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Backlog card templates

GFLEMING133 edited this page Jan 3, 2019 · 5 revisions

To ensure that developer members of all skill levels can participate, please use one of the following templates to describe the work you wish to be performed.

Bug Report

Stakeholders fill out the following:


Stakeholder Contact:

Name: <>
Contact: <Use the best contact for you>

Problem Statement:

<Describe the issue>

How to Replicate Issue:

<Describe how you found the issue>

Priority: [1..5]

<Use good judgement and speak to other stakeholders if unsure. Note that a level of 1 indicates a breaking issue, while a level of 5 is considered a minor bug>

The Development team fills out the following:

Implementation Approach:

<Describe the most appropriate course of implementation.>

Risk Assessment:

<Indicate the nature of risk involved and the methods used to mitigate.>

Stakeholders and development team joint section:

Both stakeholders and dev team must work in conjunction to fill out this section before the ticket can be moved to Ready for Work.

Acceptance Criteria:

<Describe what needs to happen in order to consider the bug resolved.>

Feature Request:

Stakeholders fill out the following:


Stakeholder Contact:

Name: <>
Contact: <Use the best contact for you>

Stakeholder need:

<Describe the reasoning behind request>

Description of functionality/Use Case:

<Describe how the new feature should function, the more detail the better.>

Priority: [1..5]

<Use good judgement, and speak to other stakeholders if unsure. Note that a level of 1 indicates a breaking issue, while a level of 5 is considered a minor bug.>

The Development team fills out the following:

Implementation Approach:

<Describe the most appropriate course of implementation>

Risk Assessment:

<Indicate the nature of risk involved and the methods used to mitigate>

Stakeholders and development team joint section:

Both stakeholders and dev team must work in conjunction to fill out this section before the ticket can be moved to Ready for Work.

Wireframing/Visual Example (Optional, dependent on feature request):

<This section can include images, samples of the outcome, etc. Images can be add by using `![Alternate Text](Link to Image)>

Acceptance Criteria:

<Describe what needs to happen in order to consider the new feature complete.>

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