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An example: big-step supercompilation for counter systems

The abstract model of big-step multi-result supercompilation presented in BigStepSc.agda can be instantiated to produce runnable supercompilers.

In BigStepCounters there is implemented a toolkit for describing counter systems and turning them into working supercompilers.

Worlds of counters

A counter system is characterized by two parameters: k and maxℕ, and configurations have simple structure. Any configuration is a list of fixed length k. Each component of this list is either the symbol ω or a natural number n, such that n < maxℕ.

A specification of a counter system is a "world of counters", which is a record of the type CntWorld:

record CntWorld {k : ℕ} : Set₁ where
  Conf : Set
  Conf = Vec ℕω k

    start : Conf
    _⇊ : (c : Conf)  List Conf
    unsafe : (c : Conf)  Bool


  • k is the number of components in a configuration.
  • Conf is the type of configurations.
  • start is the initial configuration.
  • _⇊ specifies how to drive a configuration: c ⇊ returns a list of configurations in which c is decomposed. (Driving in the case of counter systems is deterministic.)
  • unsafe determines which configurations are considered to be (semantically) "unsafe".

Then there is defined the module CntSc

module CntSc {k : ℕ} (cntWorld : CntWorld {k})
  (maxℕ : ℕ) (maxDepth : ℕ) where

which has a number of parameters.

  • k is the number of components in a configuration,
  • cntWorld is a world of counters.
  • maxℕ is the limit on the size of natural numbers in configurations (for a component n there must hold n < maxℕ).
  • maxDepth is the limit on the length of histories (is used by the whistle).

When instantiated, CntSc produces

  • A world of supercompilation scWorld.
  • A number of functions for generating graphs, lazy graphs and cographs.
  • A cleaner cl-unsafe = cl-bad-conf unsafe.
  • A cograph cleaner cl∞-unsafe = cl∞-bad-conf unsafe.

Making a supercompiler

In the subfolder Protocol there are defined a number of worlds of supercompilation, which are models of communication protocols.

In order to be specific, let us consider the protocol Synapse.

The world of counters in the case of Synapse is declared as

Synapse : CntWorld
Synapse = ...

We can convert Synapse into a world of supercompilation:

open CntSc Synapse 3 10

Now we can generate a lazy graph, clean it and extract a graph of minimal size:

graph : LazyGraph Conf
graph = lazy-mrsc start

graph-cl-unsafe : LazyGraph Conf
graph-cl-unsafe = cl-empty $ cl-unsafe graph

graph-cl-min-size = cl-min-size graph-cl-unsafe
graph-min-size = ⟪ proj₂ graph-cl-min-size ⟫

If we want to deal with cographs, this can be done as follows:

cograph : LazyCograph Conf
cograph = build-cograph start

cograph-safe : LazyCograph Conf
cograph-safe = cl∞-Ø $ cl∞-unsafe cograph

cograph-pruned : LazyGraph Conf
cograph-pruned = cl-empty $ prune-cograph cograph-safe

We can test that in both cases we get the same result:

graph-cl-unsafe≡cograph-pruned :
  graph-cl-unsafe ≡ cograph-pruned

graph-cl-unsafe≡cograph-pruned = refl

Note that in Agda unit testing is a special case of theorem proving: so, we prove the theorem that graph-cl-unsafe and cograph-pruned are the same thing.

Empty subtrees can be removed in the process of pruning.

cograph-pruned-Ø : LazyGraph Conf
cograph-pruned-Ø = pruneØ-cograph cograph-safe

graph-cl-unsafe≡cograph-pruned-Ø :
  graph-cl-unsafe ≡ cograph-pruned-Ø

graph-cl-unsafe≡cograph-pruned-Ø = refl