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Creating new package

Leonid P edited this page Apr 26, 2023 · 19 revisions

General requirements

  • No operations requiring root privileges.

  • No operations modifying files outside of build directory or $TERMUX_PREFIX.

  • All scripts must be formatted according Coding guideline.

Writing a package script

Package script ( is a Bash script that contains definitions for metadata and (if needed) instructions for Termux build system how to build the package. Such script is internally used by ./ and is not standalone.

Example of minimal working package build script:

# http(s) link to package home page.

# One-line, short package description.

# License.
# Use SPDX identifier:

# Who cares about package.
# Specify yourself (Github nick, or name + email) if you wish to maintain the
# package, fix its bugs, etc. Otherwise specify "@termux".
# Please note that unofficial repositories are not allowed to reference @termux
# as their maintainer.

# Version.

# URL to archive with source code.

# SHA-256 checksum of the source code archive.

Note that order of fields like shown above is preferred. In example above also no build step overrides as expected that internal ones are enough to successfully build the package.

./ can automatically detect following build systems:

  • Autotools

  • CMake

  • Meson

  • Haskell (or cabal)

NOTE: If packaging Haskell packages also see this.

If you need to pass some additional arguments, use the field TERMUX_PKG_EXTRA_CONFIGURE_ARGS.

Also, see this to enable automatic updates for package.

Table of available package control fields

Order Variable Required Description
2 TERMUX_PKG_DESCRIPTION yes Short, one-line description of package.
3 TERMUX_PKG_LICENSE yes Package license.
4 TERMUX_PKG_LICENSE_FILE no Name of license file, if it is not found automatically.
5 TERMUX_PKG_MAINTAINER no Package maintainer.
6 TERMUX_PKG_API_LEVEL no Android API level for which package should be compiled.
7 TERMUX_PKG_VERSION yes Original package version.
8 TERMUX_PKG_REVISION no Package revision. Bumped on each package rebuild.
9 TERMUX_PKG_SKIP_SRC_EXTRACT no Whether to omit source code downloading and extraction. Default is false.
10 TERMUX_PKG_SRCURL not, if source extraction was skipped URL from which source archive should be downloaded, either an archive or a git url ending with .git
11 TERMUX_PKG_SHA256 not, if source URL was not set SHA-256 checksum of source archive.
12 TERMUX_PKG_GIT_BRANCH no Branch to checkout in termux_step_git_clone_src. Default is v$TERMUX_PKG_VERSION.
13 TERMUX_PKG_METAPACKAGE no Whether to make package treated as metapackage. Default is false.
14 TERMUX_PKG_DEPENDS no Comma-separated list of dependency package names.
15 TERMUX_PKG_BUILD_DEPENDS no Comma-separated list of build-time only dependencies.
16 TERMUX_PKG_BREAKS no Comma-separated list of packages that are incompatible with the current one.
17 TERMUX_PKG_CONFLICTS no Comma-separated list of packages which have file name collisions with the current one.
18 TERMUX_PKG_REPLACES no Comma-separated list of packages being replaced by current one.
19 TERMUX_PKG_PROVIDES no Comma-separated list of virtual packages being provided by current one.
20 TERMUX_PKG_RECOMMENDS no Comma-separated list of non-absolute dependencies - packages usually used with the current one.
21 TERMUX_PKG_SUGGESTS no Comma-separated list of packages that are related to or enhance the current one.
22 TERMUX_PKG_ESSENTIAL no Whether to treat package as essential which cannot be uninstalled in usual way. Default is false.
23 TERMUX_PKG_NO_STATICSPLIT no Whether to split static libraries into a subpackage. Default is false.
24 TERMUX_PKG_STATICSPLIT_EXTRA_PATTERNS no Extra patterns to include in static package. It must be relative to $TERMUX_PREFIX. For example: to include *.h files from $TERMUX_PREFIX/lib, specify lib/*.h. You can use bash globstar patterns to recurse sub-directories.
25 TERMUX_PKG_IS_HASKELL_LIB no Whether the package is haskell library. Default is false.
26 TERMUX_PKG_BUILD_IN_SRC no Whether to perform build in a source code directory. Default is false.
27 TERMUX_PKG_HAS_DEBUG no Whether debug builds are possible for package. Default is true.
28 TERMUX_PKG_PLATFORM_INDEPENDENT no Whether to treat package as platform independent. Default is false.
29 TERMUX_PKG_BLACKLISTED_ARCHES no Comma-separated list of CPU architectures for which package cannot be compiled.
30 TERMUX_PKG_HOSTBUILD no Whether package require building for host. Default is false.
31 TERMUX_PKG_FORCE_CMAKE no Whether to prefer CMake over Autotools configure script. Default is false.
32 TERMUX_PKG_EXTRA_CONFIGURE_ARGS no Extra arguments passed to build system configuration utility.
33 TERMUX_PKG_EXTRA_HOSTBUILD_CONFIGURE_ARGS no Extra arguments passed to build system configuration utility when performing host build.
34 TERMUX_PKG_EXTRA_MAKE_ARGS no Extra arguments passed to utility make.
35 TERMUX_PKG_MAKE_INSTALL_TARGET no Equivalent for install argument passed to utility make in the installation process.
36 TERMUX_PKG_RM_AFTER_INSTALL no List of files that should be removed after installation process.
37 TERMUX_PKG_CONFFILES no A space or newline separated list of package configuration files that should not be overwritten on update.
38 TERMUX_PKG_SERVICE_SCRIPT no Array of even length containing daemon name(s) and script(s) for use with termux-services/runit.
39 TERMUX_PKG_GO_USE_OLDER no Use the older supported release of Go (1.19.7). Default is false.
40 TERMUX_PKG_NO_STRIP no Disable stripping binaries. Default is false.
41 TERMUX_PKG_NO_SHEBANG_FIX no Skip fixing shebang accordingly to $TERMUX_PREFIX. Default is false.
42 TERMUX_PKG_NO_ELF_CLEANER no Disable running of termux-elf-cleaner on built binaries. Default is false.
43 TERMUX_PKG_NO_STRIP no Disable stripping binaries. Default is false.

Table of available build step overrides

Complete reference for all build steps can be found in Building packages.

Execution order Function name Description
1 termux_step_get_source Obtain package source code and put it in $TERMUX_PKG_SRCDIR.
2 termux_step_post_get_source Hook to run commands immediately after obtaining source code.
3 termux_step_handle_host_build Determine whether a host build is required.
4 termux_step_host_build Perform a host build.
5 termux_step_pre_configure Hook to run commands before source configuration.
6 termux_step_configure Configure sources. By default, it determines build system automatically.
7 termux_step_post_configure Hook to run commands immediately after configuration.
8 termux_step_make Compile the source code.
9 termux_step_make_install Install the compiled artifacts.
10 termux_step_post_make_install Hook to run commands immediately after installation.
11 termux_step_install_license Link or copy package-specific LICENSE to ./share/doc/$TERMUX_PKG_NAME.
12 termux_step_post_massage Final hook before creating *.deb file(s).
13 termux_step_create_debscripts In this step you can create ./preinst, ./postinst, ./prerm or ./postrm scripts which will be executed during the package installation or removing.

Writing a subpackage script

Subpackage definitions are often used to move optional parts of installation to a separate packages. For example, some libraries come with utilities which may not be used by end user. Thus we can move these utilities to a separate package and reduce installation size in case when library package was installed as dependency.

Minimal subpackage script consist of the following fields:

TERMUX_SUBPKG_DESCRIPTION= # Sub-package description
TERMUX_SUBPKG_INCLUDE="" # List of files (either space or newline separated) to include in subpackage

Order above is preferred as include list may be long.

Subpackage script must be located in same directory as and have file name in the following format:

{subpackage name}

Note that its name cannot be same as of parent package.

Additional notes about subpackages:

  • Subpackages always have version equal to parent package.

  • Subpackages for static libraries are created automatically.

Table of available subpackage control fields

Order Variable Required Description
1 TERMUX_SUBPKG_DESCRIPTION yes Short, one-line description of subpackage.
2 TERMUX_SUBPKG_DEPEND_ON_PARENT no Specifies way how subpackage should depend on parent. See Subpackage dependencies for more information.
3 TERMUX_SUBPKG_DEPENDS no Comma-separated list of subpackage dependencies.
4 TERMUX_SUBPKG_BREAKS no Comma-separated list of packages that are incompatible with the current one.
5 TERMUX_SUBPKG_CONFLICTS no Comma-separated list of packages which have file name collisions with the current one.
6 TERMUX_SUBPKG_REPLACES no Comma-separated list of packages being replaced by current one.
7 TERMUX_SUBPKG_ESSENTIAL no Whether to treat subpackage as essential which cannot be uninstalled in usual way. Default is false.
8 TERMUX_SUBPKG_PLATFORM_INDEPENDENT no Whether to treat subpackage as platform independent. Default is false.
9 TERMUX_SUBPKG_INCLUDE yes A space or newline separated list of files to be included in subpackage.
10 TERMUX_SUBPKG_CONFFILES no A space or newline separated list of package configuration files that should not be overwritten on update.

Subpackage dependencies

By default subpackage depends only on parent package with current version. This behaviour can be changed by setting variable TERMUX_SUBPKG_DEPEND_ON_PARENT.

Allowed values are:

  • deps - subpackage will depend on dependencies of parent package.

  • unversioned - subpackage will depend on parent package without specified version.

Reserved variables in package scripts

Among with variables listed above (i.e. control fields), certain variables have special purpose and used internally by ./ They should not be modified in runtime unless there is a good reason.

  • TERMUX_ON_DEVICE_BUILD - If set, assume that building on device.

  • TERMUX_BUILD_IGNORE_LOCK - If set to true, ignore build process lock.

  • TERMUX_BUILD_LOCK_FILE - Path to build process lock file.

  • TERMUX_HOST_PLATFORM - Host platform definition. Usually $TERMUX_ARCH-linux-android.

  • TERMUX_PKG_BUILDDIR - Path to build directory of current package.

  • TERMUX_PKG_BUILDER_DIR - Path to directory where located of current package.

  • TERMUX_PKG_BUILDER_SCRIPT - Path to of current package.

  • TERMUX_PKG_CACHEDIR - Path to source cache directory of current package.

  • TERMUX_PKG_MASSAGEDIR - Path to directory where package content will be extracted from $TERMUX_PREFIX.

  • TERMUX_PKG_PACKAGEDIR - Path to directory where components of *.deb archive of current package will be created.

  • TERMUX_PKG_SRCDIR - Path to source directory of current package.

  • TERMUX_PKG_TMPDIR - Path to temporary directory specific for current package.

  • TERMUX_COMMON_CACHEDIR - Path to global cache directory where build tools are stored.

  • TERMUX_SCRIPTDIR - Path to directory with utility scripts.

  • TERMUX_PKG_NAME - Name of current package.

  • TERMUX_REPO_URL - Array of APT repository URLs from which dependencies will be downloaded if ./ got option -i or -I.

  • TERMUX_REPO_DISTRIBUTION - Array of distribution names in addition for TERMUX_REPO_URL.

  • TERMUX_REPO_COMPONENT - Array of repository component names in addition for TERMUX_REPO_URL.

  • TERMUX_PACKAGE_FORMAT - Package output format.

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