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326 lines (267 loc) · 17.1 KB

File metadata and controls

326 lines (267 loc) · 17.1 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.




  • Added support for Docker networks (#372)

[1.3.1] - 2017-06-22


  • Fixed non-POSIX fallback for file attribute reading (#371)
  • Fixed NullPointerException in AuditLogger when running using slf4j-log4j12 bridge (#375)
  • Improved cleanup of JDBC connections during database container startup checks


  • Extracted MariaDB into a separate repository (#337)
  • Added TC_DAEMON JDBC URL flag to prevent ContainerDatabaseDriver from shutting down containers at the time all connections are closed. (#359, #360)
  • Added pre-flight checks (can be disabled with checks.disable configuration property) (#363)
  • Improved startup time by adding dynamic priorities to DockerClientProviderStrategy (#362)
  • Added global configuration file ~/ (#362)
  • Added container arguments to specify SELinux contexts for mounts (#334)
  • Removed unused Jersey dependencies (#361)
  • Removed deprecated, wrongly-generated setters from GenericContainer

[1.3.0] - 2017-06-05


  • Improved container cleanup if startup failed (#336, #335)


  • Upgraded docker-java library to 3.0.10 (#349)
  • Added basic audit logging of Testcontainers' actions via a specific SLF4J logger name with metadata captured via MDC. Intended for use in highly shared Docker environments.
  • Use string-based detection of Selenium container startup (#328, #351)
  • Use string-based detection of PostgreSQL container startup (#327, #317)
  • Update libraries to recent versions (#333)
  • Introduce abstraction over files and classpath resources, allowing recursive copying of directories (#313)

[1.2.1] - 2017-04-06


  • Fix bug in space detection when alpine:3.5 image has not yet been pulled (#323, #324)
  • Minor documentation fixes


  • Add AOP Alliance dependencies to shaded deps to reduce chance of conflicts (#315)

1.2.0 - 2017-03-12


  • Fix various escaping issues that may arise when paths contain spaces (#263, #279)
  • General documentation fixes/improvements (#300, #303, #304)
  • Improve reliability of ResourceReaper when there are a large number of containers returned by docker ps -a (#295)


  • Support Docker for Windows via TCP socket connection (#291, #297, #309). _Note that Docker Compose is not yet supported under Docker for Windows (see #306)
  • Expose docker-java's CreateContainerCmd API for low-level container tweaking (#301)
  • Shade org.newsclub and Guava dependencies (#299, #292)
  • Add org.testcontainers label to all containers created by Testcontainers (#294)

1.1.9 - 2017-02-12


  • Fix inability to run Testcontainers on Alpine linux. Unix-socket-over-TCP is now used in linux environments where netty fails due to lack of glibc libraries (#290)
  • Fix slow feedback in the case of missing JDBC drivers by failing-fast if the required driver cannot be found (#280, #230)


  • Add ability to change 'tiny image' used for disk space checks (#287)
  • Add ability to attach volumes to a container using 'volumes from' (#244, #289)

1.1.8 - 2017-01-22


  • Compatibility fixes for Docker for Mac v1.13.0 (#272)
  • Relax docker environment disk space check to accomodate unusual empty df output observed on Docker for Mac with OverlayFS (#273, #278)
  • Fix inadvertent private-scoping of startup checks' StartupStatus, which made implementation of custom startup checks impossible (#266)
  • Fix potential resource lead/deadlock when errors are encountered building images from a Dockerfile (#274)


  • Add support for execution within a Docker container (#267), correcting resolution of container addresses
  • Add support for version 2 of private docker registries, configured via $HOME/.docker/config.json (#270)
  • Use current classloader instead of system classloader for loading JDBC drivers (#261)
  • Allow hardcoded container image names for Ambassador and VNC recorder containers to be changed via a configuration file (#277, #259)
  • Allow Selenium Webdriver container image name to be specified as a constructor parameter (#249, #171)

1.1.7 - 2016-11-19


  • Compensate for premature TCP socket opening in Docker for Mac (#160, #236)
  • (Internal) Stabilise various parts of Testcontainers' self test suite (#241)
  • Fix mounting of classpath resources when those resources are in a JAR file (#213)
  • Reduce misleading error messages caused mainly by trying to perform operations on stopped containers (#243)


  • Uses a default MySQL and MariaDB configuration to reduce memory footprint (#209, #243)
  • Docker Compose can optionally now use a local docker-compose executable rather than running inside a container (#200)
  • Add support for privileged mode containers (#234, #235)
  • Allow container/network cleanup (ResourceReaper) to be triggered programmatically (#231)
  • Add optional tailing of logs for containers spawned by Docker Compose (#233)
  • (Internal) Relocate non-proprietary database container tests to a single module

1.1.6 - 2016-09-22


  • Fix logging of discovered Docker environment variables (#218)
  • Adopt longer timeout periods for testing docker client configurations, and allow these to be further customised through system properties (#217, see *ClientProviderStrategy classes)
  • Fix docker compose directory mounting on windows (#224)
  • Handle and ignore further categories of failure in retrieval of docker environment disk space (#225)


  • Add extra configurability options (database name, username, password) for PostgreSQL DB containers (#220)
  • Add MariaDB container type (#215)
  • Use Docker Compose down action for more robust teardown of compose environments
  • Ensure that Docker Compose operations run sequentially rather than concurrently if JUnit tests are parallelized (#226)
  • Allow multiple Docker Compose files to be specified, to allow for extension/composition of services (#227)

1.1.5 - 2016-08-22


  • Fix Docker Compose environment variable passthrough (#208)


  • Remove Docker Compose networks when containers are shut down (#211) as well as at JVM shutdown

1.1.4 - 2016-08-16


  • Fix JDBC proxy driver behaviour when used with Tomcat connection pool to avoid spawning excessive numbers of containers (#195)
  • Shade Jersey dependencies in JDBC module to avoid classpath conflicts (#202)
  • Fix NullPointerException when docker host has untagged images (#201)
  • Fix relative paths for volumes mounted in docker-compose containers (#189)


  • Update to v3.0.2 of docker-java library
  • Switch to a shared, single instance docker client rather than a separate client instance per container rule (#193)
  • Ensure that docker-compose pulls images (with no timeout), prior to trying to start (#188)
  • Use official docker/compose image for running docker-compose (#190)

1.1.3 - 2016-07-27


  • Further fix for shading of netty Linux native libs, specifically when run using Docker Compose support
  • Ensure that file mode permissions are retained for Dockerfile builder


  • Add support for specifying container working directory, and set this to match the /compose directory for Docker Compose
  • Improve resilience of Selenium container startup
  • Add withLogConsumer(...) to allow a log consumer to be attached to a container from the moment of startup

1.1.2 - 2016-07-19


  • Fix shading of netty Linux native libs


  • Shade guava artifacts to prevent classloader conflicts

1.1.1 - 2016-07-17


  • Improve shutdown of unnecessary docker clients (#170)
  • Shade io.netty dependencies into the testcontainers core JAR to reduce conflicts (#170 and #157)
  • Remove timeouts for docker compose execution, particularly useful when image pulls are involved
  • Improve output logging from docker-compose, pausing to log output in case of failure rather than letting logs intermingle.


  • Reinstate container startup retry (removed in v1.1.0) as an optional setting, only used by default for Selenium webdriver containers

1.1.0 - 2016-07-05


  • Apply shade relocation to Jersey repackaged Guava libs
  • General logging and stability improvements to Docker Compose support
  • Fix liveness checks to use specific IP address obtained using getContainerIpAddress()


  • Integrate interim support for Docker for Mac beta and Docker Machine for Windows. See docs for known limitations.
  • Add support for Docker Compose v2 and scaling of compose containers
  • Add support for attaching containers to specific networks.
  • Allow container environment variables to be set using a Map

1.0.5 - 2016-05-02


  • Fix problems associated with changes to tenforce/virtuoso:latest container, and replace with a pinned version.
  • Fix build-time dependency on visible-assertions library, which had downstream dependencies that started to break the Testcontainers build.


  • Add support for pluggable wait strategies, i.e. overriding the default TCP connect wait strategy with HTTP ping or any user-defined approach.
  • Add 'self-typing' to allow easy use of fluent-style options even when GenericContainer is subclassed.
  • Add support for defining extra entries for containers' /etc/hosts files.
  • Add fluent setter for setting file-system file/directory binding

1.0.4 - 2016-04-17


  • Prevent unnecessary and erroneous reconfiguration of container if startup needs to be retried
  • Consolidate container cleanup to ensure that ambassador containers used for Docker Compose are cleaned up appropriately
  • Fix container liveness check port lookup for FixedHostPortGenericContainer.
  • Upgrade docker-compose container to dduportal/docker-compose:1.6.0 for compatibility with docker compose file format v2.


  • Add docker exec support for running commands against running containers
  • Add support for building container images on the fly from Dockerfiles, including optional Dockerfile builder DSL
  • Add container name as prefix for container logs that are streamed to SLF4J
  • Improve container startup failure detection, including adding the option to specify a minimum up time that the container should achieve before being considered started successfully

1.0.3 - 2016-03-31


  • Resolve issues where containers would not be cleaned up on JVM shutdown if they failed to start correctly
  • Fix validation problem where docker image names that contained private registry URLs with port number would be rejected
  • Resolve bug where docker pull would try infinitely for a non-existent image name


  • Set startup free disk space check to ensure that the Docker environment has a minimum of 2GB available rather than 10%
  • Add streaming of container logs to SLF4J loggers, capture as Strings, and also the ability to wait for container log content to satisfy an expected predicate
  • Allow configuration of docker container startup timeout
  • Add detection of classpath Selenium version, and automatic selection of correct Selenium docker containers for compatibility

1.0.2 - 2016-02-27


  • If a container fail to start up correctly, startup will now be retried up to a limit of 3 times
  • Add resilience around getMappedPort method to fail fast when a port is not yet mapped, rather than generate misleading errors


  • Add JDBC container module for OpenLink Virtuoso
  • Add additional debug level logging to aid with diagnosis of docker daemon discovery problems
  • Add support for using a local Unix socket to connect to the Docker daemon

1.0.1 - 2016-02-18


  • Remove extraneous service loader entries in the shaded JAR
  • Upgrade to v2.2.0 of docker-java client library to take advantage of unix socket fixes (see docker-java/docker-java#456)
  • Validate that docker image names include a tag on creation


  • By default, use docker machine name from DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME environment, or default if it exists
  • Allow container ports to map to a fixed port on the host through use of the FixedHostPortGenericContainer subclass of GenericContainer

1.0.0 - 2016-02-07


  • Resolve Jersey/Jackson dependency clashes by shading (relocating) a version of these libraries into the core Testcontainers JAR
  • Improve documentation and logging concerning discovery of Docker daemon


  • Rename container getIpAddress() method to getContainerIpAddress() and deprecate original method name.
  • Rename container getHostIpAddress() method to getTestHostIpAddress()

0.9.9 - 2016-01-12


  • Resolve thread safety issues associated with use of a singleton docker client
  • Resolve disk space check problems when running on a Debian-based docker host
  • Fix CircleCI problems where the build could hit memory limits


  • Remove bundled logback.xml to allow users more control over logging
  • Add Travis CI support for improved breadth of testing

0.9.8 - 2015-08-12


  • Change from Spotify docker client library to docker-java, for improved compatibility with latest versions of Docker
  • Change from JDK 1.7 minimum requirement to JDK 1.8
  • Replace boot2docker support with docker-machine support
  • Docker images are now prefetched when a @Rule is instantiated
  • Combined Rule and Container classes throughout, for a reduced set of public classes and removal of some duplication
  • Improvements to container cleanup, especially removal of data volumes
  • General improvements to error handling, logging etc throughout


  • Docker Compose support
  • Automatic docker environment disk space check

0.9.7 - 2015-08-07


  • Support for overriding MySQL container configuration (my.cnf file overrides)


  • Replace dependency on org.testpackage with org.rnorth.visible-assertions

0.9.6 - 2015-07-22


  • Generic container support (allows use of any docker image) using a GenericContainerRule.


  • Renamed from org.rnorth.test-containers to org.testcontainers
  • Explicit support for usage on linux and use with older versions of Docker (v1.2.0 tested)

0.9.5 - 2015-06-28


  • Oracle XE container support


  • Support for JDK 1.7 (previously was JDK 1.8+)

0.9.4 and 0.9.3 - 2015-06-23


  • Refactored for better modularization

0.9.2 - 2015-06-13


  • 'Sidekick' VNC recording container to record video of Selenium test sessions


  • Alter timezone used for time display inside Selenium containers

0.9.1 - 2015-06-07


  • Support for Selenium webdriver containers
  • Recording of Selenium test sessions using vnc2flv

0.9 - 2015-04-29

Initial release