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File metadata and controls

279 lines (248 loc) · 14.8 KB
  • TAP: 12
  • Title: Improving keyid flexibility
  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last-Modified: 09-04-2020
  • Author: Marina Moore
  • Status: Accepted
  • Content-Type: markdown
  • Created: 18-03-2020
  • TUF-Version: 1.1.0
  • Post-History: 25-03-2020


Keyids are used in TUF metadata as shorthand references to identify keys. They are used in place of keys in metadata to assign keys to roles and to identify them in signature headers. The TUF specification requires that every keyid used in TUF metadata be calculated using a SHA2-256 hash of the public key it represents. This algorithm is used elsewhere in the TUF specification and so provides an existing method for calculating unique keyids. Yet, such a rigid requirement does not allow for the deprecation of SHA2-256. A security flaw in SHA2-256 may be discovered, so TUF implementers may choose to deprecate this algorithm. If SHA2-256 is deprecated in a TUF implementation, it should no longer be used to calculate keyids. Therefore TUF should allow more flexibility in how keyids are determined. To this end, this TAP proposes a change to the TUF specification that would remove the requirement that all keyids be calculated using SHA2-256. Instead, the specification will allow metadata owners to use any method for calculating keyids as long as each one is unique within the metadata file in which it is defined to ensure a fast lookup of trusted signing keys. This change will allow for the deprecation of SHA2-256 and will give metadata owners flexibility in how they determine keyids.


Currently, the TUF specification requires that keyids must be the SHA2-256 hash of the public key they represent. This algorithm ensures that keyids are unique within a metadata file (and indeed, throughout the implementation) and creates a short, space-saving representation. SHA2-256 also offers a number of secure hashing properties, though these are not necessary for these purposes. In this case SHA2-256 is simply a way to calculate a unique identifier employing an algorithm that is already in use by the system.

The specification sets the following requirements for keyid calculation:

  1. "The KEYID of a key is the hexdigest of the SHA-256 hash of the canonical JSON form of the key."
  2. "Clients MUST calculate each KEYID to verify this is correct for the associated key."
  3. "Clients MUST ensure that for any KEYID...only one unique key has that KEYID."

Problems with this requirement

Mandating that keyids be calculated using SHA2-256 has created a number of issues for some implementations, such as:

  • Lack of consistency in implementations that use other hash algorithms for calculating file hashes and would prefer not to introduce SHA2-256 for this one instance. For example, the PEP 458 implementation will use the BLAKE2 hashing algorithm throughout the implementation.
  • Incompatibility with some smart cards and PGP implementations that have their own way of calculating keyids.
  • Inability to adapt if SHA2-256 should be deprecated. In such a case, metadata owners may decide that maintaining a deprecated algorithm for use in keyid calculation does not make sense.
  • Space concerns may require even shorter hashes than those SHA2-256 can generate, such as an index. In these and other cases, TUF should provide a metadata file owner with the flexibility to use keyids that are not calculated using SHA2-256.


TUF uses keyids as shorthand references to identify which keys are trusted to sign each metadata file. As they eliminate the need to list the full key every time, they take up less space in metadata signatures than the actual signing key, reducing bandwidth usage and download times.

The most important quality of keyids used in TUF is their uniqueness. To be effective identifiers, all keyids defined within a metadata file must be unique. For example, a root file that delegates trust to root, snapshot, timestamp, and top-level targets should provide unique keyids for each key trusted to sign metadata for these roles. By doing so, a client may check metadata signatures in O(1) time by looking up the proper key for verification.

Failing to provide unique keyids can have consequences for both functionality and security. These are a few attacks that are possible when keyids are not unique:

  • Invalid Signature Verification: A client may lookup the wrong key to use in signature verification leading to an invalid signature verification error, even if the signature used the correct key.
  • Keyid collision: If root metadata listed the same keyid K for different snapshot and root keys, an attacker with access to the snapshot key would also be able to sign valid root metadata. Using the snapshot key to sign root metadata, the attacker could then list the signature in the header with K. A client verifying the signature of this root metadata file, would use K to lookup a key trusted to sign root, and would find the snapshot key and continue the update with the malicious root metadata. To prevent this privilege escalation attack, metadata file owners should ensure that every keyid is associated with a single key in each metadata file. One attack that does not need to be considered is a hash collision. Though an attacker who is able to exploit a hash collision against the function used to calculate the keyid will be able to identify another key that hashes to the value of the keyid, the client will only use a key that is listed in the metadata. The attacker would not be able to put a malicious key into the metadata without the metadata signing key, so a hash collision cannot be used to maliciously sign files.


With just a few minor changes to the current TUF specification process, we can remove the requirement that keyids must be calculated using SHA2-256. First, the specification wording should be updated to allow the metadata owner to calculate keyids using any method that produces a unique identifier within the metadata file. This means replacing requirements 1 and 2 above with a description of required keyid properties, ie “The KEYID is an identifier for the key that is determined by the metadata owner and MUST be unique within the delegating metadata file (either root or delegating targets metadata).” Once this keyid is determined by the metadata owner using their chosen method, it will be listed in the delegating metadata file and in all signatures that use the corresponding key. When parsing metadata signatures, the client would use the keyid(s) listed in the signature header to find the key(s) that are trusted for that role in the delegating metadata. This should be described in the specification by replacing requirement 3 above with “Clients MUST use the keyids from the delegating role to look up trusted signing keys to verify signatures.” To ensure that a client does not use the same key to verify a signature more than once, they must additionally check that all keys applied to a signature threshold are unique. So, the specification should additionally require that "Clients MUST use each key only once during a given signature verification." During this de-duplication check, the client should use a standardized representation for keys, like the modulus and exponent for RSA or the point and curve for ECC. All metadata definitions would remain the same, but the client’s verification process would track keyids within each metadata file instead of globally.

In order for TUF clients to adhere to these specification changes, they may have to change the way they store and process keyids. Clients will use the keyids from a metadata file only for all delegations defined in that metadata file. So if a targets metadata file T delegates to A and B, the client should verify the signatures of A and B using the trusted keyids from T. When verifying signatures, clients should try all signatures that match their trusted keyid(s). If T trusts keyid K to sign A’s metadata, the client should check all signatures in A that list a keyid of K. This means that if another metadata file M delegates to A, it would be able to use the same keyid with a different key. However, clients must ensure that duplicate keys are not applied to the same signature threshold. To do so, they must additionally keep track of the keys used to verify a signature using a standardized representation as discussed above. Once the signatures for A and B have been checked, the client no longer needs to store the keyid mapping listed in T. During the preorder depth-first search of targets metadata, the keyids from each targets metadata file should be used in only that stage of the depth-first search.

These changes to the specification allow the repository to use any scheme to assign keyids (not just SHA2-256) without needing to communicate it to clients. By making this scheme independent of the client implementation, root and targets metadata may use different methods to determine keyids, especially if they are managed by different people (ie TAP 5). In addition, the repository may update the scheme at any time to deprecate a hash algorithm or change to a different keyid calculation method.

Keyid Deprecation

With the proposed specification changes, the method used to determine keyids is not only more flexible, but it may be deprecated using the following process for each key D and keyid K in the root or delegating targets metadata file:

  • The owner of the metadata file determines a new keyid L for D using the new method.
  • In the next version of the metadata file, the metadata owner replaces K with L in the keyid definition for D.
  • Any files previously signed by D should list L as the keyid instead of K. These files do not need to be resigned as only the signature header will be updated. Once this process is complete, the metadata owner is using a new method to determine the keyids used by that metadata file.

As keyid deprecation is executed, it is important that keyids within each metadata file remain unique. Metadata owners should only publish metadata that contains a unique keyid to key mapping.

Implications for complex delegation trees

Although keyids need to be unique within each metadata file, they do not need to be unique for each delegated role. It is possible for different keyids to represent the same key in different metadata files, even if both metadata files delegate to the same role. Consider two delegated targets metadata files A and B that delegate to the same targets metadata file C. If A delegates to C with key D with keyid K and B delegates to C with key D with keyid L, the signature header of C will contain the following:

    "sigs": [
        "keyid": "K",
        "sig": "abcd..."
        "keyid": "L",
        "sig": "abcd..."

These delegations can be processed during the preorder depth-first search of targets metadata as follows:

  • When the search reaches A, it will look for a signature with a keyid of K in C. If it finds this and validates it, the search will continue if a threshold of signatures has not been reached.
  • When the search reaches B, it will look for a signature with a keyid of L in C. If it finds this and validates it, the search will continue if a threshold of signatures has not been reached. Once the search is complete, if a threshold of signatures is reached the metadata in C will be used to continue the update process. Therefore, K and L may be used as keyids for D in different metadata files. As clients store keyids only for use in the current delegation, this should not require a change to the client process described in this document.

In this case, the same key D is used to verify C twice, once when A delegates to C and once when B delegates to C. As the key is only used once during each delegation, this does not violate the client verification of key uniqueness described in this TAP. If the keyids L and K were both used in the same delegation (say A delegating to C), then these signatures would only contribute a single valid signature to the threshold due to the client verification.

It is also possible for the same keyid to represent different keys in different metadata files. Consider a targets metadata file A that delegates to C with key D and keyid K and a targets metadata file B that delegates to C with key E and keyid K. The signature header of C will contain the following:

    "sigs": [
        "keyid": "K",
        "sig": "abcd..."
        "keyid": "K",
        "sig": "efgh..."

During the depth-first search of targets metadata, the client will process these delegations as follows:

  • When the search reaches A, it will look for a signature with a keyid of K in C. It will discover two signatures with the given keyid, and will check each using the key D. If either passes the verification, the search will continue if a threshold of signatures has not been reached.
  • When the search reaches B, it will look for a signature with a keyid of K in C. It will discover two signatures with the given keyid, and will check each using the key E. If either passes the verification, the search will continue if a threshold of signatures has not been reached. Using this process, the same keyid may be used across metadata files without being associated with the same key.

In both of these cases, the client must ensure that signatures using the same key are not applied to the same threshold. To do so, clients must keep track of the keys used during signature verification to ensure that there is a threshold of unique keys that have signed the metadata.

Security Analysis

TUF clients only trust keys that are defined in signed metadata files. For this reason, the method of calculating keyids does not allow an attacker to add new trusted keys to the system. However, a bad keyid scheme could allow a privilege escalation in which the client verifies one metadata file with a key from a role not trusted to sign that metadata file. This proposal prevents privilege escalation attacks by requiring that metadata owners use unique keyids within each metadata file, as described in the rationale.

Backwards Compatibility

Metadata files that are generated using SHA2-256 will be compatible with clients that implement this change. However, clients that continue to check that keyids are generated using SHA2-256 will not be compatible with metadata that uses a different method for calculating keyids.

For backwards compatibility, metadata owners may choose to continue to use SHA2-256 to calculate keyids.

Augmented Reference Implementation

python-tuf 1.0 does not calculate keyids using the hash algorithm.


This document has been placed in the public domain.