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Releases: jbogard/MediatR


10 Jan 14:29
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This is a patch release to support the latest Contracts package, which changed its targets to netstandard2.0 and net461.

Although MediatR supports only netstandard2.1 and above, it should not force the consumers of the contracts as such.


06 Jan 17:51
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This release adds support for IAsyncEnumerable<T>. A new request type, IStreamRequest<T> represents a request to create a stream, with a new handler type IStreamRequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse> to handle. An example:

public class StreamPing : IStreamRequest<Pong>
    public string? Message { get; init; }

public class PingStreamHandler : IStreamRequestHandler<StreamPing, Pong>
    public async IAsyncEnumerable<Pong> Handle(StreamPing request, 
        [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        yield return await Task.Run(() => new Pong { Message = request.Message + " Pang" }, cancellationToken);

Where the work inside of the handler would likely be calling some other streaming API, such as gRPC, EF Core streaming support, Dapper streaming etc.

There are also separate behaviors, with IStreamPipelineBehavior that are separate from the normal IPipelineBehavior.

With the addition of IAsyncEnumerable, this release now targets netstandard2.1 exclusively.

There are some breaking API changes, called out in the 10.0 migration guide.


09 Oct 12:58
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This release contains a small, but breaking change. In order to provide a simpler interface, the IMediator interface is now split into two interfaces, a sender and publisher:

public interface ISender
    Task<TResponse> Send<TResponse>(IRequest<TResponse> request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

    Task<object?> Send(object request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

public interface IPublisher
    Task Publish(object notification, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

    Task Publish<TNotification>(TNotification notification, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        where TNotification : INotification;

public interface IMediator : ISender, IPublisher

The main motivation here is that sending should be a top-level concern of an application, but publishing can happen anywhere. This interface segregation should help catch design errors, where should never send requests from anywhere inside a request handler.


30 Jun 15:39
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This is a minor release to add support for nullable reference types and target netstandard2.1 (#518).


27 Feb 16:49
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This is a patch release, the package was missing the XML documentation files.


27 Feb 16:49
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30 Apr 17:57
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This release includes a small, but breaking change. Request post-processors now include the cancellation token:

Task Process(TRequest request, TResponse response, CancellationToken cancellationToken);


10 Dec 19:58
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This release brings a slight breaking change to the Mediator class. It adds a non-generic method overload to Publish:

public interface IMediator
    Task<TResponse> Send<TResponse>(IRequest<TResponse> request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

+    Task Publish(object notification, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

    Task Publish<TNotification>(TNotification notification, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        where TNotification : INotification;

And expands the publishing possibilities for the Mediator class:

-        protected virtual async Task PublishCore(IEnumerable<Task> allHandlers)
+        protected virtual async Task PublishCore(IEnumerable<Func<Task>> allHandlers)
            foreach (var handler in allHandlers)
-                await handler.ConfigureAwait(false);
+                await handler().ConfigureAwait(false);

If you've overridden the PublishCore method, check out the publishing options section in the wiki for some examples.

This release targets net461 and netstandard2.0 and adds strong-naming to the assembly. net45 and netstandard1.3 were dropped.


30 Jul 15:21
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This release changes the default behavior of awaiting an enumerable of Task. Previous to this release, tasks where awaited using Task.WhenAll. This causes problems in a variety of environments and situations that expect sequential ordering.

In this release, the default behavior for enumerables is to await in a foreach, for:

  • Mediator.Publish
  • RequestPreProcessorBehavior
  • RequestPostProcessorBehavior

You can override the Mediator.Publish behavior by overriding the virtual PublishCore method, while the other two you can simply replace with your own implementation.


05 Jun 14:00
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This release consolidates some interfaces and factories. The factory delegates are now just a single delegate, ServiceFactory.

Additionally, the "void" IRequest interface now inherits IRequest<Unit>, and the IRequestHandler<T> inherits IRequestHandler<T, Unit>.

Migration from 4.x to 5.0