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Kevin Webb edited this page Feb 18, 2014 · 6 revisions

As of version 1.0 OpenTripPlanner will contain support for drive-to-transit trips, where the user would like to leave a vehicle at a park and ride facility before public transport is taken.

Park-and-ride areas are created from OpenStreetMap nodes and areas under the following conditions:

  1. The park_ride tag has any value other than "no", or
  2. The amenity tag has the value "parking" and the parking tag has a value containing the text "park_and_ride".

For more information on OpenStreetMap tags for park-and-ride see here. As OSM tagging practices/conventions change OTP can be adapted to reflect alternative scenarios.

A park-and-ride trip is made by setting the mode query paramter to "WALK,CAR". This is analogous to the use of "WALK,BICYCLE" for use of a rented bicycle which must be parked before using transit. Special mode combinations are not an ideal way to indicate a need for parking before using transit, but the API extension to express these cases more clearly is not yet finalized.

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