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Model validation and performance analysis status for PyTorch

Public models

The list of models is from TorchVision.

Image classification on ImageNet

Model Availability in TorchVision (0.15.1) Availability in the validation table
alexnet + +
densenet121 + +
densenet161 + +
densenet169 + +
densenet201 + +
googlenet + +
inception_v3 + +
mnasnet0_5 + +
mnasnet0_75 + +
mnasnet1_0 + +
mnasnet1_3 + +
mobilenet_v2 + +
resnext50_32x4d + +
resnext101_32x8d + +
resnet18 + +
resnet34 + +
resnet50 + +
resnet101 + +
resnet152 + +
shufflenet_v2_x0_5 + +
shufflenet_v2_x1_0 + +
shufflenet_v2_x1_5 + +
shufflenet_v2_x2_0 + +
squeezenet1_0 + +
squeezenet1_1 + +
vgg11 + +
vgg11_bn + +
vgg13 + +
vgg13_bn + +
vgg16 + +
vgg16_bn + +
vgg19 + +
vgg19_bn + +
wide_resnet50_2 + +
wide_resnet101_2 + +

Object detection

Model Availability in TorchVision (0.15.1) Availability in the validation table
fasterrcnn_resnet50_fpn + -
fasterrcnn_resnet50_fpn_v2 + -
fasterrcnn_mobilenet_v3_large_fpn + -
fasterrcnn_mobilenet_v3_large_320_fpn + -
fcos_resnet50_fpn + -
retinanet_resnet50_fpn + -
retinanet_resnet50_fpn_v2 + -
ssd300_vgg16 + -
ssdlite320_mobilenet_v3_large + -

Semantic segmentation

Model Availability in TorchVision (0.15.1) Availability in the validation table
deeplabv3_mobilenet_v3_large + -
deeplabv3_resnet50 + -
deeplabv3_resnet101 + -
fcn_resnet50 + -
fcn_resnet101 + -
lraspp_mobilenet_v3_large + -

Instance segmentation

Model Availability in TorchVision (0.15.1) Availability in the validation table
maskrcnn_resnet50_fpn + -
maskrcnn_resnet50_fpn_v2 + -

Keypoint Detection

Model Availability in TorchVision (0.15.1) Availability in the validation table
keypointrcnn_resnet50_fpn + -