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intersection_candidates_with_other_tree() does not find all candidates #42

JosiahParry opened this issue Mar 30, 2024 · 5 comments


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I was trying to give geo-index a spin with the use case of finding self-intersecting geometries (contiguity). At minimum, we expect each geometry to be an intersection candidate with itself. Using geo-index only 1 intersection candidate is found. When compared to rstar, all candidates are found.

Repro below. Please excuse any horrendous use of geoarrow 🙃

use geo::BoundingRect;
use geo::Polygon;
use geo_index::rtree::RTreeIndex;
use geoarrow::algorithm::{geo_index::RTree, native::Concatenate};
use geoarrow::array::{AsChunkedGeometryArray, PolygonArray};
use geoarrow::io::geojson::read_geojson;
use geoarrow::{trait_::GeometryArrayAccessor, GeometryArrayTrait};
use rstar::primitives::GeomWithData;
use rstar::{primitives::Rectangle, AABB};

// Find tree self-intersection canddiates using rstar
fn geo_contiguity(geom: Vec<Polygon>) {
    let to_insert = geom
        .map(|(i, gi)| {
            let rect = gi.bounding_rect().unwrap();
            let aabb =
                AABB::from_corners([rect.min().x, rect.min().y], [rect.max().x, rect.max().y]);

            GeomWithData::new(Rectangle::from_aabb(aabb), i)

    let tree = rstar::RTree::bulk_load(to_insert);
    let candidates = tree.intersection_candidates_with_other_tree(&tree);

    println!("rstar candidates:");
    for (left_idx, right_idx) in candidates {
        println!("{:?} {:?}",,;

// Find tree self-intersection canddiates using geo-index
fn contiguity(geoms: &PolygonArray<i32>, node_size: usize) -> Vec<(usize, usize, f64)> {
    let tree = geoms.create_rtree_with_node_size(node_size);
    let mut _neighbors = Vec::new();

    let candidates = tree.intersection_candidates_with_other_tree(&tree);

    println!("geo-index candidates:");
    for (left_idx, right_idx) in candidates {
        println!("{:?} {:?}", left_idx, right_idx);


fn main() {
    let file = std::fs::File::open("src/guerry.geojson").unwrap();
    let reader = std::io::BufReader::new(file);

    // read from file
    let geoms = read_geojson(reader, None).unwrap();
    let polys = geoms

    println!("There are {} polygons", polys.len());
    contiguity(&polys, 10);

    let geo_polys = polys.iter_geo_values().collect::<Vec<_>>();
There are 116 polygons
geo-index candidates:
520 520
rstar candidates:
39 39
39 85
39 50
39 84
85 39
85 85
85 50
85 84
50 39
50 85
50 50
50 84
84 39
84 85
84 50
84 84
39 38
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85 86
85 87
84 86
84 87
50 41
39 102
39 57
50 27
50 57
38 39
38 85
86 39
86 85
86 84
87 39
87 85
87 84
7 7
7 38
38 7
38 38
86 86
86 87
87 86
87 87
7 9
38 9
38 101
38 102
9 7
9 38
101 38
9 9
9 101
101 9
101 101
101 102
41 50
14 14
14 16
14 41
40 40
40 41
16 14
16 16
16 41
41 14
41 40
41 16
41 41
14 113
14 27
16 27
41 27
41 57
16 18
16 17
16 111
14 112
14 99
16 112
16 99
16 15
102 39
27 50
57 39
57 50
102 38
102 101
113 14
27 14
27 16
27 41
57 41
102 102
102 57
113 113
113 27
27 113
27 27
27 57
57 102
57 27
57 57
102 56
113 20
27 20
27 56
57 56
113 112
113 26
113 45
27 26
20 113
20 27
56 102
56 27
56 57
20 20
20 56
56 20
56 56
20 26
18 16
17 16
111 16
18 18
17 17
111 111
111 99
112 14
112 16
99 14
99 16
15 16
112 113
99 111
112 112
112 99
99 112
99 99
15 15
112 45
112 46
99 46
26 113
26 27
45 113
26 20
45 112
46 112
46 99
26 26
26 45
45 26
45 45
45 46
46 45
46 46
7 88
38 10
38 88
9 42
9 88
101 42
101 10
102 10
20 10
56 10
20 13
56 13
20 83
26 83
26 2
26 19
45 19
111 110
111 54
111 59
99 54
112 59
99 59
46 94
46 59
112 51
45 51
46 51
10 38
88 7
88 38
42 9
42 101
10 101
88 9
10 102
10 20
10 56
13 20
13 56
83 20
83 26
2 26
19 26
19 45
37 37
37 42
37 10
42 37
42 42
42 10
10 37
10 42
10 10
88 88
37 108
37 11
37 58
10 53
10 58
10 13
37 29
37 5
108 37
11 37
105 105
105 106
106 105
106 106
106 108
106 11
108 106
108 108
108 11
11 106
11 108
11 11
106 103
106 104
108 107
108 29
108 5
106 3
108 3
108 4
11 3
103 106
104 106
103 103
104 104
53 10
58 37
58 10
13 10
52 52
52 53
53 52
53 53
53 58
53 13
58 53
58 58
58 13
13 53
13 58
13 13
52 47
52 29
52 5
53 5
58 5
52 83
52 2
53 83
13 83
52 91
52 93
52 0
29 37
5 37
107 108
29 108
5 108
47 52
29 52
5 52
5 53
5 58
107 107
107 29
47 47
47 29
47 5
29 107
29 47
29 29
29 5
5 47
5 29
5 5
47 3
47 4
29 3
29 4
5 83
47 91
47 0
3 106
3 108
3 11
4 108
3 47
3 29
4 47
4 29
3 3
3 4
4 3
4 4
83 52
83 53
83 13
2 52
83 5
83 83
83 2
2 83
2 2
2 19
19 2
19 19
83 93
2 93
2 76
19 76
91 52
93 52
91 47
93 83
93 2
76 2
76 19
91 91
91 93
93 91
93 93
93 76
76 93
76 76
91 0
93 49
93 0
0 52
0 47
49 93
0 91
0 93
28 28
28 49
49 28
49 49
49 0
0 49
0 0
19 115
19 55
19 51
93 22
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43 61
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12 81
30 30
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30 12
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96 96
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12 30
12 96
12 12
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51 46
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51 19
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48 49
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1 97
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1 6
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6 6
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I forgot to add the geojson!

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Thanks! I'll take a look when I have time. The search method is directly ported from upstream, and so that should be reliable (it has matched shapely/GEOS). The intersection candidates is my own addition.

Contributions welcome 😉 . I can describe/document the tree structure better if you're interested! (I actually have a half-written blog post on flatbush that I never finished)

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I can confirm that the search() method works well! I'm able to identify polygon queen contiguity with a function like this.

pub fn search_tree(left: OwnedRTree<f64>, targets: PolygonArray<i32>) -> Vec<(usize, usize, f64)> {
    let mut neighbors = Vec::new();
    let _ = targets.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, target)| {
        let geom = target.unwrap();
        let (min, max) = bounding_rect_polygon(&geom);
        let mut candidates =[0], min[1], max[0], max[1]);
        for c in candidates {
            if geom.to_geo().intersects(&targets.get(c).unwrap().to_geo()) {
                neighbors.push((i, c, 1.0));

I tried toying around with the tree traversal but im a bit out of my depth when it comes to recursion and tree searching. I'll try and find some more time to maybe pluck around in the source code at a later point

pub fn two_tree_candidates(left: OwnedRTree<f64>, right: OwnedRTree<f64>) -> Vec<Vec<usize>> {
    let res = right
        .flat_map(|node| recursive_search(&node, &left))

fn recursive_search<'a>(
    node: &'a Node<'a, f64, RTreeRef<'a, f64>>,
    left: &OwnedRTree<f64>,
) -> Vec<Vec<usize>> {
    if node.is_leaf() {
        let candidate =, node.min_y(), node.max_x(), node.max_y());
    } else if node.is_parent() {
            .flat_map(|child| recursive_search(&child, left))
    } else {

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I can confirm that the search() method works well!

Indeed, there are never any bugs in @ mourner's code 😉

I think the gist of my tree traversal is sound. It's probably just missing a check somewhere.

kylebarron added a commit that referenced this issue Apr 3, 2024
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kylebarron commented Apr 3, 2024

I put together a small derived repro in #51. Run with cargo run -- --debug. It's simplest to remove geoarrow from the picture here.

One of the issues is that

self.index >= self.tree.num_items() * 4
is backwards and should be < instead. So that meant that the iterator was never recursing:
(true, true) => return Some((left.index, right.index)),

Fixing that gives endless recursion, so I still have another issue somewhere. It's probably that I'm mixing parent and child intersections somewhere

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