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File metadata and controls

187 lines (123 loc) · 5.54 KB


This is a basic demo of how to build a basic 8Base powered application using Nuxt as a frontend.

Too many demo app's skip over the REAL things you will need to do. This demo hopefully is a complete example of a basic working app.

It does the following:

  1. Setup 8Base backend
  2. Code for sign up, sign in and logout
  3. Create data on the backend
  4. Upload an image
  5. Persist store data between reloads
  6. Write custom functions on the backend server

Please see the corresponding backend codebase here.


  1. Will need more than the Free Tier of 8Base to use good Auth.

1. Setup data model in 8Base:

Go to:

  1. New table > Posts

  2. Add fields (caption, image)

  3. New table > Likes

    1. Drag Posts onto empty field
    2. Rename field to Posts(not Posts)

2. Add mock data

Go to:, use the "Data" tab to manually make some Posts and Likes.

  1. Add a Post using 8Base dashboard
  2. Add a Like using 8Base dashboard, connect to Post

Note the 8Base API Explorer


3. Setup Authentication Profile

  1. Go here:
  2. SEE
  3. For the Auth0 Database Name field, the free version of Auth0 doesn't have that feature. You can just enter Username-Password-Authentication though, and it will work.
  4. In Auth0 Dashboard go to Applications > Your App > Show Advanced Settings > Grant Types and make sure password is ticked.

Note the Auth Profile ID, you will need it for the GQL Query.

The Code

Here we install Nuxt and start writing code

1. Install Nuxt


npm install --save nuxt


  1. Make package.json
  2. Make nuxt.config.js
  3. Make store/index.vue

2. Install dotenv

npm install --save-dev @nuxtjs/dotenv


  1. Add @nuxtjs/dotenv to the buildModules section of nuxt.config.js
  2. Duplicate example.env and setup your .env file.
  3. Get BASE_ENDPOINT URL from:
  4. Get AUTH_PROFILE_ID from

3. Install Nuxt Apollo


npm install --save @nuxtjs/apollo


  1. Add @nuxtjs/apollo to modules of nuxt.config.js
  2. Create /plugins/apollo-config-default.js

4. Install filestack SDK


npm install --save filestack-js

2. Create signup route and preview

  1. Create Vue template with form at pages/signup
  2. Run npm run dev
  3. Go to http://localhost:3000/signup

3. Signup a user

  1. Create /store/index.js
  2. Create action for USER_SIGNUP
  3. Create gql/mutations/UserSignup.gql. Use the userSignUpWithPassword mutation.

4. Login a user

  1. Create a USER_LOGIN
  2. Create gql/mutations/UserLogin.gql. Use the userLogin mutation.
  3. Set this.$apolloHelpers.onLogin(token).
  4. Save token to store, helps for the refresh token later.
  5. Get user and save to store, see next step.
  6. Redirect to protected route?

5. Get user data

  1. Create a USER_GET action.
  2. Create gql/queries/User.gql. Use the User query.

6. Protected Auth Middleware

  1. Create a middleware/authenticated.js file
  2. Add middleware: ["authenticated"] to each page route you want to be protected.

TIP Now would be a good time to persist your user data. SEE

NOTE If you use nuxt-vuex-localstorage keep in mind that the server will not have access to your browsers local storage, so be on the look out for node mismatch SSR errors. Best to avoid this using nuxtServerInit hook for required data and use of <client-only>. Another good idea is to use route params for data required to make SSR requests.

7. Create a Post

  1. Create a form on /pages/home.vue
  2. Add <button-upload> component, capture uploadedAll event.
  3. Use postCreate GQL mutation on form submit. Use emitted Filestack fileId from <button-upload> component.
    1. Note the create relationship syntax in GQL. There is also connect and reconnect.
      1. create creates the image while also creating the post.
      2. connect would connect to an image that already existed in 8Base somewhere.
      3. reconnect would be used if you could connect multiple images to a post, and you wanted to RESET all connections.
  4. The refecthQueries feature is useful for a basic alternative to a websocket subscription.

8. List user's posts

  1. Make a smart query, using the postsList GQL query.
    1. Note the orderBy parameter in the query.
  2. Be sure to use the update() function to return what you need.
  3. Note the use of $apollo.loading in your templates.

9. Logout

  1. Use this.$apolloHelpers.onLogout() in a async store action, useful to clear store too.
  2. Then redirect to login page.

8Base Roles


The "Custom Filters" are just GQL filter: {} objects, so you can mock them in the API Explorer.

Do it better

Some devDependencies for better developer experience:


Use this to make your Vuex data work between reloads! SEE

Use lodash _get() a lot! SEE