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File metadata and controls

101 lines (90 loc) · 4 KB

API specification

API version

  • GET /
    • Check that the server runs properly and return running version
    • return: a string containing the running version of the server

Experience management

  • GET /data

    • Get the list of running experiments
    • return: a json list of name of all the running experiments
  • GET /data?xp=foo

    • Get the informations about the experiment foo
    • return: a json dictionnary with the following entries:
      • scalars: the name of all the scalar data entries
      • histograms: the name of all the histogram data entries
  • POST /data

    • Add a new experiment
    • post content: a string with the name of the new experiment
  • DELETE '/data?xp=foo'

    • Delete the experiment named foo. Impossible to cancel!

Scalar data

  • POST /data/scalars?xp=foo&name=bar

    • Adds a new scalar point in the experience foo for the scalar named bar
    • param:
      • xp: the considered experience
      • name: the name of the scalar metric we want to add a value to
    • post content: a json with a single list containing 3 values:
      • wall_time of the measure
      • step of the measure
      • value
  • GET /data/scalars?xp=foo&name=bar

    • Get the values for the scalar named bar in the experience foo
    • return: a json with a list with one entry per value logged.Each entry is a list containing 3 values:
      • wall_time of the measure
      • step of the measure
      • value

Histogram data

  • POST /data/histograms?xp=foo&name=bar&tobuild=True

    • Adds a new histogram in the experience foo for the scalar named bar
    • param:
      • xp: the considered experience
      • name: the name of the scalar metric we want to add a value to
      • tobuild: if true, the post content should be a list, otherwise the histogram
    • post content: a json containing a list of 3 elements:
      • wall time of the measure
      • step of the measure
      • the histogram:
        • if tobuild=true: a single list containing all the values that will be converted to an histogram
        • if tobuild=false: json containing a dictionary with the following keys:
          • min: the minimum value
          • max: the maximum value
          • num: the number of entries
          • bucket_limit: a list of len elements containing the (right) limit for each bucket
          • bucket: a list of len elements containing the count for each bucket
          • sum (optionnal): the sum of all the values
          • sum_squares (optionnal): the squared sum of all the values
  • GET /data/histograms?xp=foo&name=bar

    • Get the values for the histogram named bar in the experience foo
    • return: a json containing:
          1443871386.185149, # wall_time
          235166,            # step
            -0.66,           # minimum value
            0.44,            # maximum value
            8.0,             # number of items in the histogram
            -0.80,           # sum of items in the histogram
            0.73,            # sum of squares of items in the histogram
            [-0.68, -0.62, -0.292, -0.26, -0.11, -0.10, -0.08, -0.07, -0.05,
            -0.0525, -0.0434, -0.039, -0.029, -0.026, 0.42, 0.47, 1.8e+308],
                            # the right edge of each bucket
          [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
            1.0, 0.0]        # the number of elements within each bucket

Backup data

  • GET /backup?xp=foo

    • Return a zip file containing all the datas for the experiment foo
    • param:
      • xp: the experiment to backup
  • POST /backup?xp=foo&force=True

    • Drop all current datas for the experiment foo and replace them with the state contained in the zip
    • param:
      • xp: the experiment to replace
      • force: has to be set to 1 to be able to delete the old experiment
    • post content: a zip file coming from the backup GET request