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Type system basics

Unification of types

Java type system divides its types into two groups: objects, where every value is an instance of a class that extends from java.lang.Object and primitives like int, double, boolean, etc. Primitives are treated specially by the compiler. They can be used as types of local variables, fields, method parameters and return values, but do not participate in class hierarchy and and their values are not objects. In particular, they cannot be used as type parameters (generics).

Scala is different. It's a purely object oriented language in the sense that every value is an object. That is, all the types have their classes and participate in a single class hierarchy. An outline of this hierarchy is shown below:

Scala type hierarchy


At the top of entire hierarchy sits the type Any. Every single value in Scala is an instance of Any. This special class exposes some universal methods and operators available on any value: ==, !=, equals, hashCode, toString, getClass and a few others. As you can see, Scala moves some of the methods normally available on java.lang.Object to an even more common class.


AnyVal is a direct subtype of Any. It does not have any methods by itself, but serves only as a common superclass for the so-called value types. Value types include mostly those which correspond to Java primitives - Unit, Boolean, Char, Byte, Short, Int, Long, Float and Double. However, they are different from Java primitives since they are actual Scala classes. For example, they can be used as type parameters (e.g. you can have List[Int]). However, it is not possible to assign null to value types.

Scala primitive classes are largely interoperable with Java primitives:

  • Scala tries to represent primitive classes as actual Java primitives in runtime. However, this is not guaranteed. For example, if you create a java.util.List[Int], elements of that list will be actually represented in runtime as java.lang.Integer objects.

  • Scala methods accepting primitive parameters or returning them are seen by Java as methods accepting and returning Java primitives and vice versa, i.e. the two following signatures are seen as identical when consumed by both Scala and Java type system:

    def stuff(i: Int, d: Double): Long
    public long stuff(int i, double d);
  • Scala defines the same implicit conversions between primitive types as Java does - these are marked on the diagram with dashed arrows. It also maintains implicit conversions between primitives and their boxed counterparts. For example, you can pass Int whenever a java.lang.Integer is expected and vice versa. These conversions are not shown on the diagram.

Apart from counterparts of Java primitives, it is also possible to define custom classes that extend AnyVal. These are so called value classes and are more advanced concept that will not be covered here.


AnyRef is simply an alias for java.lang.Object. It is the common superclass of all reference or object types. Entire hierarchy of Java classes sits here. By default, all Scala classes, traits and objects are also subtypes of AnyRef.

Apart from all the standard Java methods available for java.lang.Object, Scala type system adds reference equality operators to the AnyRef class - these are the eq and ne operators mentioned in previous chapter. It also adds an artificial synchronized method to it, which is a replacement for language-native synchronized keyword in Java. For example, the Java snippet:

synchronized(someObject) {
    // some code here

would be rewritten to Scala as:

someObject.synchronized {
  // some code here

Scala also makes synchronized an expression which can return a value. E.g. we can compute some value under lock and return it:

val someInt = someObject.synchronized {
  // some computation that needs synchronization
  42 // returned value

Classes extending AnyRef are nullable.


Null is a special Scala type which has only one value - null. It is also a subtype of all reference (object) types, which expresses the fact that you can assign null to them.


Nothing sits at the very bottom of Scala type hierarchy. It is a subtype of all other types. Nothing, as the name suggests, has literally no values. If something (i.e. a method) has return type declared as Nothing, it is guaranteed to throw an exception in runtime (Throwable, to be precise). The most common usage of Nothing is to express empty collections. For example, Nil - an object which represents empty list in Scala has type List[Nothing]. Thanks to that and the fact that List is covariant, Nil can be used as empty list of any element type. This will be all covered in a separate chapter, along with explanation about what this covariant thing means.

Nothing is sometimes also used as a return type of methods which exists only in compile time, e.g. are elided by macros. Don't worry about these now, though - we just mention it for the sake of completeness.

Universal traits

It is possible to define some types that directly extend Any. These are related to value classes and will be explained along with them, in some other (more advanced) chapter.


As you can see, Scala largely unifies primitive and reference types by giving them a common hierarchy and allowing to use primitives where they could not be normally used in Java. At the same time, Scala still maintains some distinction between primitives and objects.


In Java, there is only one syntax for casting - it is the C-style (ForcedType)castValue syntax, but we differentiate between:

  • upcasting - when we force a value of some class to be treated as value of its superclass. This is a perfectly safe cast. It is usually needed for forcing some particular overloaded variant of a method to be used.
  • downcasting - when we force a value of some class to be treated as value of its subclass. This is an unsafe cast that will result in ClassCastException being thrown in runtime if the actual class is not what we asked for.

Type ascription

In Scala, you can perform upcasting using the type ascription syntax:

def overloaded(any: Any): Unit
def overloaded(str: String): Unit
overloaded("treatMeAsAny": Any)

Type ascription is much more useful than just for overloading resolution, because it can guide Scala's type inference:

val x = "treatMeAsAny": Any

The snippet above is equivalent to:

val x: Any = "treatMeAsAny"

but has a slightly different meaning from the point of view of the type system. The latter means "declare value x of type Any and assign it a string value" while the former means "declare value x and assign it a string value explicitly treated as Any". The difference is that the first syntax uses type inference - we don't declare the type of x but let the compiler infer it from the assigned value. However, the value we assign is a string up-cast to Any, so the type of x will also be inferred as Any.

Type ascription can also be used to force usage of implicit conversion, e.g. 42: java.lang.Integer will force 42 - a value of type Int - to be converted to java.lang.Integer. Note however that the static type of such expression will also be java.lang.Integer so this is more than just forcing a boxed representation in runtime.

Unsafe casts

Downcasting and other unsafe casts can be performed in Scala with the asInstanceOf artificial method, i.e. value.asInstanceOf[Type]. Of course, this is unsafe so the only situations where this is justified is when you need to work with completely untyped data (i.e. deserialization) or some untyped external APIs. Sometimes it is also needed to work around limitations of the type system.

Scala also provides the isInstanceOf method which is an equivalent of Java instanceof keyword. Of course, you should avoid it in the same way as for asInstanceOf.

Unsafe casting can also be done with the pattern matching syntax:

someObj match {
   case str: String => println(str.substring(1))
   case _ => println("Not a string")

Pattern matching will do both runtime type checking and type casting at the same time. Of course, this is not any less unsafe than isInstanceOf and asInstanceOf, even if it has nicer syntax. We will cover pattern matching in more detail later.

As a somewhat related detail, class objects in Scala can be accessed using the classOf syntax, i.e. classOf[String] in Scala is equivalent to String.class in Java.

Handling untyped Java APIs

Due to the fact that hierarchy of toplevel types in Scala is a bit more complicated than in Java by having distinction between Any and AnyRef, we may sometimes run into problems when using some untyped Java APIs. In most simple cases this is not a problem - Scala compiler conveniently sees methods like this one:

public Object doSomething(Object anything);


def doSomething(anything: Any): Object

As you can see, the Scala compiler interprets parameters with type java.lang.Object in Java methods as parameters with type Any. This is nice because we can pass value types to these methods without explicit conversions to their boxed representations.

But you may wonder - how can this be correct? java.lang.Object, or AnyRef is more specific than Any - isn't the compiler lying to us about the signatures? Technically, it does, but the truth is that in runtime, values of static type Any will need to be boxed anyway which means that they can safely be passed where java.lang.Object is required. When someone uses java.lang.Object in Java API, it usually means "anything" so it makes sense to assume that if this API was written in Scala, there would be Any in the signature and not AnyRef.

However, things get a bit more complex when method signatures are no longer that simple:

Imagine we have a (completely untyped and ugly) Java API for saving some arbitrary value to database. The value is represented as java.util.Map<String, Object>:

public void save(java.util.Map<String,Object> fieldsWithValues);

This will be seen by Scala as:

def save(fieldsWithValues: java.util.Map[String,AnyRef]): Unit

Let's assume we want to put ints as values into our map:

val map = new java.util.HashMap[String,AnyRef]
map.put("something", 42) // error: the result type of an implicit conversion must be more specific than AnyRef

The above snippet will not compile, because 42 is of type Int and it cannot be passed where AnyRef is expected. We are forced to request a conversion to java.lang.Integer:

map.put("something", 42: java.lang.Integer)

We would prefer to use Any instead of AnyRef so that we don't have to convert explicitly, but then we won't be able to pass our map to the Java API, which expects java.util.Map[String,AnyRef]:

val map = new java.util.HashMap[String,Any]
map.put("something", 42)
save(map) // error

However, we can employ an ugly hack and leverage the fact that if something is declared as Any, it will always be boxed in runtime. Since Any is effectively represented as AnyRef in runtime, we can do an ugly but perfectly safe cast:


In fact, it turns out that x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] always works, no matter what x is. Casting to AnyRef simply forces a boxed representation. So for example 42.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] will not fail but force the int to be represented as java.lang.Integer. We can use this trick to fool the Scala type system and retain slightly nicer API on Scala side (with Any instead of AnyRef).

As a somewhat related fact, there's another trick with asInstanceOf: it turns out that null.asInstanceOf[T] also always works (except for when T is Nothing). This is because null is a valid representation for primitive types and will be understood as "zero" of given type. For example, null.asInstanceOf[Int] will evaluate as 0.

All of the stuff described above is of course a dark, dirty corner of the language and its implementation, but may be needed and even make your Scala APIs better sometimes. That's why we decided to mention it here.


The morale of the story is: if you have some untyped value in your Scala code, always represent it with Any. Even if some legacy Java API expects java.lang.Object, you can always safely cast.