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adamv edited this page Mar 12, 2011 · 10 revisions

On March 12, 2011, the "refactor" branch was merged into trunk, and Homebrew bumped to version 0.8.

The major user-visible change in this version is that all Homebrew commands have been split out into separate ruby files, in the "Library/Homebrew/cmd" folder. Adding a new core command now means adding a new file to the "cmd" folder, following the same pattern as in other files.

In addition, external commands can now override core commands, so if you have an executable "brew-remove.rb" in your path ahead of "brew", that version of "remove" will be used instead of the core command. Please use caution when using this feature as we can't help you diagnose other build problems if you override built-in commands. This feature is meant for deep tinkering, and trying out new features without modifying core directly.

The guts of Homebrew, utility modules and whatnot, have also be reorganized and cleaned up, for the better we think. Xcode detection in particular has been redone, which should make it easier to support Xcode 4 / Lion, which is a very high priority for the project.

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