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File metadata and controls

398 lines (276 loc) · 15.7 KB

Postfix-based Mail Transport Agent


Accepting mail

  • mta_hashes (list of things, default empty): a list of hash definitions of which the resulting files can be referenced in mta_virtual_maps, mta_virtual_alias_maps, mta_alias_maps and mta_transport_maps.

    Each entry consists of the following fields:

    • type (string): must be one of the following:
      • domain-hash: hashes of this type require the additional field domain which specifies the domain to append to each entry. This saves you from appending @domain to each entry in map (see below).
      • simple-hash: hashes of this type simply write out the dictionary map into a file.
      • alias-hash: hashes of this type simply write out the dictionary map into a file, but in aliases format instead of postfix hash format.
    • map (dictionary): the mapping to write into the hash.
    • domain (string, only for domain-hash): domain name which is appended to each key of the map. The file hash thus looks like key@domain value.
    • name (string, optional if path is given): a file name for the hash. This is relative to /etc/postfix/maps. If path is given, the name is ignored.
    • path (string, optional if name is given): Absolute path for the hash. Directories must exist.
  • mta_ldaps (list of things, default empty): a list of ldap_table(5) definitions of which the resulting files can be referenced in mta_virtual_maps, mta_virtual_alias_maps, mta_alias_maps and mta_transport_maps.

    See the manpage for the meaning of the individual fields.

    Each entry consists of the following fields:

    • type (string): must be ldap
    • servers (list of strings, default ["localhost"]) -> ldap_table server_host
    • base -> ldap_table search_base
    • filter -> ldap_table query_filter
    • result_attribute -> ldap_table result_attribute
    • domains (list of strings, optional) -> ldap_table domain
    • special_result_attribute (string, optional) -> ldap_table special_result_attribute
    • terminal_result_attribute (string, optional) -> ldap_table terminal_result_attribute
    • result_format (string, optional) -> ldap_table result_format
    • name (string, optional if path is given): a file name for the hash. This is relative to /etc/postfix/maps. If path is given, the name is ignored.
    • path (string, optional if name is given): Absolute path for the hash. Directories must exist.
  • mta_virtual_maps (list of strings): List of postfix maps, such as hash:/etc/aliases. To reference named maps from mta_hashes or mta_ldap, use hash:/etc/postfix/maps/$name or ldap:/etc/postfix/maps/$name respectively, where $name must be the name of the hash. If you used path, you simply use the absolute path instead of the above.

    This defines the virtual_mailbox_maps.

  • mta_virtual_alias_maps (list of strings): Like mta_virtual_maps, but for virtual_alias_maps.

  • mta_alias_maps (list of strings): Like mta_virtual_maps, but for alias_maps.

  • mta_transport_maps (list of strings): Like mta_virtual_maps, but for transport_maps.

  • mta_listen (bool, default true): if true, postfix will be configured to listen on port 25 for incoming connections.

  • mta_domains (list of strings): the list of domains for which the MTA shall accept mail. This is independent from mta_is_destination -- domains may be purely for forwarding purposes.

  • mta_message_size_limit (integer): Maximum size for a message in bytes to be accepted for delivery (on either service, smtpd or submission)

  • mta_postscreen (thing or false): If not false, the postscreen service will be enabled.

    In that case:

    • mta_postscreen.greet (thing or false): If not false, the multipart greeting will be used by postscreen.

      In that case:

      • mta_postscreen.greet.action (string): The action to take when a client fails the greet test, see postscreen_greet_action in the postconf manual.
      • mta_postscreen.greet.banner (string, optional): A custom string for the first part of the greet banner. Must contain the hostname as first substring, see also postscreen_greet_banner in the postconf manual.
    • mta_postscreen_dnsbl (thing or false): If not false, dnsbl checks will be enabled. Make sure to have a local caching resolver.

      In that case:

      • mta_postscreen.dnsbl.sites (list of strings): Postfix DNSBL strings, which consist of a hostname and an optional weighting. See postscreen_dnsbl_sites in the postconf manual for details. Note that this needs to be a YAML list, not a string with comma separated items.
      • mta_postscreen.dnsbl.action (string): The action to take when a client fails the DNSBL check. See postscreen_dnsbl_action.
      • mta_postscreen.dnsbl.threshold (integer): The threshold for a client to fail the test.
  • mta_relayhost (string): If set, postfix will relay non-local mail through this destination. Refer to the postfix documentation on the relayhost directive for details.

    This setting is useful to achieve a “satellite system” type of setup in which all mail is relayed through another server instead of being delivered directly; it will typically be used for MTAs that only need to send cron mails etc.

  • mta_relayhost_auth (mapping): This is only meaningful if mta_relayhost is set. In that case, this mapping allows to set up authentication with the relay host using SASL:

    • mta_relayhost_auth.username (string): the SASL user name to use
    • mta_relayhost_auth.mapfile (path): A path where a config file containing the credentials will be written to.
  • mta_relayhost_password (string): The password to use for relayhost SASL authentication. Required if mta_relayhost_auth is used.

  • mta_smtpd_client_restrictions (list of strings, default empty): Add client restrictions for the server to apply. See smtpd_client_restrictions.

    The restrictions apply only to the MTA service listening on port 25, not the MSA. See below for MSA settings.

  • mta_smtpd_helo_required (bool, default false): smtpd_helo_required

  • mta_strict_rfc821_envelopes (bool, default false): strict_rfc821_envelopes

  • mta_smtpd_helo_restrictions (list of strings, default empty): Add HELO restrictions for the server to apply. See smtpd_helo_restrictions.

    The restrictions apply only to the MTA service listening on port 25, not the MSA. See below for MSA settings.

  • mta_smtpd_sender_restrictions (list of strings, default empty): Add sender restrictions for the server to apply. See smtpd_sender_restrictions.

    The restrictions apply only to the MTA service listening on port 25, not the MSA. See below for MSA settings.

  • mta_smtpd_relay_restrictions (list of strings, default ["reject_unauth_destination"]): Add relay restrictions for the server to apply. See smtpd_relay_restrictions.

    Note: When overriding the default value, make sure to include at least reject_unauth_destination in your list of restrictions to prevent your MTA from becoming an open relay!

    The restrictions apply only to the MTA service listening on port 25, not the MSA. See below for MSA settings.

  • mta_smtpd_recipient_restrictions (list of strings, default empty): Add recipient restrictions for the server to apply. See smtpd_recipient_restrictions.

    The restrictions apply only to the MTA service listening on port 25, not the MSA. See below for MSA settings.

Spam classification on incoming mail

If mta_spampd is not false, spampd is installed and configured as a before-queue SMTPD proxy, which acts on all incoming mail on port 25.

Additional configuration is possible with the following options:

  • mta_spampd_port (integer, default 10026): The localhost port on which spampd is configured to listen. Generally, there is no need to change this, unless you have something else which needs 10026.
  • mta_spampd_max_children (integer, default 5): The maximum number of worker children used by spampd.
  • mta_spampd_only_local (boolean, default true): Whether to disable all non-local checks (e.g. DNSBL).
  • mta_proxy_sink_port (integer, default 12500): The sink where spampd puts its mail afterwards; this is configured to be a postfix smtpd which will then handle the actual (local or remote) delivery.

Local mail delivery

Local mail delivery is controlled by the following options.

  • mta_delivery_type (string, default "local"). A string which may have any of the following values:

    • "local": delivery is performed using the local(8) transport.
    • "lmtp": delivery is performed using an LMTP transport depending on the mta_delivery_agent.
    • "agent_transport": delivery is performed using a transport associated with the mta_delivery_agent (see below).

    The key difference is that the local(8) will use the local, UNIX user associated with the recipient (determined by looking up the user name in the alias maps), while the "agent_transport" is fixed to use mta_agent_transport_user permissions.

  • mta_delivery_agent (string or false, default false). A string which may have any of the following values:

    • false: Prohibits any delivery and returns a 5.1.1 Mailbox unavailable error. This also implicitly forces mta_delivery_type to "local".
    • "dovecot": Uses dovecot-lda, passing the recipient address and the envelope sender. If used with "agent_transport", the user name resulting from the lookup is also passed.


    For backward compatiblity, mta_delivery_agent defaults to "dovecot" instead of false if mta_is_destination is set to true.

  • mta_agent_transport_user (string, default "vmail:mail"). This is used when agent transport is enabled (see above). It is the POSIX user under which the delivery command of the agent is run.

  • mta_is_destination (bool, deprecated). If mta_delivery_agent is not set but mta_is_destination is set to true, mta_delivery_agent defaults to "dovecot".

Mail submission agent

If mta_msa is not false, the submission port is opened and the following settings apply (only for the submission smtpd, not for the regular, port 25, smtpd):

  • mta_msa_sasl_type (string): Value for the postfix smtpd_sasl_type setting.
  • mta_msa_sasl_path (string): Value for the postfix smtpd_sasl_path setting.

Both of the above sasl settings need to be set to enable SASL authentication. Note that the relay restrictions are configured so that SASL authentication is required on the submission port to allow sending mail.

  • mta_msa_dkim (bool): Enable the OpenDKIM milter for mail submitted via the MSA. Requires mta_dkim to be configured properly.

  • mta_msa_privacy (bool, default False): if enabled, IPs are removed from Received headers on mail received on the submission port. Several other headers are stripped too, which are also configured with mta_msa_privacy_strip_headers.

  • mta_msa_privacy_strip_headers (list of strings): if mta_msa_privacy is enabled, the header names in this list are removed from mails received for submission. The default list consists of:

    • X-Mailer
    • X-Enigmail
    • X-Originating-Ip
    • User-Agent
  • mta_msa_sender_restrictions (list of strings, default empty): Set sender restrictions for the server to apply. See smtpd_sender_restrictions.

    The restrictions apply only to the MSA service.

  • mta_msa_recipient_restrictions (list of strings, default empty): Set recipient restrictions for the server to apply. See smtpd_recipient_restrictions.

    The restrictions apply only to the MSA service.

  • mta_msa_sender_login_maps (list of strings): Like mta_virtual_maps, but for sender_login_maps.

    The setting applies only to the MSA service.

  • mta_msa_proxy (boolean, default false): If enabled, configure the MSA to listen at to be used behind a submission proxy (such as dovecot-submission). It will allow hosts from to use xclient in order to spoof the source address for further restrictions.

    This also disables authentication, so the proxy has to handle that.


  • mta_tls_cert_file (string): Path to the TLS certificate
  • mta_tls_key_file (string): Path to the TLS private key
  • mta_tls_security_level (string, default "may"): Value of postfix’s smtpd_tls_security_level directive.
  • mta_tls_log (bool, default false): Enable logging of TLS connections, e.g. for cipher statistics

Safety nets and misc

  • mta_soft_bounce (bool, default false): if true, soft_bounce is enabled. In that case, postfix will return temporary error codes instead of permanent if local delivery fails due to unknown users.
  • mta_delay_warning (string, optional): If set, this is the value of the delay_warning_time setting of postfix.
  • mta_override_hostname (string, optional): If set, this is used as value for myhostname instead of the value of inventory_hostname.

IPTables based traffic accounting

When ferm or nftables is used (ferm or nft is set to true), the following switches can be used to enable the generation of no-op iptables/nftables rules whose packet and bytes counters can be used for traffic accounting.

Note: Historically, these switches use iptables in their name; when nft is enabled, nft is of course used. It uses a separate inet accounting table for that.

  • mta_iptables_inbound_accounting (bool, default false): Add rules to account for traffic to and from the local port 25. This effectively tracks inbound SMTP traffic.

  • mta_iptables_delivery_accounting (bool, default false): Add rules to account for traffic to and from remote port 25 and 465. This effectively tracks outbound SMTP traffic.

    Note that if other applications than postfix are sending outbound mails, that traffic will also be caught by these rules.

  • mta_iptables_submission_accounting (bool, default false): Add rules to account for traffic to and from the local 587 port. This effectively tracks submission SMTP traffic.