) into 3.x
  • [Pull 4591] - Enable tests after jakartified media
  • [Pull 4594] - Jakartified jetty (11.0.0.beta2)
  • [Pull 4595] - Use just the latest Weld and fix CDI-BV module
  • [Pull 4596] - Updated JTA and Yasson dependency
  • [Pull 4597] - Fix Jackson module
  • [Pull 4599] - Enable integration tests using new jetty plugin
  • [Pull 4609] - Jetty modules handled for JDK 1.8
  • [Pull 4616] - Weld integration
  • [Pull 4619] - Enable tests on JDK 8
  • [Pull 4620] - Enable jetty servlet/web container factory
  • [Pull 4621] - Make more integration tests working
  • [Pull 4622] - Fix CDI-SE module
  • [Pull 4626] - Make more tests and examples working