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342 lines (230 loc) · 10.5 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[0.24.2] - 2024-09-14


  • Array encoding issues for date and time types [#194]
  • String array quote and escape [#198]

[0.24.1] - 2024-08-06


  • Codec error when decoding authentication messages [#190]
  • Codec error when decoding parameters larger than 32767 [#192]
  • Panic when client sends invalid authentication message type [#191]

[0.24.0] - 2024-08-03


  • ToSqlText support for Decimal [#186]
  • Direct SSL startup, a new feature introduced in PostgreSQL 17. It allows ssl handshake once tcp connected, which saves a roundtrip on secure connection startup. [#189]


  • Improvement our API for COPY. [#185]
    • Added CopyInProgress for PgWireConnectionState to track connection in COPY
    • Changed on_copy_fail in CopyHandler to return an Error as Postgres document specified.
    • Corrected behaviour for error handling when COPY is initialized via extended subprotocol.

[0.23.0] - 2024-06-14


  • New CopyHandler API for processing postgres COPY-in operations.


  • Updated the API of pgwire::tokio::process_socket to accept new PgWireHandlerFactory instead of each subprotocol handler individually, to keep API clean, also reduce some of boilerplate code.
  • MakeHandler trait and its implementation are removed. You will need to implement those logic with new PgWireHandlerFactory. For stateful handlers, like most ExtenededQueryHandler implementations, it need to be created for every call to extended_query_handler. For stateless ones, it can be cached.


  • Include API usage on random nonce generate [#182]

[0.22.0] - 2024-04-29


  • SCRAM authenticator is now an optional feature that is turned off by default. To use SCRAM authenticator, add feature flag scram. [#180]
  • aws-lc-rs based crypto backend is the default when using TLS or SCRAM. Use default-features=false and server-api-ring to use the ring backend. [#179]
  • Use default-features=false if you only uses message codecs from this library. [#177]
  • BREAKING CHANGE: ready state code is now presented in enum TransactionStatus. There is an update of ReadyForQuery's new. [#176]


  • panic when decoding SASL messages [#175]

[0.21.0] - 2024-04-18


  • You can now customize command tag for QueryResponse. [#173]


  • Text representation of NULL values in array, and bool values are now fixed to align with postgres. [#174]

[0.20.0] - 2024-03-17


  • Changed do_describe API from ExtendedQueryHandler to more specific do_descirbe_statement and do_describe_portal. This is a breaking change, see sqlite example for how to migrate. [#164]
  • Improved performance of DataRowEncoder, updated how we store data in DataRow. Breaking change for message layer users. [#165] [#166]

[0.19.2] - 2024-01-31


  • Error on Parse command when using pgcli client [#152]
  • Remove 'static bound for handler implementations [#149]

[0.19.1] - 2024-01-14


  • Simple query client blocks on error [#148]

[0.19.0] - 2024-01-08


  • Updated Tag constructors for including ObjectID. [#147]
  • Removed some getters and setters, use direct field access. [#144]


  • Message sequences fixes [#145] [#146]

[0.18.0] - 2023-12-23


  • Associated PortalStore to client as how PostgreSQL is designed. This is a regression design issue introduced in 0.8.

[0.17.0] - 2023-12-07


  • Added SslRequest and SslResponse message [#116] [#117]
  • Added NotificationResponse message for Postgres LISTEN/NOTIFY feature [#136]
  • Added encoding support for array data type [#130]


  • Allow sending custom message from SimpleQueryHandler by changing Client reference to mutable [#133]
  • Updated tokio-rustls to 0.25 [#135]
  • Using feed for sending response [#128]

[0.16.1] - 2023-09-28


  • Fixed message decode for flush [#113]
  • Add a fix for potential panic on startup. [#112]

[0.16.0] - 2023-08-04


  • Changed Portal::parameter function to require a &Type argument for deserialization. Previously we relies on client specified types but it doesn't work when the client driver requires type inference on server-side. The new function signature allows you to provide an type. [#106]
  • Changed DefaultServerParameterProvider API to allow modification of built-in parameters. [#97]

[0.15.0] - 2023-06-23


  • Codecs for Copy messages. [#91]


  • Made parse_sql from QueryParser an async function because some implementation requires async operation [#96]

[0.14.1] - 2023-06-01


  • Corrected how server handler responds Sync message. Fixed compatibility with rust sqlx client. #90

[0.14.0] - 2023-05-04


  • Exposed send_describe_response and send_execution_response as helper functions for custom ExtendedQueryHandler implementation.


  • tcp_nodelay is turned on by default within pgwire for performance consideration.
  • Changed getters of QueryResponse to return owned data.

[0.13.1] - 2023-04-30


  • A new helper function send_query_response is added for convenience of custom query handler implementation

[0.13.0] - 2023-04-08


  • Message NoData that sends from backend when Describe sent on an empty query.
  • Add EmptyQuery to Response enum to represent response for empty query.
  • Add no_data constructor to DescribeResponse for empty query.


  • Improved empty query check for SimpleQueryHandler. #75

[0.12.0] - 2023-03-26


  • ToSqlText trait and default implementation for some types. This trait is similar to ToSql from postgres-types package. It provide text format encoding while ToSql are binary by default.


  • Updated DataRowEncoder encode API with unified encode_field for both binary and text encoding. DataRowEncoder::new now accepts Arc<Vec<FieldInfo>> instead of column count. The encoder now has type and format information for each column. encode_field no longer requires Type and FieldFormat. A new encode_field_with_type_and_format is provided for custom use-case.
  • Updated do_describe API from ExtendedQueryHandler to include full information about requested Statement or Portal.
  • query_response function is replaced by QueryResponse::new

[0.11.1] - 2023-02-26


  • lifetime binding in on_query functions if the implementation has its own lifetime specifier

[0.11.0] - 2023-02-26

Further improve extended query support. Now the server can respond statement describe correctly.


  • Add some docs.
  • Add integer_datetimes parameter on startup so clients like jdbc will parse time types as integer.
  • DescribeResponse that contains information for both ParameterDescription and RowDescription.


  • Update do_describe of ExtendedQueryHandler. Add new bool argument inference_parameters to check if parameter types from statement is required to return.
  • Updated resultset Response::QueryResponse lifetime from 'static to portal or query string, this allows reference of portal in stream.


  • The default implementation of ExtendedQueryHandler now correctly responds Close message with CloseComplete
  • Correct SCRAM mechanism name in plain connection

[0.10.0] - 2023-02-08

This release reverts design to use MakeHandler in process_socket, since it stops shared implementation between StartupHandler and query handlers.


  • Update process_socket to accept StartupHandler, SimpleQueryHandler and ExtendedQueryHandler. MakeHandler should be called upon new socket incoming. Check our updated examples for usage.
  • Removed Password, SASLInitialResponse and SASLResponse from frontend message enum to avoid confusion. PasswordMessageFamily is now an enum that contains all these message forms and a raw form. This is because in postgres protocol, password message can only be decoded into concrete type when there is a context. See our MD5 and SCRAM authenticator for usage.

[0.9.1] - 2023-02-02

Fixes compatibility with rust-postgres client's prepared statement implementation. It sends Parse-Describe-Sync on Client::prepare_typed.


  • Parse and Bind completion response is now fixed
  • Responding statement describe request with parameter description, and ready for query

[0.9.0] - 2023-02-01


  • Updated QueryParser API to provide parameter types for implementation.
  • Updated Portal API, it now holds Arc reference to related StoredStatement.
  • Updated ExtendedQueryHandler::do_describe arguments, it now takes a borrowed StoredStatement. Compared to previews API, parameter types are provided as well.
  • Renamed StoredStatement::type_oids() to parameter_types()

[0.8.0] - 2023-01-29


  • ExtendedQueryHandler trait now has two new component: PortalStore and QueryParser. PortalStore replaced statement and portal cache on ClientInfo, these data will now be cached with PortalStore from ExtendedQueryHandler implementation.
  • A default PortalStore implementation, MemPortalStore, is provided for most usecase.
  • Statement API now renamed to StoredStatement. The new API holds parsed statement from QueryParser implementation.
  • Portal API, like it's statement counterpart, no longer stores statement as string, it shares same statement type with StoredStatement, QueryParser and ExtendedQueryHandler.
  • PasswordVerifier and AuthDB are now merged into AuthSource API. The new API asks developer to fetch password and an optional salt. The password can either be hashed or cleattext, depends on which authentication mechanism is used.


  • SCRAM-SHA-256-PLUS authentication is supported when you provide server certificate.
  • do_describe is added to ExtendedQueryHandler, now it's possible to Describe a statement or portal without execution. The implementation is also required to be capable with this.
  • DefaultServerParameterProvider implementation is provided to include minimal parameters for JDBC and psycopg2 working.
  • PlaceholderExtendedQueryHandler to simplify example and demo when extended query is not supported.
  • Flush message added. @penberg