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Using Keyvault Variables in a Terraform .tfvars file (Multi Staged Pipelines)

Note: This guide assumes you've already created a keyvault within Azure and it has secret variables in it. 

To access these secret variables you need a service principal account that is authorized within Azure DevOps that will access the keyvault.

Setting Up the Variable Group Library

  1. In Azure DevOps navigate to: Pipelines --> Library
  2. Setup your variable group name and description.
  3. Tick Link secrets from an Azure key vault as variables
  4. Select your Azure subscription, and the keyvault you want to use.
  5. Under the Variables section, click Add and select the secrets you want to include.

Configuring Your pipeline.yaml File

  1. At the top of your pipeline file, add the following snippet to include your variable group.

    - group: my-variable-group
    - group: my-variable-group-linked-keyvault
  2. Add a replacetokens step that will replace placeholders in your *.tfvars file with variables specified in your variable group library.

    - task: replacetokens@3
        displayName: "Add variable values to config file"
            rootDirectory: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)'
            targetFiles: '**/pipeline_vars.tfvars'
            encoding: 'auto'
            writeBOM: true
            escapeType: 'none'
            verbosity: 'detailed'
            actionOnMissing: 'fail'
            keepToken: false
            tokenPrefix: '__'
            tokenSuffix: '__'
Note: If you're using a normal variable library where the library is NOT connected to a keyvault you do not have to explicitely redefine them in the Job's variables section. You can simply skip the rest of this section.
  1. Within your Job's section, explicitely define your keyvault's secret variable as a Job scoped variable. (You cannot use the keyvault's variable directly)

    - stage: Plan
        - job: Plan
          displayName: Create Terraform Plan Artifact
            # keyvault-var-1 is defined in the keyvault and is linked to my-variable-group-linked-keyvault
            my-secret-var: $(keyvault-var-1)
            my-secret-var-2: $(keyvault-var-2)

Configuring Your *.tfvars File

  1. For each Terraform variable create a placeholder value that follows this pattern:


    This will make the replacetokens task look for a variable named my-var-name that is either in a variable group library (that isn't linked to a keyvault) imported at the top of pipeline.yaml config OR a variable defined in the Job's variables section.

  2. Doing this with your file may look something like this:

    # Using my-variable-group's variables
    normal_var1 = "__normal-var-1__"
    normal_var2 = "__normal-var-2__"
    # Using job scoped variables from the keyvault
    var1 = "__my-secret-var__"
    var2 = "__my-secret-var-2__"

Passing your *.tfvars file to your terraform plan step.

  1. In your pipeline.yaml file visit your terraform plan step and add the following:

    - task: TerraformTaskV1@0
        displayName: "Create Terraform plan"
            provider: 'azurerm'
            command: 'plan'
            workingDirectory: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)'
            # This is what you want to add!!!!!!!
            commandOptions: '-var-file pipeline/pipeline_vars.tfvars  -out tfplan'

    -var-file path/to/pipeline_vars.tfvars is the magic line.

Done! Your *.tfvars file will be passed to your plan step with your variables added to it.