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File metadata and controls

108 lines (71 loc) · 3.93 KB

C# Coding Guideliness

  • Always clear all comments when work is done no matter if is yours or not.

  • Always wrap in {} [if, for, foreach,…] statement even the one line code. One liner rule is when there is possibilty that code will expand, mostly always! Except when there is a single condition and then the line for throwing exception is the when {} can be omited, because this code will never expand in multi-line.

    // good
    if (isGood) { return good; }
    // bad
    if (isGood) return good;
    // except
    if (isGood) throw new TooGoodTooBeTrueException("Some valid description");
  • Before the start of [if, for, foreach,…] block and end of block statement make one break space.

  • Always use string.Empty instead of ""

  • Inline comment should be right above the line it is commenting without break space.

    // good
    // Set is good to be good. The ok inline comment
    bool isGood = true;
    // bad
    // Set is good to be not. The not ok inline comment
    bool isGood = false;
  • Do not use #Region for hiding the code. Better is to move the code to the end of the class. Or use VS keys [Ctrl+A [Ctrl+M, Ctrl+M]] that will collapse whole document.

  • The order of members in Class should be:

    • Fields.
      • Constants always first.
    • Constructor(s).
    • Properties (If there are many like in ViewModels it can be moved to the end of Class, but not those that have some logic).
    • Public Methods.
    • Protected Methods.
    • Private Method.
  • Preferably use "this" keyword for all members within a current Class and those inherited Class(es).

  • All private fields should start with underscore as:

    private bool _isGood 
  • Use Interfaces for mostly everything, or use Abstract Classes when appropriate.

  • Avoid inheritance from normal Class, inherit from Abstract Class.

  • Avoid deeply nested inheritance, the one level of inheritance should be preferable.

  • Use Dependency Injection / Inversion of Control in all cases and avoid "new" keyword for creating the Object(s).

  • In Interface put a each member with break space in between.

  • Do not write long statements something like more than 100 chars.

  • Break the "if" conditions in multiple lines if there are many of them.

  • Use ternary operator "?:" with caution, better write "if-else" if the statement is logically complex to understand or the statement will be long because of it.

  • Remove any break spaces in code that are more than one line or they are one line but they have no sense to be applied at first place!

  • User "var" keyword only when on right side there is Type [int, string, Order, List<Order>,…]. Exception: Use "var" for LINQ queries only if the result is of "Anonymous Type".

    // good
    var goods = new List<Good>();
    // bad
    var goods = this.GetGoodsById(goodId);  
    ICollection<Good> goods = this.GetGoodsById(goodId);
  • Write logical/meaningful names especially in services or APIs, no matter how long they can be.

  • If the member is of bool return type make sure it is called proper with [is|has|have] at the beginning of sentence.

  • If there are local variables in method make sure that they are at the beginning of method.

  • If there is need for some Class member repeatedly, make variable of it and use variable instead.

    // e.g if this expression is used more then one time:
    this.teamDropDown.SelectedItem as Team
    // make variable and use it instead:
    var team = this.teamDropDown.SelectedItem as Team;
  • Avoid "static" Fields, Properties in all cases. Use "static" for "Helper" or this kind of Class(es) only. Also for use it for simple Methods if "static" is applicable.

  • On asynchronous call, if there is more than 5 lines of code, use a Callback Method (and give meaningful and callback like name to method) instead of inline Lambda.

Exception Handling!! Null Reference checking!!