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Jan Andrle – Personal sites / Blog

This document covers building and managing my pages with Jekyll. There are two main sections my blogging info setup and general info.

Current progress/state

This instance

The master (main) branch reflects current public state of web page. There are some helpers/setups for speed up blogging.

Generic Tags

  • aplikace, miniaplikace, webové služby
  • úvahy
  • návody, pokročilejší návody, vývojářské návody
  • tipy, pokročilejší tipy, vývojářské tipy
  • seznámení, pokročilejší seznámení, vývojářské seznámení
  • Windows, Ubuntu (linux), web
  • Internet Explorer, Chrome, Chromium, Firefox, Opera

Pages/Posts options

The default options are saved in _config.yml.

option available default / [R]equired description
layout all default See _layouts
-||- posts post -||-
in_menu pages null The name of item to show in page side menu/list
excerpt_separator posts <!--more-->
permalink all [R]
-||- posts /blog/:year-:month/:title/
title all [R] Page/Post name
category all "" See blog – mainly (non)dev; Empty by default → listed in both categories
tags posts List of tags, eg. [tag_1]
show_toc all 0 Headline level deep to generating TOC, see _includes/show_toc.html
reference posts See _includes/references_list.html
redirect_from all See jekyll/jekyll-redirect-from: Seamlessly specify multiple redirections URLs for your pages and posts.
noindex all null See robots.txt and sitemap.xml
date all based on filename In form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
updated posts In form YYYY-MM-DD
MathJax all null Use MathJax for processing page including mathematics, see _inclused/i/molecule_scriptsBody.html


My partials/data for simplify creating posts.


In general {% include file ...options %} with standarized options



See Schedule to Publish Future Posts.



Jekyll is a static site generator that's perfect for GitHub hosted blogs (Jekyll Repository). The Build A Blog With Jekyll And GitHub Pages article can be good accsess point for those interested in using it for their own blog.

Local Development

  1. Prerequisite, see Installation | Jekyll • Simple, blog-aware, static sites.
  2. Install Jekyll and plug-ins in one fell swoop. gem install github-pages This mirrors the plug-ins used by GitHub Pages on your local machine including Jekyll, Sass, etc.
  3. Clone down your fork git clone
  4. Serve the site and watch for markup/sass changes jekyll serve
  5. View your website at
  6. Commit any changes and push everything to the master branch of your GitHub user repository. GitHub Pages will then rebuild and serve your website.