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628 lines (456 loc) · 15.5 KB

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628 lines (456 loc) · 15.5 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.


See the Changesets for the latest changes.

[0.11.1] - 2023-08-16


Add missing svg props types.


Add new layers key to config, to make layers customizable.


In Config:

import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'

export default defineConfig({
  layers: {
    utilities: 'panda_utilities',

In global css:

- @layer reset, base, tokens, recipes, utilities;
+ @layer reset, base, tokens, recipes, panda_utilities;

Doing this:

import { css } from '../styled-system/css'

const App = () => {
  return <div className={css({ color: 'blue.500' })} />

Results in:

@layer panda_utilities {
  .text_blue\.500 {
    color: var(--colors-blue-500);


Make the cx smarter by merging and deduplicating the styles passed in.


import { css, cx } from '../styled-system/css'

export function Page() {
  return (
    <div class={cx(css({ mx: '3', paddingTop: '4' }), css({ mx: '10', pt: '6' }))}>Will result in "mx_10 pt_6"</div>

[0.11.0] - 2023-08-11


  • Fix regression where style property with multiple shorthand did not generate the correct className
  • Normalize tsconfig path mapping to ensure consistency across platforms
  • Fix issue where some style properties shows TS error when using !important


  • Add new visually hidden and bleed patterns.

    Bleed is a layout pattern is used to negate the padding applied to a parent container. You can apply an inline or block bleed to a child element, setting its value to match the parent's padding.

    import { css } from '../styled-system/css'
    import { bleed } from '../styled-system/patterns'
    export function Page() {
      return (
        <div class={css({ px: '6' })}>
          <div class={bleed({ inline: '6' })}>Welcome</div>

    Visually hidden is a layout pattern used to hide content visually, but still make it available to screen readers.

    import { css } from '../styled-system/css'
    import { visuallyHidden } from '../styled-system/patterns'
    export function Checkbox() {
      return (
          <input type="checkbox" class={visuallyHidden()}>
            I'm hidden
  • Add support for optional glob argument in the panda cssgen command. It is useful when you need to extract the css of specific pages in your application.

    This argument overrides the include config option.

    panda cssgen app/ecommerce/**/*.tsx -o ecommerce.css
  • Added a new hook for when the final styles.css content has been generated. This is useful when you need to do something with the final CSS content.

    import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'
    export default defineConfig({
      hooks: {
        'generator:css'(file, content) {
          if (file === 'styles.css') {
            // do something with the final css content


  • Removed the @pandacss/dev/astro entrypoint in favor of installing @pandacss/astro package
  • Automatically inject the entry css @layer in @pandacss/astro removing the need to manually setup a css file.

[0.10.0] - 2023-08-07


  • Reduce the size of the generated JS code by ~30% by optimizing the generated code.

    Check this PR to see the details.

  • Fix issue in staticCss where recipe css generation does not work when recipe includes only base (no variants)
  • Fix issue where opacity property is not connected to the opacity tokens


Slot Recipes

Introduce new slot recipe features to define recipes that can be used to style composite or multi-part components easily.

  • sva: the slot recipe version of cva
  • defineSlotRecipe: the slot recipe version of defineRecipe

Atomic Slot Recipe

Use the sva function to define atomic slot recipes.

import { sva } from 'styled-system/css'

const button = sva({
  slots: ['label', 'icon'],
  base: {
    label: { color: 'red', textDecoration: 'underline' },
  variants: {
    rounded: {
      true: {},
    size: {
      sm: {
        label: { fontSize: 'sm' },
        icon: { fontSize: 'sm' },
      lg: {
        label: { fontSize: 'lg' },
        icon: { fontSize: 'lg', color: 'pink' },
  defaultVariants: {
    size: 'sm',

export function App() {
  const btnClass = button({ size: 'lg', rounded: true })

  return (
      <p class={btnClass.label}> Label</p>
      <p class={btnClass.icon}> Icon</p>

Config Slot Recipe

Use the defineSlotRecipe function to define slot recipes in your config.

import { defineConfig, defineSlotRecipe } from '@pandacss/dev'

export default defineConfig({
  theme: {
    slotRecipes: {
      button: defineSlotRecipe({
        className: 'button',
        slots: ['label', 'icon'],
        base: {
          label: { color: 'red', textDecoration: 'underline' },
        variants: {
          rounded: {
            true: {},
          size: {
            sm: {
              label: { fontSize: 'sm' },
              icon: { fontSize: 'sm' },
            lg: {
              label: { fontSize: 'lg' },
              icon: { fontSize: 'lg', color: 'pink' },
        defaultVariants: {
          size: 'sm',

Here's how you can use the config slot recipe in your JSX code. The classnames generated by the slot recipe are added to the recipes cascade layer.

import { button } from 'styled-system/recipes'

export function App() {
  const btnClass = button({ size: 'lg', rounded: true })

  return (
      <p class={btnClass.label}> Label</p>
      <p class={btnClass.icon}> Icon</p>

JSX Style Props

Add jsxStyleProps config option for controlling how JSX style props are handled in Panda. It helps to significantly reducing the bundle size of the generated JS code by using the jsxStyleProps config option.

This config option supports 3 values:

  • all: All CSS properties can be used as JSX style props. This is the default value.
export default defineConfig({
  jsxStyleProps: 'all',
import { styled } from 'styled-system/jsx'

const Example = () => {
  // all CSS properties + css prop are allowed
  return <Box bg="red.400" color="white" css={{...}} />
  • minimal: Only the css prop can be used as JSX style props. This reduced the generated JS bundle size by ~45%.
export default defineConfig({
  jsxStyleProps: 'minimal',
import { styled } from 'styled-system/jsx'

const Example = () => {
  // only the `css` prop is allowed
  return <Box css={{ bg: 'red.400', color: 'white' }} />
  • none: No CSS properties can be used as JSX style props. This reduced the generated JS bundle size by ~48%.
export default defineConfig({
  jsxStyleProps: 'none',

Check this PR to see the details.


Update Panda preset conditions:

  • _checked now supports [data-state=checked]
  • _expanded now supports [data-state=expanded]
  • _indeterminate now supports [data-state=indeterminate]
  • _open now supports [data-open] and [data-state=open]

[0.9.0] - 2023-07-28


  • Fix issue where extractor did not consider true and false branch when using tenary operator
  • Fix issue where postcss plugin did not respect the cwd option in the panda config
  • Fix issue where asset tokens generated invalid css variable


Update the jsx property to be used for advanced tracking of custom pattern components.

import { Circle } from 'styled-system/jsx'

const CustomCircle = ({ children, ...props }) => {
  return <Circle {...props}>{children}</Circle>

To track the CustomCircle component, you can now use the jsx property.

import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'

export default defineConfig({
  patterns: {
    extend: {
      circle: {
        jsx: ['CustomCircle'],


  • BREAKING: Renamed the name property of a config recipe to className. This is to ensure API consistency and express the intent of the property more clearly.
export const buttonRecipe = defineRecipe({
-  name: 'button',
+  className: 'button',
  // ...

Update your config to use the new className property and run panda codegen --clean to update the generated code.

  • BREAKING: Renamed the jsx property of a pattern to jsxName.
const hstack = definePattern({
-  jsx: 'HStack',
+  jsxName: 'HStack',
  // ...

Update your config to use the new jsxName property and run panda codegen --clean to update the generated code.

[0.8.0] - 2023-07-25


  • Fix issue where panda init with jsxFramework flag generated invalid object due to missing comma.
  • Fix issue where composite tokens in semantic tokens generated invalid css.
  • Fix issue where extractor doesn't work reliably due to typescript module version mismatch.
  • Fix issue where generated package json does not respect outExtension when emitPackage is true


  • Added new flags to the panda cssgen and panda ship command:

    • -w, --watch flag to watch for changes
    • -o shortcut for --outfile
  • Introduce the new {fn}.raw() method to css, patterns and recipes. This function is an identity function and only serves as a hint for the extractor to extract the css.

    It can be useful, for example, in Storybook args or custom react props.

// mark the object as valid css for the extractor
<Button rootProps={css.raw({ bg: 'red.400' })} />
export const Funky: Story = {
  // mark this as a button recipe usage
  args: button.raw({
    visual: 'funky',
    shape: 'circle',
    size: 'sm',


  • Improve virtual color processing to avoid generated unused css variables.
  • Improve generated react jsx types to remove legacy ref
  • Temporarily disable VSCode extension in .svelte or .vue files

[0.7.0] - 2023-07-17


  • Fix postcss issue where @layer reset, base, tokens, recipes, utilities check was too strict
  • Fix parser issue in .vue files, make the traversal check nested elements instead of only checking the 1st level
  • Fix issue where slash could not be used in token name
  • Improve module detection and hot module reloading in the PostCSS plugin when external files are changed
  • Fix issue where splitVariantProps in cva doesn't resolve the correct types
  • Fix issue where zIndex tokens are not connected to zIndex utility


  • Refactor transition utility to improve DX of adding transition. Transitions will now add a default transition property, timing function and duration. This allows you to add transitions with a single property.
<div className={css({ transition: 'background' })}>Content</div>

This will generate the following css:

.transition_background {
  transition-property: background, background-color;
  transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1);
  transition-duration: 150ms;

[0.6.0] - 2023-07-08


  • Fix type issue with the definePattern function
  • Fix issue where panda cssgen --outfile doesn't extract files to chunks before bundling them into the css out file
  • Fix issue where gridRows has the wrong className
  • Fix issue where gridItem pattern did not use the colStart and rowStart values
  • Fix issue where unitless grid properties were converted to pixel values
  • Fix issue where _even and _odd map to incorrect selectors
  • Fix issue where --config flag doesn't work for most commands.
  • Fix issue where css prop was not extracted correctly in JSX elements


  • Add negative fraction values to translateX and translateY utilities
  • Export isCssProperty helper function from styled-system/jsx entrypoint
  • Add support for using multiple config rcipes in the same component


[0.5.1] - 2023-07-02


  • Fix issue where panda studio command doesn't work outside of panda's monorepo.

  • Fix parser issue where operation tokens like 1/2 was not detected.

  • Improved Svelte file parsing algorithm to support more edge cases.

  • Improved config dependency and imported file detection.


  • Add support for --outfile flag in the cssgen command.
panda cssgen --outfile dist/styles.css
  • Add feature where can now use [*] to generate all variants of a recipe.
staticCss: {
  recipes: {
    button: ['*']


  • Refactored all conditions to use :is selector to improve specificity and reduce the reliance on css order.

[0.5.0] - 2023-06-26


  • Fix issue where escaping classname doesn't work when class starts with number.


  • Add support for tagged template literal version.

    This features is pure css approach to writing styles, and can be a great way to migrate from styled-components and emotion.

    Set the syntax option to template-literal in the panda config to enable this feature.

    // panda.config.ts
    export default defineConfig({
      syntax: 'template-literal',

    For existing projects, you might need to run the panda codegen --clean

    You can also use the --syntax option to specify the syntax type when using the CLI.

    panda init -p --syntax template-literal

To get autocomplete for token variables, consider using the CSS Var Autocomplete extension.


  • Update the default color palette to match Tailwind's new palette.

[0.4.0] - 2023-06-19


  • Fix issue here divider pattern generated incorrect css in horizontal orientation
  • Fix issue where aspect ratio css property adds px
  • Fix placeholder condition to map to &::placeholder
  • Fix issue where patterns that include css selectors doesn't work in JSX
  • Fix issue where the panda ship command does not write to the correct path


  • Experimental support for native .vue files and .svelte files

  • Add types for supported at-rules (@media, @layer, @container, @supports, and @page)

  • Add webkit polyfill for common properties to reduce the need for autoprefixer

  • Add support for watch mode in codegen command via the --watch or -w flag.

    panda codegen --watch
  • Add support for disabling shorthand props

    import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'
    export default defineConfig({
      // ...
      shorthands: false,


  • Add auto value where neccessary to base utilities.
  • Add 0 value to default spacing tokens to allow for strictTokens mode.

[0.3.2] - 2023-06-16


  • Add support for config path in cli commands via the --config or -c flag.

    panda init --config ./pandacss.config.js
  • Add support for setting config path in postcss

    module.exports = {
      plugins: [
          configPath: './path/to/panda.config.js',


  • Remove bundledDependencies from package.json to fix NPM resolution

[0.3.1] - 2023-06-16

Baseline Release 🎉