diff --git a/tutorials/migrating/upgrading_to_godot_4.rst b/tutorials/migrating/upgrading_to_godot_4.rst index a5bb987f3d2..8a284ffad8e 100644 --- a/tutorials/migrating/upgrading_to_godot_4.rst +++ b/tutorials/migrating/upgrading_to_godot_4.rst @@ -222,6 +222,10 @@ a ``3D`` suffix to the old name: +-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | ARVRServer | XRServer | +-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ +| BoxShape | BoxShape3D | ++-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ +| CapsuleShape | CapsuleShape3D | ++-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | CubeMesh | BoxMesh | +-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | EditorSpatialGizmo | EditorNode3DGizmo | @@ -408,11 +412,20 @@ table to find its new name. - AcceptDialog's ``set_autowrap()`` is now ``set_autowrap_mode()``. - AnimationNode's ``process()`` is now ``_process()`` (note the leading underscore, which denotes a virtual method). +- AnimationPlayer's ``add_animation()`` is now ``add_animation_library()`` and now uses :ref:`class_animationLibraries`. +- AnimationTree's ``set_process_mode()`` is now ``set_process_callback()``. +- Array's ``empty()`` is now ``is_empty()``. +- Array's ``invert()`` is now ``reverse()``. +- Array's ``remove()`` is now ``remove_at()``. - AStar2D and AStar3D's ``get_points()`` is now ``get_points_id()``. - BaseButton's ``set_event()`` is now ``set_shortcut()``. +- Camera2D's ``get_h_offset()`` is now ``get_drag_horizontal_offset()``. - Camera2D's ``get_v_offset()`` is now ``get_drag_vertical_offset()``. +- Camera2D's ``set_h_offset()`` is now ``set_drag_horizontal_offset()``. - Camera2D's ``set_v_offset()`` is now ``set_drag_vertical_offset()``. +- CanvasItem's ``raise()`` is now ``move_to_front()``. - CanvasItem's ``update()`` is now ``queue_redraw()``. +- Control's ``get_stylebox()`` is now ``get_theme_stylebox()``. - Control's ``set_tooltip()`` is now ``set_tooltip_text()``. - EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin's ``create_gizmo()`` is now ``_create_gizmo()`` (note the leading underscore, which denotes a virtual method). @@ -420,24 +433,35 @@ table to find its new name. - FileDialog's ``get_mode()`` is now ``get_file_mode()``. - FileDialog's ``set_mode()`` is now ``set_file_mode()``. - GraphNode's ``get_offset()`` is now ``get_position_offset()``. -- GridMap's ``world_to_map()`` is now ``local_to_map()``. - GridMap's ``map_to_world()`` is now ``map_to_local()``. +- GridMap's ``world_to_map()`` is now ``local_to_map()``. - Image's ``get_rect()`` is now ``get_region()``. +- ImmediateGeometry's ``set_normal()`` is now ``surface_set_normal()``. +- ImmediateMesh's ``set_color()`` is now ``surface_set_color()``. +- ImmediateMesh's ``set_uv()`` is now ``surface_set_uv()``. - ItemList's ``get_v_scroll()`` is now ``get_v_scroll_bar()``. - MultiPlayerAPI's ``get_network_connected_peers()`` is now ``get_peers()``. - MultiPlayerAPI's ``get_network_peer()`` is now ``get_peer()``. - MultiPlayerAPI's ``get_network_unique_id()`` is now ``get_unique_id()``. - MultiPlayerAPI's ``has_network_peer()`` is now ``has_multiplayer_peer()``. +- MultiplayerAPI's ``is_refusing_new_network_connections()`` is now ``is_refusing_new_connections()``. - PacketPeerUDP's ``is_listening()`` is now ``is_bound()``. - PacketPeerUDP's ``listen()`` is now ``bind()``. - ParticleProcessMaterial's ``set_flag()`` is now ``set_particle_flag()``. +- PhysicsTestMotionResult2D's ``get_motion()`` is now ``get_travel()``. +- RenderingServer's ``get_render_info()`` is now ``get_rendering_info()``. - ResourceFormatLoader's ``get_dependencies()`` is now ``_get_dependencies()`` (note the leading underscore, which denotes a virtual method). +- ResourceFormatLoader's ``load()`` is now ``_load()``. - SceneTree's ``change_scene()`` is now ``change_scene_to_file()``. - Shortcut's ``is_valid()`` is now ``has_valid_event()``. -- TileMap's ``world_to_map()`` is now ``local_to_map()``. - TileMap's ``map_to_world()`` is now ``map_to_local()``. +- TileMap's ``world_to_map()`` is now ``local_to_map()``. - Transform2D's ``xform()`` is ``mat * vec`` and ``xform_inv()`` is ``vec * mat``. +- XRPositionalTracker's ``get_name()`` is now ``get_tracker_name()``. +- XRPositionalTracker's ``get_type()`` is now ``get_tracker_type()``. +- XRPositionalTracker's ``_set_name()`` is now ``get_tracker_name()``. + **Properties** @@ -448,11 +472,29 @@ table to find its new name. and PathFollow3D's ``set_offset()`` and ``get_offset()`` must be renamed to ``set_progress()`` and ``get_progress()`` respectively. +- AudioServer's ``device`` is now ``output_device``. +- BaseButton's ``group`` is now ``button_group``. +- Camera3D's ``zfar`` is now ``far``. +- Camera3D's ``znear`` is now ``near`` - Control's ``margin`` is now ``offset``. +- InputEventMouseButton's ``doubleclick`` is now ``double_click``. +- InputEventWithModifiers's ``alt`` is now ``alt_pressed``. +- InputEventWithModifiers's ``command`` is now ``command_pressed``. +- InputEventWithModifiers's ``control`` is now ``ctrl_pressed``. +- InputEventWithModifiers's ``meta`` is now ``meta_pressed``. +- InputEventWithModifiers's ``shift`` is now ``shift_pressed``. - Label's ``percent_visible`` is now ``visible_ratio``. - MultiPlayerAPI's ``refuse_new_network_connections`` is now ``refuse_new_connections``. +- Node's ``filename`` is now ``scene_file_path``. +- PathFollow2D's ``rotate`` is now ``rotates``. - PathFollow2D and PathFollow3D's ``offset`` is now ``progress``. +- RectangleShape2D's ``extents`` is now ``size`` - TextureProgressBar's ``percent_visible`` is now ``show_percentage``. +- Theme's ``off`` is now ``unchecked``. +- Theme's ``ofs`` is now ``offset``. +- Theme's ``on`` is now ``checked``. +- Window's ``window_title`` is now ``title``. +- WorldMarginShape2D's ``d`` is now ``distance``. - The ``extents`` property on CSG nodes and VoxelGI will have to be replaced with ``size``, with the set value halved (as they're no longer half-extents). This also affects its setter/getter methods ``set_extents()`` and @@ -461,6 +503,7 @@ table to find its new name. ``Engine.is_editor_hint()`` *method*. This is because it's read-only, and properties in Godot are not used for read-only values. + **Enums** - CPUParticles2D's ``FLAG_MAX`` is now ``PARTICLE_FLAG_MAX``. @@ -639,6 +682,10 @@ converter doesn't support updating existing setups: +---------------------+-----------------------+ | | DynamicFontData | FontFile | | +---------------------+-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +| ClippedCamera | Camera2D or Camera3D | Camera's pyramid shape was moved to :ref:'class_Camera3D'. | ++---------------------+-----------------------+ | +| InterpolatedCamera | Camera2D or Camera3D | | ++---------------------+-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Navigation2D | Node2D | Replaced by :ref:`other 2D Navigation nodes `. | +---------------------+-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Navigation3D | Node3D | Replaced by :ref:`other 3D Navigation nodes `. |