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NDN-RTC: Real Time Conferencing Library for NDN


These are prerequisites to build NDN-RTC.


Optional (for ndnrtc-client app only)

Build instructions (macOS, Ubuntu)


NDN-RTC configure variables (expand for more info)

Paths to prerequisites sources and/or libraries can be set during configure phase. Use these variables for NDN-RTC configure script for providing custom paths:

  • BOOSTDIR - Path to the directory which contains Boost library headers folder (default is /usr/local/include)
  • NDNCPPDIR - Path to the directory which contains NDN-CPP library headers folder (default is /usr/local/include)
  • NDNCPPLIB - Path to the directory which contains NDN-CPP library binaries (default is /usr/local/lib)
  • OPENFECDIR - Path to the directory which contains OpenFEC library
  • OPENFECSRC - Path to the directory which contains OpenFEC library header files (default is $OPENFECDIR/src)
  • OPENFECLIB - Path to the directory which contains OpenFEC library binaries (default is $OPENFECDIR/bin/Release)
  • WEBRTCDIR - Path to the directory which contains WebRTC trunk
  • WEBRTCSRC - Path to the directory which contains WebRTC header files (default is $WEBRTCDIR/webrtc)
  • WEBRTCLIB - Path to the directory which contains WebRTC libraries (default is $WEBRTCDIR/out/Release)
  • LCONFIGDIR - (Optional) path to the directory which contains libconfig library headers (default is /usr/local/include)
  • LCONFIGLIB - (Optional) path to the directory which contains libconfig library binaries (default is /usr/local/lib)

Before building NDN-RTC, we suggest to create a folder for NDN-RTC environment where all prerequisites source code and NDN-RTC source code will be stored and compiled.

#0 NDN-RTC environment (expand for more info)

Eventually, your ndnrtc-env should look like this: ndnrtc-env/

  • depot-tools/
  • libconfig/
  • ndn-cpp/
  • ndnrtc/
  • ndnrtc/
  • openfec_v1.4.2/
  • webrtc-checkout/
mkdir ndnrtc-env && cd ndnrtc-env
export NDNRTC_ENV=`pwd`
#0.5 Out-of-the box prerequisites

These are required prerequisites which can be installed using homebrew (macOS) or apt-get (Ubuntu).

brew install boost cmake wget autoconf automake libtool openssl libconfig nanomsg rocksdb

-- or (for Ubuntu) --

sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev cmake wget autoconf automake libtool git protobuf-compiler libconfig++-dev libconfig++9v5

Compiled prerequisites

Don't forget to complete Before you start step for installing WebRTC prerequisites. Last time checked, depot-tools needed to be installed first:

git clone
export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/depot_tools
#1 WebRTC (expand for more info)

Here are detailed and latest instructions on how to build WebRTC. Follow the instructions and build WebRTC branch-heads/59 (Release version).

mkdir webrtc-checkout && cd webrtc-checkout/
fetch --nohooks webrtc
cd src
git checkout -b branch-heads-59 refs/remotes/branch-heads/59
gclient sync
// additional step for Ubuntu (expand for more info)

As part of installing prerequisites for WebRTC:

WebRTC (continuation)

Compilation may take some time

gn gen out/Default --args='is_debug=false'
ninja -C out/Default
// additional step for macOS (expand for more info)

Do this:

mkdir -p out/Default/allibs && for lib in `find out/Default -name "*.a"`; do cp $lib out/Default/allibs/; done;
#2 NDN-CPP (expand for more info)

NDN-RTC uses Boost shared pointers. As NDN-RTC highly relies on NDN-CPP, types of shared pointers used in NDN-CPP and NDN-RTC should be the same. In order to build NDN-CPP with boost shared pointers it's not enough to install them on the system, as NDN-CPP gives priority to std::shared_ptr by default.

git clone
cd ndn-cpp && mkdir -p build/share
// additional step for macOS >= 10.11 (expand for more info)

Depending on your system configuration, you may need to add header and library search paths to your NDN-CPP configuration using ADD_CFLAGS, ADD_CXXFLAGS and ADD_LDFLAGS (create for that). For macOS 10.11 (El Capitan), openssl library is no longer a default, thus one needs to provide paths, such as:

echo ADD_CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include" > build/share/
echo ADD_CXXFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include" >> build/share/
echo ADD_LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib" >> build/share/
NDN-CPP (continuation)

Nothing's here 😁

./configure --with-std-shared-ptr=no --with-std-function=no --prefix=$(pwd)/build
make && make install
#3 OpenFEC (expand for more info)

To build OpenFEC, few edits need to be made for src/CMakeLists.txt file (applied as ndnrtc-openfec.patch in instructions below):

  1. Change line add_library(openfec SHARED ${openfec_sources}) to add_library(openfec STATIC ${openfec_sources})
  2. Change line target_link_libraries(openfec pthread IL) to target_link_libraries(openfec pthread)
  3. Add line set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-fPIC")
tar -xvf openfec_v1_4_2.tgz && rm openfec_v1_4_2.tgz
mkdir -p openfec_v1.4.2/build && cd openfec_v1.4.2/
wget && patch src/CMakeLists.txt ndnrtc-openfec.patch
cd build/


git clone --recursive
cd ndnrtc/cpp && mkdir -p build/share
echo 'CPPFLAGS="-g -O2 -DWEBRTC_POSIX" CXXFLAGS="-g -O2 -DWEBRTC_POSIX"' >  build/share/
echo NDNCPPDIR=`pwd`/../../ndn-cpp/build/include >> build/share/
echo NDNCPPLIB=`pwd`/../../ndn-cpp/build/lib >> build/share/
echo OPENFECDIR=`pwd`/../../openfec_v1.4.2 >> build/share/
echo WEBRTCDIR=`pwd`/../../webrtc-checkout/src >> build/share/
./configure --prefix=$(pwd)/build
make && make install
Headless client (expand for more info)

If you want to build headless client application, make sure you have succesfully installed libconfig.

make ndnrtc-client