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Exercise 5 - Installing Istio

Clean up

If you have anything running in Kubernetes from the previous exercises first remove those. The easiest way is to start with a clean slate and delete all deployed services from the cluster:

  kubectl delete all --all

Install Istio

We will follow the slightly modified GKE instructions from installing Istio

1 - Be sure you are in the home directory:


2 - Run the following command to download and extract the Istio installation file and Istio client.

  curl -L | ISTIO_VERSION=1.2.5 sh -

The installation directory contains:

  • Installation .yaml files for Kubernetes in install
  • Sample applications in samples
  • The istioctl client binary in the bin/ directory. You can use istioctl to manually inject Envoy as a sidecar proxy and to create routing rules and policies.
  • The istio.VERSION configuration file

2 - Ensure that you're in the Istio installation's root directory.

  cd ~/istio-1.2.5/

3 - Add the istioctl client to your PATH:

export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH

4 - Set up the istio-system namespace for Istio's control plane components:

kubectl create namespace istio-system

We will install Istio in the istio-system namespace you just created, and then manage microservices from all other namespaces. The installation includes Istio core components, tools, and samples.

5 - Install the Istio Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) and wait a few seconds for the CRDs to be committed in the Kubernetes API server:

helm template install/kubernetes/helm/istio-init --name istio-init --namespace istio-system \
      --set grafana.enabled=true --set prometheus.enabled=true \
      --set tracing.enabled=true | kubectl apply -f -

6 - Verify that all 23 Istio CRDs were committed using the following command:

kubectl get crds | grep '\|' | wc -l

It will take a minute to install the CRDs. After a minute you should see in the output: 23

7 - Install Istio with the Demo Profile. Although you can choose another profile, we recommend the default profile for production deployments.

helm template install/kubernetes/helm/istio --name istio --namespace istio-system \
    --values install/kubernetes/helm/istio/values-istio-demo.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

This deploys the core Istio components:

  • Istio-Pilot, which is responsible for service discovery and for configuring the Envoy sidecar proxies in an Istio service mesh.
  • The Mixer components Istio-Policy and Istio-Telemetry, which enforce usage policies and gather telemetry data across the service mesh.
  • Istio-Ingressgateway, which provides an ingress point for traffic from outside the cluster.
  • Istio-Citadel, which automates key and certificate management for Istio.

And it also deploys the monitoring components.

8 - Verify Istio installation

Ensure the following Kubernetes Services are deployed: istio-citadel, istio-pilot, istio-ingressgateway, istio-policy, and istio-telemetry (you'll also see the other deployed services):

kubectl get service -n istio-system

In the output you should see istio-citadel, istio-galley, istio-ingressgateway, istio-pilot, istio-policy, istio-sidecar-injector, istio-statsd-prom-bridge, istio-telemetry and prometheus.

10 - Ensure the corresponding Kubernetes Pods are deployed and all containers are up and running: istio-pilot-, istio-policy-, istio-telemetry-, istio-ingressgateway-, and istio-citadel-.

kubectl get pods -n istio-system
    NAME                                        READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    istio-citadel-54f4678f86-4549b              1/1       Running     0          12m
    istio-cleanup-secrets-5pl77                 0/1       Completed   0          12m
    istio-galley-7bd8b5f88f-nhwlc               1/1       Running     0          12m
    istio-ingressgateway-665699c874-l62rg       1/1       Running     0          12m
    istio-pilot-68cbbcd65d-l5298                2/2       Running     0          12m
    istio-policy-7c5b5bb744-k6vm9               2/2       Running     0          12m
    istio-security-post-install-g9l9p           0/1       Completed   3          12m
    istio-sidecar-injector-85ccf84984-2hpfm     1/1       Running     0          12m
    istio-telemetry-5b6c57fffc-9j4dc            2/2       Running     0          12m
    istio-tracing-77f9f94b98-jv8vh              1/1       Running     0          12m
    prometheus-7456f56c96-7hrk5                 1/1       Running     0          12m

Running istioctl

Istio related commands need to have istioctl in the path. Verify it is available by running:

istioctl -h

What just happened?!

Congratulations! You have installed Istio into the Kubernetes cluster. A lot has been installed:

  • Istio Controllers and related RBAC rules
  • Istio Custom Resource Defintiions
  • Prometheus and Grafana for Monitoring
  • Jeager for Distributed Tracing
  • Istio Sidecar Injector (we'll take a look next next section)