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whatcall whatcall
Coding really can change the world!


Mirco Meiners mimeiners

Hochschule Bremen - City University of Applied Sciences Bremen, Germany

Mark Lees techauthoruk
Have created documentation, manuals and other technical documentation for companies in varied sectors including Software, Engineering, Medical, FMCG, Nuclear...

Techauthoruk London

Casper Ahl Breum crbreum

NKT Photonics Denmark

Richard Lu emckiller
I am not programmer, I like programming.
Shreyansh Shukla shreyanshshukla-git
Computational physics | Exploring the fascinating intersections of science
Harvey Liu midday666
Passionate about bringing innovative technology to the business world.

TENET Technologies

Kevin Lindstrom kevinlindstrom
UConn Electrical Engineering Graduate Student. B.S.E. in Electrical Engineering & Engineering Physics, Class of 2022

Storrs, Connecticut

Beau Sterling beau-seidon
Be. Experience. Appreciate. Understand.

Aether Soundlab Texas

Daniel Hjerppe danielhjerppe
Studying mechanical engineering. Programming as a hobby. Background as a professional musician.


Martin Rieder martinrieder
Mechatronics Engineer

Making tractors run @JohnDeere Mannheim, Germany

Eduardo Nicolas Schulz buyu151
Pro Scientia offers several years of expertise in science and engineering project management, both in industry and academic environments.

Pro Scientia: Science and Engineering Consultancy Ltd. Birmingham

Juan Carlos Flores jcflores

ArchonWest Technologies, Inc. Citrus, California