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Releases: passbolt/passbolt_api

Planète mars

20 Feb 12:36
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Planète mars Pre-release

Release song:

Kindly note that this is a release candidate. While it has been audited and tested in depth, there are likely still bugs or glitches. Please wait for the official v2.0.0 release if you prefer a fully stable version.

This releases fixes a few issues reported by the passbolt users that have switched to the v2.0.0-RC1. It also ships with a few cosmetic improvements as well as new healthchecks and debug tools to ease the installation process. For example you can now call the following command to send a test email and get some information to debug your setup: "./bin/cake passbolt send_test_email"

[2.0.0-rc2] - 2018-02-20


  • PASSBOLT-2638: Added command to test email configuration and SMTP communication
  • PASSBOLT-2608: Implement Sidebar v2 in the Appjs
  • PASSBOLT-2660: Add codacy badge
  • PASSBOLT-1741: Add more GPG healthchecks
  • PASSBOLT-1741: Add PHP extension checks to the healthcheck
  • PASSBOLT-2597: Add check before upgrade to ensure passbolt is already in latest 1.x
  • PASSBOLT-2631: Add an env var to control which email transport to use and defaults to Smtp
  • PASSBOLT-2601: Add Travis v2: phpunit, coverage, phpcs


  • PASSBOLT-2618: Fixes for PHP 7.2 compatibility
  • PASSBOLT-2624: PR#219 Fixed use CONFIG instead of "ROOT . DS . 'config'"
  • PASSBOLT-2631: Fixed default class for EmailTransport to Smtp in configuration
  • PASSBOLT-2640: Fixed incomplete urls in email templates
  • PASSBOLT-2640: Fixed escaping of non safe characters in emails
  • PASSBOLT-2667: Fixed regression: create a user that has been deleted previously returns an error
  • PASSBOLT-2673: Fixed regression: as AD I cannot create a group with the name of previously deleted group
  • PASSBOLT-2545: Fixed regression: As AD deleting a group I should be notified that all members of the group gonna lose access to the passwords shared with the group
  • PASSBOLT-2139: Fixed check sessions calls are logged as error
  • PASSBOLT-2139: Fixed not found image on password workspace
  • PASSBOLT-1741: Fixed set license to AGPL-3.0-or-later for composer compatibility
  • PASSBOLT-2589: Fixed App-js should check request response code from the http response header and not from the body header
  • PASSBOLT-2533: Fixed resource name, username, uri, description min length should be 1 char not 3
  • PASSBOLT-2660: Fixed remove flash message from login layout

The Message

17 Jan 06:23
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The Message Pre-release

Release song:

Kindly note that this is a release candidate. While it has been audited and tested in depth, there are likely still bugs or glitches. Please wait for the official v2.0.0 release if you prefer a fully stable version.

The main aspect of this release is the upgrade of the passbolt api code base to CakePHP v3. It also ships with improvements such as a simplified configuration system, a better XSS protection and more tolerant validation rules. See the full list below.

This release is a complete rewrite of passbolt server component. We now have a code that is better organised, easier to read and simpler to maintain. Don’t just take our word for it: this new code base has been audited by CakeDC, the experts behind CakePHP. Check out the result of this independent 3rd party code review.

To report any bug / feedback / improvement suggestion regarding passbolt v2.0.0-rc1, you can do it through the traditional channels (github and community forum). Please add [v2.0.0-rc1] in the title so we can identify it more easily. This release candidate is a major version upgrade, so it requires more steps compared to a usual update. You will need to follow the migration instructions available here.

What next? We’ll spend the next few weeks fixing the remaining bugs reported by you and release the final v2.0.0. Then, after this long maintenance cycle, we all deserve some new features. That’s right, we will be working on the most requested ones such as Tags (we need your feedback), Import / Export, and a web-based installer. Some of these features will be shipped directly with v2.0.0.

Passbolt API


  • XSS protection improvements, with a new test suite dedicated for XSS.
  • HTTP security headers are enabled by default and can be disabled using configuration options.
  • Json responses server signature (experimental).


  • An expired setup link can be re-sent through the recovery procedure.
  • Dropped SQL views (will allow supporting additional database backends).
  • Simplified configuration system. The entire configuration will be done in one dedicated file with safer defaults.
  • Most configuration items are now available as environment variables.
  • Install commands perform additional health checks prior to running.
  • CakePHP and other dependencies have been removed from the repository and are now installed with composer.
  • More flexible validation rules for inputs in most fields.
  • Emojis support where it make sense (comments, descriptions, etc).
  • Some notifications will not be sent if the user is the one doing the action (ex. delete password).
  • The App-JS code is now available on a dedicated repository.
  • Misc javascript foundation code refactoring.
  • Added missing tables index to speed up some database queries.
  • “Owner” has been replaced by “Created by” in the password sidebar to be more relevant.
  • API supports a more standard response format (documentation coming soon).
  • Additional settings for controlling what is displayed in email notifications.
  • Added created date information in password sidebar.


  • Passbolt api migration to CakePHP 3.
  • PHP 7.0 is now the minimum supported version.
  • Dropped table “controller_logs”. It will be soon replaced by the Audit Logs feature.
  • Dropped table “schema_migrations”.
  • Dropped table “cake_sessions”.
  • Dropped “anonymous statistics” feature (nobody opted in…).


  • “Passwords I own” filter displays all the passwords for which I have “is owner” permission.
  • An admin can delete a user if the user is the sole group member of a group owning passwords that are not shared.
  • An admin can delete a user if the user is the sole owner of a password that is not shared.

I Will Survive

15 Jan 06:51
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Release song:

This release ships with small maintenance fixes and some pull requests from the community. Version 1.6.9 will mark the end of the 1.x serie. The next release (happening shortly) will be v2.0.0. You can find the v2.0.0-rc1 on the development branch and is already available for testing. You can use the following instructions to install and test it.

Kindly note that from now on, we will not accept pull requests on the v1.x branch. All pull requests have to be done directly from the development branch until the release of v2.x on master.

A big thank you to our contributors: @DanielRuf, @threesquared, @bjozet and @colinfrei. Your contributions help us make passbolt better, one pull request at a time.

Finally, as you know each release of passbolt comes with a release song. So, to mark the end of the v1 branch, we have made a compilation of all the release songs published since the first public version of passbolt: v1.0.5. The v1 release songs theme was “funky and popular songs from the 70’s”, if this fits your tastes, you will probably like it:


  • PR-159 Updated and renamed license file (by @DanielRuf)
  • PASSBOLT-2474 New contributing guidelines for community forum
  • PR-214 Remove html purifier submodule (was about time, thanks @threesquared)
  • PR-209 Expose the ‘client’ variable in default conf (by @bjozet)


  • PASSBOLT-1453 Add optional predictable UUID for auth token in selenium testing mode
  • PR-207 Stray apostrophe on title element for Group names (by @colinfrei)
  • PR-208 Fixed typos in email templates (by @colinfrei)
  • PASSBOLT-2599 Fixed Travis


14 Sep 13:46
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  • PASSBOLT-2409: Noopener on resource url in password workspace
  • PASSBOLT-2402: XSS on resource url in password workspace


  • PASSBOLT-2383: Add + and \ to the list of allowed characters for the Resource fields: name, username and description
  • PASSBOLT-2371: Force the charset of the cake_sessions table in utf8
  • PASSBOLT-2325: As system administrator I shouldn't be able to execute passbolt CLI commands as root
  • PASSBOLT-2397: As system administrator I should see in the healthcheck if app/tmp content and app/webroot/img/public content are writable
  • PASSBOLT-1991: As system administrator I should see in the healthcheck if the server key can be used for encrypting/decrypting

Give me the night

29 Dec 05:18
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PASSBOLT-2358: As a user registering on the demo instance I must click on a checkbox to confirm I understand the disclaimer

Feeling Good

21 Aug 21:12
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Release song:

This maintenance release fixes the github issue #124 that affected organizations with large user base. With this fix it is now possible to share a password with more than 200 users.

This version also contains a small but valuable user experience improvement for administrators: users that have not completed the setup will be shown in the users workspace as 'Activation pending'. It becomes easier for administrators to organize a follow up when on-boarding new users.

As suggested by the Mozilla addon reviewers we also removed the need for 'unsafe-eval' content security policy, in order to tighten security even further in the web extension. This does not mean that the previous versions had known security issues, since we used eval to render the EJS template in a safe fashion already (e.g. EJS escape the variables by default to prevent XSS attack).
Thank you to @erosman from Mozilla addon review team, @tomofumi0003, and Helder Martin for their suggestions and contributions to this release.

Disclaimer for Firefox users: Version 1.6.3 is still pending approval from volunteers at Mozilla reviewing addons. Therefore the automatic rollout has not started yet. If you want to use passbolt v1.6.3, please switch to the development channel. Your profile will be kept and you can switch back later. Switch to v1.6.3-RC1 or browse on


  • PASSBOLT-2316: Merge the selenium & phpunit dummy data sets
  • PASSBOLT-2317: Speed up dummy secret creation task
  • PASSBOLT-2327: Add a large set of dummy data for performance testing
  • PASSBOLT-2282: As admin on the user workspace, I should be able to distinguish visually the users who haven't activated their account yet

Boom Boom

14 Aug 17:22
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Release song:

This release is a maintenance release, with a few bug fixes and some additional settings to manage emails notifications.

The bulk of the work for this release was the migration for firefox, from the soon deprecated SDK plugin format to the new webextension format. Quite a bit of work went into upgrading the selenium testsuite and providing a fully transparent data migration from the old to the new format. This is why this version is still running as a “legacy” plugin, with all the code embedded as a webextension, to make sure users have nothing to do to migrate. However please make sure your users upgrade to this version this month, otherwise they may need to perform an account recovery with the next version. Fret not, because unless they have disabled automatic update, the only thing firefox users need to do to update is to have the browser running.

As a passbolt instance administrator I can find new settings manage email notifications in config/default.php under EmailNotification. If you want to override the default you can copy/paste them to your own app.php configuration. With these settings you can for example disable notifications when a user is added to a group, or when a password is deleted. It also allows to change the content of the notification and hide the username and/or the encrypted secret.

Thank you to @bluenetinc, @PoetiCode and @technogenus for their suggestions and contributions to this release.

Unless there is a major issue with the 1.6.2, our next release will be version v2.0, with an upgrade to Cakephp v3.

Read the full release notes :


  • PASSBOLT-2284: As an administrator I can set which notifications are enabled for my organization #98
  • PASSBOLT-2284: As an administrator I can prevent encrypted secret or username to be sent in email notification #114


  • PASSBOLT-2301: Remove additional slashes in passbolt.js urls such as model/users::find #142
  • PASSBOLT-2270: Fix modified_by not set on resource edit regression
  • PASSBOLT-2271: Fix no wrap issue on resource description
  • PASSBOLT-1943: As an administrator I should not be able to install passbolt on a hostname that is not RFC3986 compliant
  • PASSBOLT-1937: As an administrator I should not be be able to install passbolt with a server key without an email id
  • PASSBOLT-2002: Refactor install script to reuse healthcheck library


26 Jul 15:35
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Release song:

Thanks to this new release it is now possible to filter passwords by groups. It becomes easier to see which password belong to which groups. Of course, to see the groups in the sidebar, one will first need to be part of that group.

Similarly, in the user workspace, it is now possible to see which groups a user is member of in the right sidebar, when selecting a collaborator. Two new email notifications have been implemented, when your role in a group changes, or if you are the group manager, when a user is deleted.

This release also introduces a series of small improvements requested by the community, mostly to relax the validation rules for the password username and descriptions fields. And, of course, a small batch of bug fixes.

Read the full release notes:


  • PASSBOLT-2147: As a group member I should receive a notification when my role in the group has changed
  • PASSBOLT-2148: As a group manager I should receive a notification when a user who is part of one (or more) groups I manage is deleted
  • PASSBOLT-2225: As a demo user it should be explicit that I need to use a throway email account
  • PASSBOLT-2133: As LU I should be able to filter passwords by group on the passwords workspace
  • PASSBOLT-2012: As a user I can see which groups a user is a member of from the sidebar


  • PASSBOLT-2171: The group list component should be marked as ready once the API request is completed
  • PASSBOLT-2172: Newly added group manager shouldn't receive the group update summary notification
  • PASSBOLT-2174: Edit group dialog should be marked as ready if an admin edit a group the admin is not group manager
  • PASSBOLT-2155: As AD I shouldn't be able to delete as user if the user is the sole group manager of a group
  • PASSBOLT-2075: Users should be removed from the groups they are member of after a soft delete operation
  • PASSBOLT-1934: GITHUB-40, GITHUB-120: As a user I should be allowed to add the a ldap path as username
  • PASSBOLT-2156: GITHUB-94: As a user I should be allowed to add text in JSON format in the description
  • PASSBOLT-2122: GITHUB-85: Username should be Minimum 1 characters in length (and not 3)
  • PASSBOLT-2180: GITHUB-85: As a user I should be allowed to add a space in a resource username
  • PASSBOLT-2125: GITHUB-86: As a logged in user creating/editing a password I should be able to use new line characters in the description
  • PASSBOLT-2188: Regression: As LU when I search for a user it shouldn't make an API request
  • PASSBOLT-2234: Regression: As newly added GM I shouldn't receive the group update summary when I'm just added as GM
  • PASSBOLT-2235: As AD editing a group the dialog shouldn't be marked as ready until the members list is loaded
  • PASSBOLT-2105: Anonymous statistics: fix "Warning Error: file_put_contents" issue at installation
  • PASSBOLT-2005: PR#44: Update allowed characters in a uri

Let's Groove

21 Jun 17:54
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Release date: June 21, 2017.

This release is mainly about shipping some of the missing "groups" features such as the email notifications. You will also find a few bug fixes, and an improvement in the default email configuration for those of you who use TLS authentication.

It was also the occasion to update our docker container. We fixed a few bugs and added email support.

Read the full release notes:


  • PASSBOLT-2099: As a user I should receive a notification when I am added to a group
  • PASSBOLT-2100: As a user I should receive a notification when I am deleted of a group
  • PASSBOLT-2102: As a group manager I should receive a notification when another group manager added a user to a group I manage
  • PASSBOLT-2103: As a group manager I should receive a notification when another group manager removed a user from a group I manage
  • PASSBOLT-2140: As a group manager I should receive a notification when another group manager changed the role of a user of a group I manage
  • PASSBOLT-2138: The TLS parameter should be part of the default email configuration


  • PASSBOLT-2044: As an admin I shouldn’t be able to delete a user who is the sole owner of passwords shared with others
  • PASSBOLT-2078: As GM/AD I shouldn't be able to add a user who didn't complete the registration process to a group I edit/create
  • PASSBOLT-2111: As an admin I should be able to install passbolt under mydomain.tld/passbolt
  • PASSBOLT-2142: As an admin I should not see multiple ASCII banner when running the install script
  • PASSBOLT-1959: As LU when I unshare a password with a user or a group, associated secrets should be destroyed
  • PASSBOLT-1954: Security: Trackable behavior should override created_by and deleted_by when provided


23 May 12:50
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With this release we are very pleased to announce the beginning of the groups feature support in passbolt. You can learn more about it in the dedicated blog post or the summary below.

Full release notes:

Disclaimer for Firefox users: Version 1.5.1 is still pending approval from volunteers at Mozilla reviewing addons. Therefore the automatic rollout has not started yet. If you want to start using groups with firefox, please switch to the development channel. Your profile will be kept and you can switch back later.
Switch to v1.5.1-RC2

[1.5.1] - 2017-05-23


  • PASSBOLT-2070: Delete unused code / exclude external libs from coverage
  • PASSBOLT-2071: Drop exec bits from files which don't need them (@OdyX GITHUB PR #67)
  • PASSBOLT-2073: As AP I should see a warning on the login page if the plugin and the api are not compatible
  • PASSBOLT-2029: PHP7 compatibility, fix deprecated cakePHP String class calls (@leomazzo GITHUB-64)
  • PASSBOLT-2074: Delete confirmation dialogs should fit the latest styleguide

[1.5.0] - 2017-05-16


  • PASSBOLT-1950: As a user I can see which groups a password is shared with from the sidebar
  • PASSBOLT-1953: As a user I can share a password with a group
  • PASSBOLT-1940: As a user when editing a password for a group, the secret should be encrypted for all the members
  • PASSBOLT-1639: As a user editing a password description in the right sidebar should not get duplicated items in shared with section
  • PASSBOLT-1938: As a user I can browse the list of groups in the groups section of the user workspace
  • PASSBOLT-2000: As a user I can see which users are part of a given group from the sidebar and the users section
  • PASSBOLT-1960: As a user I can see the list of users that are part of the group in the users grid by using the group filter
  • PASSBOLT-1838: As a group manager I can edit the membership roles
  • PASSBOLT-1838: As a group manager I can add a user to a group
  • PASSBOLT-1838: As a group manager I can remove a user from a group using the edit group dialog
  • PASSBOLT-1969: As a group manager I can edit a group from the contextual menu and from the groups sidebar
  • PASSBOLT-1969: As a group manager I can see which users are part of a given group from the group edit dialog
  • PASSBOLT-2000: As a group manager I can see which users are part of a given group from the sidebar and the users section
  • PASSBOLT-2006: As an administrator I can delete a group from the group contextual menu
  • PASSBOLT-1969: As an administrator I can edit a group
  • PASSBOLT-2006: As an administrator I can delete a group
  • PASSBOLT-1955: As an administrator I can create a group using the new button in the users workspace
  • PASSBOLT-1939: As an administrator the healthcheck should be accessible in command line
  • PASSBOLT-1943: As an administrator the healthcheck should tell if not using a proper domain name as base url
  • PASSBOLT-1943: As an administrator the healthcheck should tell if SSL certificate is invalid
  • PASSBOLT-1885: As an administrator the healthcheck should tell if the full base url is not reachable
  • PASSBOLT-1838: Add v1.5.0 migration script
  • PASSBOLT-1881: Add support for groups in the permission system
  • PASSBOLT-1952: Add support for groups in the fixtures
  • PASSBOLT-1928: Deploy styleguide with groups support